20世纪90年代苏联解体,俄罗斯在中东欧的规则影响力下降,甚至在中亚、里海国家也是如此。但随着国内政局的稳定和国际能源价格的高涨,俄罗斯重振国内经济。与乌克兰的天然气争端、与格鲁吉亚的军事冲突都旨在重新获得该地区的规则影响力。为此,俄罗斯自苏联解体以来一直奉行近邻国家政策(near abroad),[66]强调俄罗斯的安全特权。这一政策反映在国际法的俄罗斯路径上,就是对条约的现实应用。众所周知,苏联国际法强调协议的明示同意,反对只将习惯国际法作为一般国际法。[67]俄罗斯继承了这一特点,并更懂得灵活运用条约和条约的批准程序来为其政治利益服务。因此俄罗斯对苏联这种国际法路径的沿革,是其关注自身安全、保卫民族利益,并渴望提高国际声誉的体现。
世界上近50%的石油消费发生在国际能源机构(International Energy Agency,IEA)之外的全球化市场,没有其他国家合作,国际能源机构的能源安全体系就会失效。因此,在发达国家和发展中国家之间,在能源生产国与消费国之间展开对话与合作,亦成为现代能源安全的基本要素。而且,从另一个侧面来看,国际能源安全正在衍化成国际公共产品,或者说是准国际公共产品,能源消费国与能源生产国之间都可能因为不愿合作,而出现能源危机,或者出现搭便车现象。所以应开展国际合作、建立互信机制,确保国际能源稳定与安全。
The EU Energy Security Predicament and Its Way Out
Abstract The EU energy security has for decades stood at the forefront of the energy laws and policies.However,there are some problems of the legal system of EU energy security.In its interior,it is not clear-cut on the division of competences between the EU and the Member States.Externally,the existing Energy Charter Treaty can not completely change the status quo of energy supply security.Therefore,for the EU,prior to the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty,the solution can only be external,namely to urge Russia toratify the Energy Charter Treaty or reach a bilateral energy agreement.However,Russia and other energy-consuming countries will prevent the EU from constructing a perfected system of law and policy on energy security.
Key words European Union;energy security;international law;Russia
[2]See Tanya Mosolova&Pavel Politynk,Russia Gas Reaches Europe Again Via Ukraine,ReutersNews,January 20,2009.
[3]See EU27 Energy Dependence Rate at 54%in 2006,the Statistical Office of the European Communities,July 10,2008.
[4]See John Gault,Energy as a Security Challenges for the EU,Middle East Economic Survey,November 15,2004.
[5]See Latin America's Oil Rebels Rebuff EU,Guardian News,May 16,2006.
[6]See African Union Commission and European Commission Launch an Ambitious Africa-EUEnergy Partnership,European Commission News,September 8,2008.
[7]See Rob Crilly,Oil from Africa Comes with Political Instability,USA TODAY,April 30,2006.
[8]See UN Extends Anti-piracy Measures,BBC News,December 2,2008.
[9]See EU27 Energy Dependence Rate at 54%in 2006,the Statistical Office of the European Communities,July 10,2008.
[10]See BP Company,BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008,London BP p.l.c.,June 2008,pp.1-2,p.16.
[11]New Energy Realities—WEO Call for Global Energy Revolution Despite Economic Crisis,IEAPress Releases,November 12,2008.
[12]See Renewable Energy Technologies Are Facing Challenges Because of the Plunge in Oil Prices,Europe's Energy Portal,October 27,2008.
[13]See Centre for European Reform,Beyond Banking:What the Financial Crisis Means for theEU,Policy Brief,October,2008,p.7.
[14]See Ed Crooks,Energy Security Will Be Hit by Global Slowdown,Financial Times,November24,2008.
[15]European Commission,Combating Climate Change:The EU Lead the Way,Office for OfficialPublication of the European Commission,2007,p.5.
[16]See BP Company,BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008,London BP p.l.c.,June 2008,pp.2,40.
[17]Leila Abboud,Recession Clouds Chances for EU Climate Pact,Wall Street Journal,December5,2008.
[19]See Karen Davies,Understanding European Union Law,Cavendish Publishing,2003,pp.5-17.
[20]欧盟与非欧盟成员国缔结的条约被认为属于欧盟法律渊源的次级法范畴。See DanianChalmers,Adam Tomkins,European Union Public Law,Cambridge University Press,2007,pp.133-137.
[21]《能源共同体条约》,其前身是《能源共同体东南欧条约》(Energy Community South EastEurope Treaty),于2005年10月25日在希腊缔结,2006年7月1日正式生效。缔约方有欧盟、阿尔巴尼亚、波黑、克罗地亚、马其顿等,该条约的观察员国家包括乌克兰和格鲁吉亚。该条约的宗旨是确保这些国家在内部能源市场方面逐步实现与欧盟采用统一的规则。涉及的领域包括电力、天然气和石油产品。详情请见能源共同体网站http://www.energy-community.org。See also Julia Weller and Ron I.Tzadik,Progress toward the Energy Community of South Eastern Europe,Int'l Energy L.&Taxation Rev.,Vol.11,2004,pp.224-227.
[22]See A.Konoplyanik,Energy Security:The Role of Business,Governments,International Organizations and International Legal Framework,Int'l Energy L.&Taxation Rev.,Vol.6,2007,p.93.
[23]See Craig S.Bamberger,Jan Linehan and Thomas W-lde,Energy Charter Treaty in 2000:In a New Phase,J.of Energy&Natural Resources L.,Vol.18,No.4,2000,pp.331-352.See also Ria Kemper,Creating a Pan European Transit Framework—the Role of the Energy Charter,Int'l Energy L.&Taxation Rev.,Vol.2,2002,pp.37-38.
[24]See the Energy Charter Official Website,http://www.encharter.org.See also Karl PetterWaern,Transit Provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty and the Energy Charter Protocol on Transit,J.of Energy&Natural Resources L.,Vol.20,No.2,2002,pp.172-191.
[25]See Danian Chalmers,Adam Tomkins,European Union Public Law,Cambridge UniversityPress,2007,p.29.See also Sanam S.Haghighi,Energy Security and the Division of Competences between the European Community and Its Member States,European L.J.,Vol.14,No.4,2008,pp.461-482.
[27]See Sanam S.Haghighi,Energy Security and the Division of Competences between the EuropeanCommunity and Its Member States,European L.J.,Vol.14,No.4,2008,pp.473-477.
[29]See Michael Emerson,Fabrizio Tassinari and Marius Vahl,A New Agreement between the EU and Russia:Why,What and When?,in:The Elephant and the Bear Try Again:Options for a New Agreement between the EU and Russia,Michael Emerson(ed.),Centre for European Policy Studies,2006,p.77.
[30]欧盟混合协定是欧盟创立的一种独特的协定方式,它的缔约一方是欧盟、欧盟成员国,另一缔约方是其他国家。这种方式是以欧盟与其他非欧盟国家为主要谈判对象订立的一种条约缔结方式。欧盟在其中所起的作用主要是进行政治对话。See Michael Emerson,Fabrizio Tassinari and Marius Vahl,A New Agreement between the EU and Russia:Why,What and When?,in:The Elephant and The Bear Try Again:Options for a New Agreement between the EU and Russia,Michael Emerson(ed.),Centre for European Policy Studies,2006,p.70.
[31]当时的欧盟《伙伴关系与合作协定》主要是为了解决那些刚刚独立的中东欧国家为了旨在加入欧盟而采取的一种策略性协定。而俄罗斯也被认为是一个新的国家而被划分到这一协定范围当中。See Michael Emerson,(ed.),The Elephant and the Bear Try Again:Options for a New Agreement between the EU and Russia,Centre for European Policy Studies,2006,p.2.
[32]See Dmitrijs Nemirovskis,Small But Precious:The Actual and Potential Direct Effect of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Communities and the Russian Federation,European J.of L.Reform,Vol.9,2007,pp.554-562.
[33]但《欧俄伙伴协定》第106条也明确规定,如果双方未有新的协议达成之前,为了防止出现法律真空,该协定可以继续适用。因此,有学者认为,从法律角度讲,在欧俄关系之间,没有“2007年问题”一说。See Timofei Bordachev,Russia and the European Union after 2007,in: The Elephant and the Bear Try Again:Options for A New Agreement between the EU and Russia,Michael Emerson(ed.),Centre for European Policy Studies,2006,p.53.
[34]See EU-Russia Summit in Sochi on 25 May,EU Press Releases,Brussels,May 26,2006.
[35]Main Results of the EU-Russia Summit,available at http://www.eu2008.fr/PFUE/lang/en/accueil/PFUE-11_2008/PFUE-14.11.2008/CR_Sommet_UE_Russie,visited on December 21,2008.
[36]See International Energy Agency Official Website:http://www.iea.org/.
[37]从英国BP石油公司的统计来看,在石油、天然气、核能和水电的消费比例中,天然气将逐渐占据欧盟消费的主要方面。See BP Company,BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008,London BP p.l.c.,June 2008,pp.11,27,35,38,41.
[38]See BP Company,BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008,London BP p.l.c.,June 2008,pp.6,20,22,32,40.
[39]See EIA Country Analysis Briefs,Russia,U.S.Energy Information Administration,May 27,2008,pp.8-13.
[40]See Michael Emerson(ed.),The Elephant and the Bear Try Again:Options for a NewAgreement between the EU and Russia,Centre for European Policy Studies,2006,p.1.
[41]Andry S.Makarychev,Neighbors,Exceptions and the Political:A Vocabulary of EU-RussianInter-Subjective(Dis)Connections,in:The Elephant and the Bear Try Again:Options for a New Agreement between the EU and Russia,Michael Emerson(ed.),Centre for European Policy Studies,2006,p.39.
[42]See Nadezhda Arbatova,The Russia-EU 2007 Quandary,in:The Elephant and the Bear Try Again:Options for a New Agreement between the EU and Russia,Michael Emerson(ed.),Centre for European Policy Studies,2006,p.46.
[43]Christopher J.Borgen,Whose Public,Whose Order?Imperium,Region,and NormativeFriction,Yale J.Int'l L.,Vol.32,No.2,2007,p.355.
[44]See Andry S.Makarychev,Neighbors,Exceptions and the Political:A Vocabulary of EURussian Inter-Subjective(Dis)Connections,in:The Elephant and the Bear Try Again:Options for a New Agreement between the EU and Russia,Michael Emerson(ed.),Centre for European Policy Studies,2006,pp.19,22,25,31.
[45]See BP Company,BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008,London BP p.l.c.,June 2008,pp.12,28,40.
[46]See EIA,Annual Energy Outlook 2008,U.S.Energy Information Administration,2008,pp.2-13.
[47]Jeremy Pelofsky,Bush Offers Obama Advice on Handing Russia,Reuters News,December 18,2008.
[48]See Justin W.Evans,A New Energy Paradigm for the Twenty-first Century:China,Russia,and American's Triangular Security Strategy,Indiana L.Rev.,Vol.39,No.3,2006,pp.636-637,639.
[49]See George W.Bush,Vladimir Putin,Joint Statement for Development of the U.S.-RussianEnergy Dialogue,U.S.Department of State,November 22,2002.
[50]See Edward C.Chow,U.S.-Russia Energy Dialogue:Policy,Projects,or Photo Op,ForeignService Journal,Vol.80,No.12,2003,pp.31-39.
[51]BTC输油管道是指巴库—第比利斯—杰伊汉(Baku-Tbilis-Ceyhan pipeline)输油管道,全长1768公里,从阿塞拜疆的阿泽里—奇拉格—久涅什利油田(Azenri-Chrig-Gunashli Oil Field)经格鲁吉亚到达地中海国家土耳其的杰伊汉,2002年在阿塞拜疆和土耳其同时动工,2005年多国元首齐聚阿塞拜疆首都巴库,举行了隆重的开工仪式。2006年5月全线贯通,这条管道设计输送能力为每天100万桶原油。
[52]See Abigail S.Reyes,Protecting the“Freedom of Transit of Petroleum”:Transnational Lawyers Making(Up)International Law in the Caspian,Berkeley J.Int'l L.,Vol.24,No.3,2006,pp.842-880.
[53]See William Constantinos Papadopoulos,International Law&Pipeline Geopolitics in the CaspianSea,Texas J.Bus.L.,Vol.36,No.1,1999,p.25.
[54]See BP Company,BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008,London BP p.l.c.,June 2008,pp.2-4,12.
[55]See EIA Country Analysis Briefs,China,U.S.Energy Information Administration,May 27,2008,pp.1-7.
[56]See EIA Country Analysis Briefs,India,U.S.Energy Information Administration,May 27,2008,pp.1-7.
[57]See BP Company,BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008,London BP p.l.c.,June2008,p.2,12.
[58]See Andr︶s Inotai,Towards a Common Energy Policy in the European Union,Romanian J.ofEuropean Affairs,Vol.8,No.3,2008,p.1.
[59]See Peter D.Cameron,The Internal Market in Energy:Harnessing the New Regulatory Regime,European L.Rev.,Vol.30,No.5,2005,pp.631-632.
[60]长期协议,一般规定至少是20年到25年,这将造成合同期间排除了其他竞争者。此外,协议中的目的地条款,禁止买者再次将天然气卖出。这两方面的规定都是与欧盟竞争法相抵触的。See Kim Talus,Long-term Gas Agreement and Security of Supply—Between Law and Politics,European L.Rev.,Vol.32,No.4,2007,pp.535-548.
[62]See Andry S.Makarychev,Neighbors,Exceptions and the Political:A Vocabulary of EURussian Inter-Subjective(Dis)Connections,in:The Elephant and the Bear Try Again:Options for a New Agreement between the EU and Russia,Michael Emerson(ed.),Centre for European Policy Studies,2006,p.37.
[63]See Justin W.Evans,A New Energy Paradigm for the Twenty-first Century:China,Russia,and American's Triangular Security Strategy,Indiana L.Rev.,Vol.39,No.3,2006,p.634.
[64]See Michael Emerson(ed.),The Elephant and the Bear Try Again:Options for a NewAgreement between the EU and Russia,Centre for European Policy Studies,2006,p.8.
[65]2003年5月,在圣彼得堡峰会上,欧盟和俄罗斯同意在《欧俄伙伴协定》和共同价值与利益的基础上,建立长期的四个“统一空间”来加强合作。这四个空间是统一经济空间(common economic space)包括经济和环境问题;统一自由、安全和司法空间(common space of freedom,security and justice);统一外部安全空间(common space of external security)包括危机管理和不扩散;以及统一研究和教育空间(common space of research and education)。最新进展参见2008年11月4日欧盟发布的《2007年欧俄统一空间进程报告》(EU-Russia Common Space Progress Report 2007)。
[66]近邻国家政策是俄罗斯在苏联解体后,立图重新维护其原有的势力范围,为保护俄罗斯利益而形成的安全特权。俄乌、俄白天然气危机和俄格冲突都是这一政策的体现。近邻国家政策的详情参见Michael Rywkin,Russia and the Near Abroad under Putin,American Foreign Policy Interests,Vol.25,No.1,2003,pp.3-12.
[67]See Grigory Tunkin,Is General International Law Customary Law Only?,European J.of Int'lL.,Vol.4,No.4,1993,pp.534-541.
[68]See Christopher J.Borgen,Whose Public,Whose Order?Imperium,Region,and NormativeFriction,Yale J.Int'l L.,Vol.32,No.2,2007,p.332.
[69]BP Company,BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2008,London BP p.l.c.,June 2008,p.12,pp.2-4.
[70]Justin W.Evans,A New Energy Paradigm for the Twenty-first Century:China,Russia,and American's Triangular Security Strategy,Indiana L.Rev.,Vol.39,No.3,2006,p.628.
[71]See European Round Table of Industrialists,Seizing the Opportunity:A View on the Potential ofthe EU-Russia Common Economic Space,in:The Elephant and the Bear Try Again:Options for a New Agreement between the EU and Russia,Michael Emerson(ed.),Centre for European Policy Studies,2006,p.103.
[72]See Richard A.(Tony)Leibert,The War on Energy:Why the United States and the International Community Need Cohesive Energy Infrastructure Security Policy,Houston J.Int'l L.,Vol.29,No.2,2007,p.487.