在阐述英文法律文书起草规则之前,首先需要说明运用这些起草规则的注意事项:第一,这些规则的运用取决于要起草的文件在全部文件中的等级地位。这是一份双语合同,还是仅仅是一份内部备忘录?备忘录会不会译成中文?这些都是需要考虑的重要因素。第二,要考虑到罗马规则,[10]即在起草文件时不能随心所欲。律师可能是在引用客户提供的一个先例,也可能是在处理客户自己起草的一份文件。客户对自己起草的文件尤其敏感,因为他们可能要遵循某种风格。第三,这些文件的起草方式必须在内部保持一致。第四,注意那些被称之为“ceteris paribus”的规则。“ceteris paribus”是一个拉丁词语,意思是“在其他条件都相同的情况下”[11]。也就是说,这些规则若处于同样的背景事实之下,它们就会适用于每一个案例。但若这些背景事实有异,则这些规则不一定适用。第五,许多规则都互相排斥,只能择一而用,不能同时运用。第六,许多规则涉及一些效力比较微弱的推定,也就是说,这些规则很微妙,尤其是在涉及使用逗号之间的一些区别的时候。第七,这些规则的重要性和适用性各有不同。
“For supper we had wine,salad,steak,baked potatoes with sour cream andchocolate ice cream .”
初看之下,介词“with”在这里好像不仅适用于“sour cream”,而且还适用于“chocolate ice cream”。应如何限制“with”的适用范围呢?在“sour cream”后加一个逗号就行了。
“For supper we had wine,salad,steak,baked potatoes with sour cream,and chocolate ice cream. ”
“The location study covered labor,tax,freight and communications costs,all in terms of 1972 prices.”
应在“freight”后加一个逗号,这样一来,你就会知道,“freight and communications”不是指同一个事物,而是指不同事物。
“The location study covered labor,tax, freight,and communications costs ,all in terms of 1972 prices.”
下面这个收回产品的通知中有一个短语“between group”。
“At both the May and October meetings, between group differences for all complications were not statistically significant.”
如果这样说:“At both the May and October meetings,between-groupdifferences...”,那么加一个连字符就可以清楚地表明这是一个复合形容词,也就不会造成错觉了。
“...wholly foreign owned enterprises.”
没有在中国做过生意的客户不容易明白其意思。但如果加一个连字符:“wholly foreign-owned enterprises”,意思就清楚了。
“...in any school,college,or hostel provided by the council.”
可以改为“...in any council-provided school,college,or hostel”。前修饰语通常修饰后面所有跟着的词语,修饰范围一般很清楚。而后修饰语,尤其是英文中的后修饰语,修饰范围就比较含糊。所以,用一个连字符把后修饰语改成前修饰语,修饰范围就很清楚了。
“Texans,who have oil wells,can afford high prices.”
如果你指的是那些有油井的德州人,而不是普通的德州人,则你可以说:“Texans who have oil wells can afford high prices.”或“Texans that have oil wells can afford high prices.”不要加逗号。
“Campers should avoid the beaches,where robberies have been reported.”
如要使句子有限制性,则可以说:“Campers should avoid the beaches where robberies have been reported.”
“The court always affirms damage judgments which turn on the facts.”
“The court always affirms damage judgments,which turn on the facts.”
“Lessee hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless lessor from all damages,claims,costs and expenses of lessor resulting from fire,and resulting from injury to or death of person or loss or destruction of or damages to property caused in anymanner by any acts of the lessee .”
最后一个短语“caused in any manner by any acts of the lessee”是只修饰“resulting from injury”,还是也修饰“resulting from fire”?答案是,它可能不修饰“resulting from fire”,但如果在“caused”前加一个逗号,就可以大致推定,它两个都修饰,如:
“Lessee hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless lessor from all damages,claims,costs and expenses of lessor resulting from fire,and resulting from injury to or death of person or loss or destruction of or damages to property, caused in any manner by any acts of the lessee .”
“Owner may not deny requests for time extensions because of anticipated labor disputes.”
a.“Owner may not deny,because of anticipated labor disputes,requests for time extensions.”
b.“Owner may not deny requests for time extensions that arise because of anticipated labor disputes.”
“Neither Party shall be liable to the other for compensation,reimbursement for expenses,lost profits,incidental or consequential damages,or damages of any other kind or character because of any termination or expiration of this Agreement. ”
“Neither Party shall be liable to the other for compensation,reimbursement for expenses,lost profits,incidental or consequential damages,or damages of any other kind or character, because of any termination or expiration of this Agreement. ”
“A factory which contains equipment which is owned by an alien.”
“A factory owned by an alien that contains equipment...”
“A factory that contains equipment owned by an alien...”
“The council must provide linguistic services to public authorities and individuals writing in the Kigogo language.”
“The council must provide linguistic services to those authorities and individuals who write in the Kigogo language.”
“The term‘holding company’shall mean any corporation at least sixty percent of the actual value of total assets of which consists of stock,securities or indebtedness of subsidiary corporations.”
“The term‘holding company’shall mean any corporation at least sixty percent of the actual value of total assets of which consists of its subsidiary corporations' stock,securities or indebtedness.”
“Such violations shall include...plunder of public or private property,wanton destruction of cities,towns,or villages or devastation not justified by militarynecessity .”
如果要表示“not justified by military necessity”只修饰“devastation”,则可将句子改为:
“Such violations shall include...plunder of public or private property,wanton destruction of cities,towns,or villages or any devastation that is not justified by military necessity.”
或者,如果要表示后修饰语只修饰最后一个并列成分,就在倒数第二个和倒数第三个并列成分之间加连词“and”,并在倒数第二个和最后一个并列成分之间加“as well as”,例如:
“...so as to satisfy its global underwriters'requirements for the ongoing operations,personnel,tools,stock and equipment to be housed in the completed facility.”
我们不清楚短语“to be housed in the completed facility”是否也修饰“tools,personnel,ongoing operations”。可将句子改为:
“...so as to satisfy its global underwriters'requirements for the ongoing operations,personnel,tools, and stock as well as equipment to be housed in the completed facility.”
加了“as well as”后,就把短语“to be housed...”的修饰范围限定在最后一个并列成分上了。
“...and the Joint Venture Company should be terminated and liquidated immediately.”
“...and the Joint Venture Company should be immediately terminated and liquidated.”
“The General Manager,Deputy General Manager,and all other Management Personnel will perform their duties on a full-time basis and will not concurrently serve as a manager or other employee of any other company or enterprise,nor will they serve as a director of or consultant to,or hold any interest in,any company orenterprise that competes with the Joint Venture Company except as otherwise agreed by both parties.”
短语“except as otherwise agreed by both parties”修饰所有的并列成分,还是只修饰最后一个动词“compete”?律师经常遇到诸如将“or otherwise”之类的短语放在句末的情况,对此应加倍小心。而如果将状语短语放在句首,则可以很明确地说明它修饰后面所有的并列成分,让句子的意思表达得十分清楚。
“Except as otherwise agreed by both parties,the General Manager,Deputy General Manager,and all other Management Personnel will perform their duties on a full-time basis and will not concurrently serve as a manager or other employee of any other company or enterprise,nor will they serve as a director of or consultant to,or hold any interest in,any company or enterprise that competes with the Joint Venture Company.”
“any officer of the United States or any agency thereof,...”
“any officer of the United States or of any agency thereof,...”
“25%equity interest in ABC Beijing and ABC Changchun”。
如果要表示ABC Beijing和ABC Changchun各持有25%的股份,则应将句子改为:
“25%equity interest in ABC Beijing and in ABC Changchun”。
例如,“standard brown eggs”是表示“standard,brown eggs”,还是“standard-brown eggs”?如果指颜色,就应该加一个连字符。即“standardbrown eggs”。
如果要表示所说的是“brown eggs”,而不是“standard brown”,那么就可以加一个逗号,即“standard, brown eggs ”。
例如,“ordinary preferred stock”出自一个英国的案例,因为英国有一类股票称为“ordinary preferred”。如果对句中所指的是“ordinary-preferred stock”还是“ordinary,preferred stock”不清楚,那么就应该加一个逗号,以示区别。即“ordinary,preferred stock”。
“a registered dentist and medical practitioner”.
如果其他条件相同,前修饰语一般修饰后面跟着的所有并列成分。因此,修饰语“registered”似乎对两个并列成分都修饰。如果要让“registered”不修饰“medical practitioner”,就应加一个限定词——“any”、“every”或“all”——或冠词。
“a registered dentist and a medical practitioner”。
“a charitable institution or society”可改为“a society or charitable institution”。
“The scope of security by means of guarantee covers the principal obligation,interest,liquidate damages, compensation damages and expenses for fulfillment of the obligation”。
“The scope of security by means of guarantee covers the principal obligation,interest,liquidate damages, compensation damages ,and expenses for fulfillment of the obligation”。
2.如果被修饰的是除了最后一个并列成分之外的所有并列成分,那么就可在倒数第三个和倒数第二个并列成分之间多加一个“and”,或“as wellas”,然后在倒数第二个并列成分后面,加一个系列逗号
“The proposed company will manufacture,sell,and service combustion equipment,valves,systems and other products.”
“The proposed company will manufacture,sell,and service combustion equipment,valves and systems,and other products.”
“...combustion equipment,valves and systems,as well as other products.”
归纳起来,后修饰语中多项修饰的歧义,即后修饰语是修饰所有的并列成分还是最后一个并列成分的问题,是英文法律文书起草中最主要和最常见的问题。最成功和最好的解决办法是,用从句“those”、“that are”,或“any[such-and-such]that is”,或“any person who”来表示所修饰的是所有的并列成分。如果要表示后修饰语只修饰最后一个并列成分,则可以把短语“any[such-and-such]that”和最后一个并列成分一起用;或者用数字加括号一一列出。当然,我们更不应忘记逗号的重要性。[12]
Law of the People's Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax(Draft)
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
Within the territory of the People's Republic of China,enterprises and other organizations gaining income(thereafter called“Enterprises”collectively)are taxpayers;they shall pay enterprise income tax in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
This Law does not apply to individual enterprises and partnership enterprises.
Article 2
Enterprises consist of resident enterprises and non-resident enterprises.
Resident enterprises refer to enterprises which are established within the territory of and in accordance with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China,or enterprises whose actual management organs are set up within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
Non-resident enterprises refer to enterprises which have organs,sites within the territory of the People's Republic of China,though they are established in accordance with foreign(regional)laws and regulations and their practical management organs are rested outside the territory of the People's Republic of China,or enterprises which have income origins in the territory of the People's Republic of China,though they have no organs,sites within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
Article 3
Resident enterprises shall pay income tax on the income they gain both within and outside the territory of the People's Republic of China.
Non-resident enterprises which have organs,sites within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall pay income tax on the income which is gained by the organs,sites within the territory of the People's Republic of China and which is,though gained outside the territory of the People's Republic of China,practically related to the organs,sites.Non-resident enterprises shall pay income tax on the income derived from the territory of the People's Republic of China when the enterprises have no organs,sites within the territory of the People's Republic of China,or when the enterprises have organs,sites within the territory of the People's Republic of China but the income gained is practically not related to the organs,sites.
Article 4
The taxable income of an enterprise shall be the amount remaining from its gross income in a tax year after the abatement income,tax-free income,all deductions,income allowed to make up of the previous annual losses have been deducted.
Article 5
The taxable income shall be calculated generally on accrual basis.
Article 6
The tax rate for enterprise income tax is 25%.
For small-size and small-profits enterprises which fit in with the stipulated requirements,the tax rate of 20%shall be applied.For the income obtained by nonresident enterprises under section 3,article 3 of this Law,the tax rate of 20%shall be applied.
Chapter II Income (omitted)
Chapter III Deduction (omitted)
Chapter IV Tax Disposal for Asset
Article 13
All kinds of assets of enterprises,including fixed assets,intangible assets,longterm apportioned charges,investment assets,stock etc.,are to be calculated in historical cost generally.
Article 14
For all the assets transaction in reshuffle of enterprises,when affirmed as profit or loss,the cost of relevant asset shall be decided according to the value reaffirmed.
Article 15
The depreciation of fixed assets of enterprises shall be calculated according to stipulations.The following assets shall not be depreciated:
(1)fixed assets not put into use other than houses and buildings;
(2)fixed assets rented in style of operating rent;
(3)fixed assets rented out in style of financing lease;
(4)on-use fixed assets which have been fully depreciated;
(5)fixed assets in no relation to operating business;
(6)land separately valued and taken as fixed asset into account book;
(7)other fixed assets which can not be calculated in depreciation.
Article 16
Amortization expenditure of intangible assets of enterprises shall be calculated in accordance with stipulation.The following intangible assets shall not be calculated for amortization expenditure:
(1)intangible assets which are developed by the enterprises themselves and expense have been deducted in the calculation of taxable income;
(2)goodwill created by the enterprises themselves;
(3)intangible assets not related to operating business;
(4)other intangible assets which can not be calculated for amortization expenditure.
Article 17
The following expenses of enterprises shall be taken as long-term apportioned charges:
(1)reconstruction expenses of fixed assets which have been fully depreciated;
(2)reconstruction expenses of rented fixed assets;
(3)major repair expenses of fixed assets;
(4)other expenses which shall be taken as long-term apportioned charges.
Article 18
Cost of investment assets in the course of investment abroad shall not be deducted in the calculation of taxable income.
Article 19
The stock cost calculated in accordance with stipulation when enterprises buy or sell stock can be deducted in the calculation of taxable income.
Article 20
The net value and transference expenditure of the assets which is transferred by enterprises may be deducted in the calculation of taxable income.
Article 21
The particular scope and criteria stipulated from article 10 to article 20 hereof will be further stipulated by the finance and tax departments of the State Council.
Chapter V Taxable Income and Taxable Amount
Article 22
Except as stipulated in article 26 of this Law,the calculation formula of taxable income of enterprise income tax is as follows:
Taxable income=gross income-abatement income-tax free income-deduction amount-allowed make up for previous annual loss.
Article 23
When enterprises calculate and pay the total enterprise income tax,the loss of their oversea business organs shall not be used to set off the profit of the domestic business organs within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
Article 24
Losses incurred by enterprises in one tax year can be carried over to the following years and made up with a matching amount drawn from the following years' income,but the period for such carrying over shall not exceed five years.
Article 25
The calculation formula of taxable income of enterprise income tax is:income tax payable=taxable income×applicable tax rate-tax reduced-tax allowance.
Article 26
When non-resident enterprises gain income under section 3,article 3 of this Law,the taxable income shall be calculated in methods as follows:
(1)As for income derived from dividend,bonus,interest,rent and royalties,the taxable income shall be the total amount of the income;
(2)As for property income,the taxable income shall be the total amount of the income with net value of the property deducted;
(3)As for other income,the taxable income shall be calculated with reference to the above two items.
Article 27
The following income of enterprises of which income tax has been paid abroadcan be allowed to be set off from current payable taxation,and the allowance limit is the payable income taxation calculated in accordance with this Law.The part beyond the limit shall not be allowed or deducted as expenditure from current payable taxation,but may be made up with surplus of annual allowance limit after the allowance of respective year be deducted in the following 5 years:
(1)taxable income of resident enterprises arising outside the territory of the People's Republic of China;
(2)taxable income acquired by organs and sites established by non-resident enterprises which is acquired outside the territory of the People's Republic of China but is substantially related to the organs and sites.
Article 28
When resident enterprises receive dividend,bonus outside the territory of the People's Republic of China from foreign enterprises which they directly or indirectly control,the income tax actually paid by the foreign enterprises outside the territory of the People's Republic of China burdened by the dividend,bonus can be allowed to become allowable foreign income tax of the resident enterprises within the allowance limit stipulated in article 27 of this Law.
Article 29
In the calculation of taxable income,when the financial and accounting methods of the enterprise contradict with the stipulation of tax laws and administrative regulations,taxable income shall be calculated in accordance with the stipulation of tax laws and administrative regulations.
Article 30
For the income acquired by enterprises in the course of liquidation,enterprise income tax should be paid in accordance with the stipulation of this Law.
The balance between the value of property acquired by enterprises as investors from liquidation of their invested enterprises and the cost of the investment assets shall be confirmed as profit or loss of property transference of the enterprises.
Chapter VI Tax Preference
Article 31
The state gives preference on enterprise income tax to the industries and projects which the state supports and encourages their development in emphasis.
Article 32
The following kinds of income of enterprises are of abatement income:
(1)interest income on state bond;
(2)dividend and bonus income among qualified resident enterprises;
(3)dividend and bonus income acquired by non-resident enterprises with organs and sites within the territory of People's Republic of China from the resident enterprises which have substantial relation to those organs and sites;
(4)income of qualified non-profit-making organizations.
Article 33
The following enterprise income tax can be exempted or deducted:
(1)enterprises'income from the engagement in agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,fishery industries;
(2)enterprises'income from the investment engagement in public infrastructure construction greatly supported by the state,such as port,dock,airport,railway,high road,electricity,water conservancy project;
(3)income stipulated in article 2 and 3 of this Law.
Article 34
High-technology enterprises that the state needs to support in emphasis shall be charged at a lower tax rate of 15%for enterprise income tax.
Article 35
For enterprises situated in national autonomous areas,the part of enterprise income tax that belongs to regional share of taxation can be reduced or exempted under the approval of the people's government of province,national autonomous area and municipality.
Article 36
The following expenses of enterprises can be calculated or deducted in addition:
(1)research and development expenditure of enterprises spent on new technology,new product and new technique development;
(2)wages paid by enterprises to settle down the handicapped and other persons the state encourages to settle down for employment.
Article 37
Pioneering investment enterprises engaged in the investment that the state needs to support and encourage in emphasis can deduct taxable income at certain percentage of their amount of investment.
Article 38
For the fixed assets of enterprises which truly need to shorten depreciation age limit or to take method of accelerated depreciation due to strong shake,high corrosion or technology advance,the depreciation age limit can be shorten or the method of accelerated depreciation can be adopted.
Article 39
Income arising from enterprises'comprehensive utilization of sources to produce products which meet the stipulation of the national industry policy can be calculated less.
Article 40
The amount of investment for purchasing special equipment on environment protection,energy and water save,safe production of enterprises can be set off for taxation on certain percentage.
Article 41
According to the need of national economy and society development,or due to sudden public event which have substantial effect on the business operation activities of the enterprises,the State Council can stipulates special preference policy on enterprise income tax and report the policy to the Standing Committee of the People's Congress for record.The particular methods for tax reference stipulated in article 32 to 34,36 to 40 are up to the State Council to stipulate.
Chapter VII Source Withholding
Article 42
For the non-resident enterprises'income tax payable from all the income stipulated in section 3,article 3 of this Law,source withholding should be applied,and the taxpayers are withholding agents.Tax is withheld by withholding agents from money paid or due to be paid when every payment takes place or is due to pay.
Article 43
For the non-resident enterprises'income tax payable from their income acquired from project work and labor supply within the territory of People's Republic of China,source withholding should be applied,the tax authority can appoint the payer of project price or labor fee as withholding agent.
Article 44
For the income tax which shall be source withheld according to article 42 and 43of this Law,if withholding agents do not withhold accordingly or are not able to perform withholding obligation,taxpayers shall pay in one place the income occurs. The tax authority can pursue the tax payment from other due payment by payers of other income project within the territory of People's Republic of China in case the enterprises do not pay in accordance with the law.
Article 45
The tax money withheld by the withholding agent each time should be submitted to the national treasury 7 days after the withholding,and the withholding enterprises' income tax report should be submitted to the responsible tax authorities seated in their location.
Chapter VIII Special Adjustments of tax payment
Article 46
For the business intercourses between enterprises and their related parties,if they do not conform to the independent transaction principle and reduce the sum of taxable income or gaining of the enterprises or their related parties,the responsible tax authorities have the power to adjust in a rational way.
For the costs occurred in the joint development,receipt of intangible properties,or the supply,receipt of labor service by enterprises and their related parties in cooperation,they should be shared in the calculation of the sum of taxable incomes according to the independent transaction principle.
Article 47
Enterprises can put forward to the responsible tax authorities the principles for fixing prices and the methods for calculation in the business intercourse between themselves and their related parties,responsible tax authorities and enterprises can reach to a pre-arrangement on the fixing of prices after negotiation and confirmation.
Article 48
When submitting the annual enterprise income tax payment application to the responsible tax authorities,enterprises should attach annual related business intercourses reports on the business intercourses between themselves and related parties.
When the responsible tax authorities are investigating the interrelated business,enterprises and their related parties,as well as other enterprises involved in the investigation should provide relevant materials according to rules.
Article 49
If enterprises do not supply the business intercourses materials with their related parties,or supply false or incomplete materials,which result in a failure to reflect the true business intercourse conditions,the responsible tax authorities can appraise and decide their sum of taxable income.
Article 50
For enterprises set up in countries(regions)where actual tax burden is obviously lower than the level of tax rates stipulated in section 1,article 6 of this Law,if they do not distribute profits or if they distribute profits irrationally,the part of the profits which should belong to the residential enterprise should be counted as the current income of the resident enterprise.
Article 51
The interest expenditure occurred from an excess of rate between creditor investments and interest investments received by enterprises from their related parties should not be deducted when calculating the taxable incomes.
Article 52
If enterprises carry out other arrangements that have no rational business purposes,which result in the decrease of their sum of taxable incomes or earnings,the responsible tax authorities have the power to adjust the sum in a rational way.
Article 53
If the responsible tax authorities adjust the taxes in accordance with this chapter and the tax dues need to be recharged,surcharge for overdue tax payment should be levied in addition.
Chapter IX Collection Management
Article 54
For resident enterprises,their payment place of taxes should be decided according to the enterprise registration place,unless there are other provisions made by tax laws and administrative regulations,however,if the registration place is outside the People's Republic of China,the payment place should be the actual place where the management organ is located.
For resident enterprises which set business organs that have no legal personality in China,their income taxes should be calculated and paid collectively.
Article 55
If non-resident enterprises establish organs and sites in China,the location of these organs and sites should be the payment place of taxes.If they establish two or more organs and sites,they can choose a main organ or site to pay the income taxes collectively,which is subjected to the examination and approval of responsible tax authorities.
Article 56
Different enterprises can not combine their income taxes for the purpose of payment thereof,unless otherwise provided for by the State Council in respect thereof.
Article 57
The payment year of enterprises income tax is from January 1 to December 1,the Gregorian calendar.
If the enterprise opens or suspends business activities in the middle of one payment year,which causes its actual business period less than 12 months,then its actual business period should be regarded as one payment year.When the enterprise is liquidated in accordance with the law,the period of liquidation should be regarded as one payment year.
Article 58
The enterprises income tax should be calculated by year and pre-paid on a monthly or quarterly basis.Enterprises should submit the tax returns for pre-payment of the enterprise income taxes to the responsible tax authorities and pre-pay the taxes in 15 days from the end of each month or quarter.
Within 5 months from the end of each year,the enterprises should submit the annual tax returns for paying the enterprise income taxes to the responsible authorities,calculate and clear the taxes,the taxes to be paid or refunded should be cleared.When submitting tax returns for paying the enterprise income taxes,the enterprises should submit accounting reports and relevant materials in accordance with relative regulations.
Article 59
For enterprises which suspend their business activities in the middle of the year,they should carry out the calculation and payment of current enterprise income tax with the responsible tax authorities.When enterprises are in the process of liquidation,they should apply and pay taxes to the responsible tax authorities beforethe registration of cancellation.
Article 60
The enterprises income taxes paid according to this Law shall be calculated in RMB.For incomes gained in other currency,they should be converted to RMB according to the basic exchange rate promulgated by the People's Bank of China,then the taxes shall be paid in RMB accordingly.
Article 61
The management of enterprises income tax revenue collection,while following this Law,shall be enforced in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Management of Tax Revenue Collection.