首页 百科知识 在成立武汉大学国际人道法研究中心会议上的讲话


时间:2023-05-23 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:在成立武汉大学国际人道法研究中心会议上的讲话□ 黄 进2008年3月14日尊敬的各位来宾、各位同仁:今天,武汉大学春光明媚、春意盎然。这是我国有关国际人道法教学、研究和传播方面的一次盛会。这说明大家对国际人道法的高度重视。


□ 黄 进



今天,武汉大学春光明媚、春意盎然。我们在这里欢聚一堂,举行武汉大学与红十字国际委员会(ICRC)合作协议签约仪式暨武汉大学国际人道法研究中心成立揭牌仪式。这是我国有关国际人道法教学、研究和传播方面的一次盛会。首先,我代表武汉大学对红十字国际委员会东亚代表处主任Thierry Meyrat先生、中央军委法制局肖凤城大校、中国外交部条法司易先良参赞、中国红十字总会联络部部长王小华先生等来宾和同仁表示最热烈的欢迎,对大家多年来关心、支持和帮助武汉大学国际法学科的建设和发展表示衷心的感谢!






Speech for the Establishment of Wuhan University Research Center for International Humanitarian Law

□ Thierry Meyrat

Dear President Huang Jin,Dean Xiao Yongping and Professor Yu Minyou,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As you all know,the International Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC)is an impartial,neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence,and to provide them with assistance on the basis of international humanitarian law(IHL).The ICRC also endeavors to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening instruments of this law and works for its development,application,comprehension and dissemination.

Therefore,the promotion and development of IHL are core ICRC activities that the institution has been engaged in since its inception in 1863 and are based today on its mandate under the Geneva Conventions and the Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.In this regard,the ICRC has long cooperated with the academic circles to establish a sound teaching and research tradition in the filed of IHL with an eye towards students as the next generation of leaders,which,we believe will make the world,in the long run,a better place of humanity for all.

Today the ICRC is following up on university-related activities in some 130 countries around the world.Despite considerable improvement in recent years,the teaching of humanitarian law in universities is unfortunately still not sufficiently widespread.

This description should serve to remind teachers,students and practitioners of the limits of what is now known as international humanitarian law.At the same time,however,it provides a welcome justification for teaching and especially for applying humanitarian law,which is no longer the backwater of international law that it was nearly 50 years ago:today it is applied in countless situations and constantly cited by a growingnumber of bodies including the United Nations Security Council.

China is a state party to most of the IHL treaties.Dissemination is an obligation undertaken by the state parties.Dissemination creates understanding,which is the first step towards a faithful implementation.Therefore the ICRC also attaches great importance to the cooperation with the Chinese academic circles in dissemination of IHL to the government agencies as well as to the general public.

In September 2005,the ICRC moved its regional delegation for East Asia to Beijing. This has allowed us,over the past years,to intensify the cooperation with academic institutions in China with a view of promoting the teaching of IHL at selected law faculties. This also allowed us to have found an important partner-Wuhan University.

Founded in 1893,Wuhan University is well-known to the world with a long history. Its law school founded in 1926,was one of the oldest law schools in China.What'more important,after the World War II,Prof.Mei Ru'ao,the dean of the time,was appointed as a judge in the Military Tribunal at Tokyo.The torch of IHL in China was firstly lightened at this prestige university.

Now this torch has been passed to a new generation of the teachers and students of Wuhan University.This has also been proved by our cooperation on the first teachers training programme on IHL and the university's participation and good performance in IHL moot court competition and last but not least,the cooperation agreement to be signed between the delegation and the University as well as the plan of action to be announced by Prof.Yu.

The cooperation between the two sides,as indicated in the Agreement,covers thematic research of IHL,establishment of IHL documentation centre and integration of IHL into the curriculum of the University,ect.Therefore,we sincerely hope that through these cooperation the dissemination of IHL can be enhanced within China and another good example of promotion of IHL at the Universities is also set up.

Thank you!

