Information Technology and Taking Evidence Abroad: Issues,Rules and Practice
Abstract The development of information technology has profoundly influenced all aspects of international civil litigation.Information technology brought about challenges tothe traditional rules of taking evidence abroad.It has also led to many new legal issues,such as the validity of outgoing letters of request by e-mail,the problems of oath by using video-link to take evidence abroad,etc..With respect to the use of information technology in taking evidence abroad,some countries have enacted relevant legislation.However,they are far from perfect.In order to solve the problems brought about by information technology,the Hague Conference on Private International Law held a number of conferences,and sent two questionnaires to members.However,there are still serious differences among members,and hence there is more to be done by the international community.
Key words information technology;taking evidence abroad;Hague Convention
(审稿:卜 璐)
[4]See L.Marcus,E-Discovery&Beyond:Toward Brave New World Or 1984?,Rev.of LitigationSymposium,Vol.25,2006,p.633.
[6]See Status Table of the Hague Evidence Convention,available at www.hcch.net,visited onMarch 31,2009.
[7]See Martin Davies,Bypassing the Hague Evidence Convention:Private International Law Implications of the Use of Video and Audio Conferencing Technology in Transnational Litigation,Am.J. Comp.L.,Vol.55,2007,p.205.
[10]482 U.S.522,107 S.Ct.2542(1987).
[11]See Martin Davies,Bypassing the Hague Evidence Convention:Private International Law Implications of the Use of Video and Audio Conferencing Technology in Transnational Litigation,Am.J. Comp.L.,Vol.55,2007,p.207.
[15]See Martin Davies,Bypassing the Hague Evidence Convention:Private International Law Implications of the Use of Video and Audio Conferencing Technology in Transnational Litigation,Am.J. Comp.L.,Vol.55,2007,p.218.
[16]See U.S.State Department Circular,Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters,available at http://travel.state.gov/law/info/judicial/judicial_689.html,visited on June 2,2006.
[17]See Martin Davies,Bypassing the Hague Evidence Convention:Private International Law Implications of the Use of Video and Audio Conferencing Technology in Transnational Litigation,Am.J. Comp.L.,Vol.55,2007,p.218.
[18]Federal Court of Australia Act 1976-Sect.47E.
[19]See Martin Davies,Bypassing the Hague Evidence Convention:Private International Law Implications of the Use of Video and Audio Conferencing Technology in Transnational Litigation,Am.J. Comp.L.,Vol.55,2007,p.221.
[21]See Martin Davies,Bypassing the Hague Evidence Convention:Private International Law Implications of the Use of Video and Audio Conferencing Technology in Transnational Litigation,Am.J. Comp.L.,Vol.55,2007,p.230.
[22]See Talia Einhorn and Kurt Siehr,International Cooperation through Private International Law,T.M.C.Asser Press,2004,p.82.
[23]Canada Evidence Act 1985,Section 50(1.2).
[24]See Talia Einhorn and Kurt Siehr,International Cooperation through Private International Law,T.M.C.Asser Press,2004,p.82.
[25]See Talia Einhorn and Kurt Siehr,International Cooperation through Private International Law,T.M.C.Asser Press,2004,p.83.
[26]See Elizabeth C.Wiggins,What We Know and What We Need to Know about the Effects ofCourtroom Technology,William&Mary Bill of Rights J.,Vol.12,2004,p.731.
[28]No.00 Civ.5682(CBM),2003 WL 22533425(S.D.N.Y.2003).
[30]See Martin Davies,Bypassing the Hague Evidence Convention:Private International Law Implications of the Use of Video and Audio Conferencing Technology in Transnational Litigation,Am.J. Comp.L.,Vol.55,2007,p.221.
[31]See Martin Davies,Bypassing the Hague Evidence Convention:Private International Law Implications of the Use of Video and Audio Conferencing Technology in Transnational Litigation,Am.J. Comp.L.,Vol.55,2007,p.221.
[32]See Ros MacDonald&Anne Wallace,Review of the Extent of Courtroom Technology inAustralia,William&Mary Bill of Rights J.,Vol.12,2004,p.649.
[33]See Ros MacDonald&Anne Wallace,Review of the Extent of Courtroom Technology inAustralia,William&Mary Bill of Rights J.,Vol.12,2004,p.649.
[35]Federal Court of Australia Act 1976,Sect.47A.
[36]Federal Court of Australia Act 1976,Sect.47B.
[37]Federal Court of Australia Act 1976,Sect.47C.
[38]Federal Court of Australia Act 1976,Sect.47E.
[39]See http://www.hcch.net/index_en.php?act=conventions.publications&dtid=33&cid= 82,visited on October 1,2007.
[42]See Civil Procedure Rules,Rule 32.3.
[43]See The Practice Directions to the Civil Procedure Rules,Part 32,Annex 3,available atwww.justice.gov.uk/,visited on May 11,2009.
[44]See Charles Lim Aeng Cheng,Information Technology and the Law of Evidence-RecentLegislative Initiatives,Singapore Academy of Law J.,Vol.9,1997,p.20.
[45]See Charles Lim Aeng Cheng,Information Technology and the Law of Evidence-RecentLegislative Initiatives,Singapore Academy of Law J.,Vol.9,1997,p.20.
[46]See Charles Lim Aeng Cheng,Information Technology and the Law of Evidence-RecentLegislative Initiatives,Singapore Academy of Law J.,Vol.9,1997,p.20.
[54]See Study on the Application of Council Regulation(Ec)N°1206/2001,on Cooperation between the Courts of the Member States in the Taking of Evidence in Civil or Commercial Matter,available at http://ec.europa.eu/civiljustice/evidence/evidence_ec_en.htm,Visited on October 15,2008.
[55]See Catherine Kessedjia,Electronic Data Interchange,Internet and Electronic Commerce,available at http://www.hcch.net,visited on October 5,2007.
[56]See Catherine Kessedjia,Electronic Data Interchange,Internet and Electronic Commerce,available at http://www.hcch.net,visited on October 5,2007.
[57]See Catherine Kessedjia,Electronic Data Interchange,Internet and Electronic Commerce,available at http://www.hcch.net,visited on October 5,2007.
[59]See the Permanent Bureau,Synopsis of the Replies to the Questionnaire Relating to the Hague Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters(Prel. Doc.No 4),available at www.hcch.net,visited on May 10,2007.
[60]See the Permanent Bureau,Conclusions and Recommendations Adopted by the Special Commission on the Practical Operation of the Hague Apostille,Evidence and Service Conventions(October 28 to November 4,2003),available at www.hcch.net,visited on May 10,2007.
[61]See http://www.hcch.net/index_en.php?act=conventions.publications&dtid=33&cid= 82,visited on May 10,2007.
[63]See http://www.hcch.net/index_en.php?act=conventions.publications&dtid=33&cid= 82,visited on September 10,2008.
[64]See the Permanent Bureau,Synopsis of Responses to the Questionnaire of May 2008 Relating to the Hague Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil and Commercial Matters Prel.Doc.No 8,December 2008,available at www.hcch.net,visited on February 10,2009.
[65]See the Permanent Bureau,The Taking of Evidence by Video-Link under the Hague EvidenceConvention Prel.Doc.No 6,December 2008,available at www.hcch.net,visited on February 10,2009.
[66]See the Permanent Bureau,The Taking of Evidence by Video-Link under the Hague EvidenceConvention Prel.Doc.No 6,December 2008,available at www.hcch.net,visited on February 10,2009.
[67]See the Permanent Bureau,Conclusions and Recommendations of the Special Commission on the Practical Operation of the Hague Apostille,Service,Taking of Evidence and Access to Justice Conventions(2 to 12 February 2009),available at www.hcch.net,visited on March 8,2009.
[68]该条款原文如下:The hearing shall be conducted directly by,or under the direction of,thejudicial authority of the requesting Party in accordance with its own laws.
[69]该条款原文如下:The person to be heard may claim the right not to testify which wouldaccrue to him or her under the law of either the requested or the requesting Party.
[71]See Ros MacDonald&Anne Wallace,Review of the Extent of Courtroom Technology inAustralia,William&Mary Bill of Rights J.,Vol.12,2004,p.649.
[72]See L.Marcus,E-Discovery&Beyond:Toward Brave New World or 1984?,Rev.of LitigationSymposium,Vol.25,2006,p.633.