[1]See Gil Fried & Michael Hiller.ADR in Youth and Intercollegiate Athletics.(5)B.Y.U.L.Rev.631,641(1997).
[2]See AAA Establishes National Sports Panel.56(2)Dispute Resolution J.4(May-Jul.2001).
[3]See Using Alternative Dispute Resolution to Settle Sports Disputes.http://www.adr.org,2003-07-01.
[4]See Sports Arbitration Including Olympic Athlete Disputes.http://www.adr.org/ Sports Olympic,2006-10-15.
[5]Article§220503,Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.
[6]Arts.§220522,§220523 and§220529,Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.
[7]Article§220509,Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.
[8]Article 15,Constitution of USA Basketball(2004).
[9]Article 2,US Gymnastics Bylaws.
[10]Arts.§220505 and§220522,Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.
[11]See Section 2,Article IX(Athletes'Rights),Bylaws of the United States Olympic Committee(2003).
[12]See Sports Arbitration,including Olympic Athlete Disputes.http://www.adr.org/sp.asp?id=27874,2006-10-15.
[13]See Arbitrators Poised to Resolve Conflicts Related to U.S.Olympic Team.http://www.adr.org/sp.asp?id=21981,2006-10-15.
[14]See AAA.ADR for Sports Disputes.http://www.adr.org/sp.asp?id= 22022,2006-11-20.
[15]Article VIII(Complaints against an NGB or PSO),Bylaws of the United States Olympic Committee(2003).
[16]Arts.§220522(a)(40(A)and§220523(b)),Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.
[17]Art.§220529,Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.
[18]Art.§220529,Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.
[19]See AAA.ADR for Sports Disputes.http://www.adr.org/sp.asp?id= 22022,2006-11-20.
[20]Art.§220505,Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.
[21]Art.§220522(a)(4)(B),Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.
[22]See Gary R.Roberts.Resolution of Disputes in Intercollegiate Athletics.35 Val.U.L.Rev.431,438-439(2001).
[23]See Jason Gurdus.Note:Protection Off the Playing Field:Student Athletes Should Be Considered University Employees for Purposes of Workers'Compensation.29 Hofstra L.Rev.907,916(2001).
[24]See Gil Fried & Michael Hiller.ADR in Youth and Intercollegiate Athletics.B.Y.U.L.Rev.631,643(1997).
[25]See Gil Fried&Michael Hiller,ibid.at651;Eric Galton.Mediation Programs for Collegiate Sports Teams.53 Disp.Resol.J.37(1998).
[26]See Davice J.Cotten & Mary B.Cotton.Legal Aspects of Waivers in Sport,Recreation and Fitness Activities(1997).OH:PPC Pub.,at1.
[27]Davice J.Cotten & Mary B.Cotten,ibid.at 73.
[28]See Davice J.Cotten & Mary B.Cotten,ibid.at 43.
[29]See Jeffrey M.Schalley.Eliminate Violence from Sports through Arbitration,Not the Civil Courts.8 Sports Law.J.181,203(Spring 2001).
[30]See Marcia B.Nelson.Stuck between Interlocking Rings:Efforts to Resolve theConflicting Demands Placed on Olympic National Governing Bodies.26(5)Van.J.Int'l.L.895,907(1993).
[31]See Harding v.United States Figure Skating Association,851 F.Supp 1476,1478(1994),1994 U.S.Dist.LEXIS 5789.
[32]See Michels v.USOC,741F.2d 155,159(7th Cir.1984),1984 U.S.App.LEXIS 19507.
[33]See Sarah Baldwin.Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Olympic Sport:A Comparison of the United States and Australian Approaches.24 Loy.L.A.Int'l & Comp.L.Rev.265,285(March 2002).
[34]See Susan Schwartz.Matt Lindland:The Fight for an Olympic Bid.12 J.Legal Aspects of Sport 133(Spring/Summer 2002);Steven J.Thompson.The Case of Olympic Wrestler Matt Lindland.35 Val.U.L.Rev.407(Spring 2001).
[35]Susan Schwartz.Matt Lindland:The Fight for an Olympic Bid.12 J.Legal Aspects of Sport133,138(Spring/Summer 2002).
[36]See Michael Steadman.Lindland v.United States of America Wrestling Association: The Role of Arbitration and the Federal Courts in theMaking of an Olympic Success.11 J.Art & Ent.Law133(Spring 2001).
[37]See J.Nafziger.Arbitration of Rights and Obligations in the International Sports Arena.35Val.University L.Rev.357,372(Spring 2001).
[38]See Lindland v.United States Wrestling Ass'n,230 F.3d 1036,1039(7th Cir.2000).
[39]See Jay E.Grenig.Arbitration of Olympic Eligibility Disputes:Fair Play and the Right to Be Heard.12 Marq.Sports L.Rev.261,271(Fall 2001).
[40]See Russell D.Feingold.Policy Essay:Mandatory Arbitration:What Process Is Due?39 Harv.J.on Legis.281(2002).
[41]See Adam Epstein.Alternative Dispute Resolution in Sport Management and the Sport Management Curriculum.12 J.Legal Aspects of Sport153,161(Fall 2002).
[42]See Adam Epstein,ibid.
[43]See Gil Fried&Michael Hiller.ADR in Youth and Intercollegiate Athletics.B.Y.U.L.Rev.631,634(1997).
[44]See Aaron NWise and Bruce S.Meyer.International Sports Law and Business.Hague,Netherlands:Kluwer Law International,1997,at 586-587.
[45]Heather R.Insley.Comment:Major League Umpires Association:Is Collective Bargaining the Answer to or the Problemin the Contractual Relationships of Professional SportsToday.29 Cap.U.L.Rev.601(2001).
[46]See Peter N.Katz.A History of Free Agency in the United States and Great Britain: Who's Leading the Charge?15 Comp.Labor L.J.371,380-381(Spring 1994).
[47]譬如,在2000年底至2001年初的冬季,职业棒球俱乐部赢得了14次薪金仲裁,但是它们是实际上的败方。尽管只有差不多14个球员的争议在该冬季得到了解决,但是较之于2000年他们的工资则增长了近1.44倍。See Hal Bodley.Players Are the Big Winners in Arbitration.USA Today,Arlington,Feb 23,2001.
[48]See Peter N.Katz.A History of Free Agency in the United States and Great Britain: Who's Leading the Charge?15 Comp.Lab.L.J.371,381(Spring 1994).
[49]See Major League Baseball Players Association v.Steve Garney,121 S.Ct.1724(2001).
[50]See Jason M.Pollack.Take My Arbitrator,Please:Commissioner“Best Interests”Disciplinary Authority in Professional Sports.67 FordhamL.Rev.1645,1691(1999).
[51]See Adam Epstein.Alternative Dispute Resolution in Sport Management and the Sport Management Curriculum.12 J.Legal Aspects of Sport153,162(Fall 2002).
[52]在美国职业棒球历史上一度在每个棒球球员的合同里面都规定了保留条款,其意思是指每个球员都要受其球队的约束并且不能自由地与其他球队就其工作问题进行谈判。在每一合同里,合同条款规定俱乐部有单方面的权力来决定是否在下一个赛季与球员签约。See Jeffrey Perron.Supreme Court Overturns the Ninth Circuit's Rejection of the Arbitration Panel's Decision that Found No Collusion Activities by the Baseball Owners—Major League Baseball Players Association v.Steve Garney.121 S.Ct.1724(2001),12(1)Seton Hall J.of Sports Law131-148(2002).
[53]See Elissa M.Meth.Final Offer Arbitration:AModel for Dispute Resolution in Domestic and International Disputes.10 Am.Rev.Int'l Arb.383,385(1999),note 4.
[54]See Major League Baseball Agreement,1 Art.VI F(1)(2003-2006).
[55]See Major League Baseball Agreement,1 Art.VI F(5)(2003-2006).
[56]See Elissa M.Meth.Final Offer Arbitration:A Model for Dispute Resolution in Domestic and International Disputes.10 Am.Rev.Int'l Arb.383,400-401(1999).
[58]See Elissa M.Meth.Final Offer Arbitration:AModel for Dispute Resolution in Domestic and International Disputes.10 Am.Rev.Int'l Arb.383,390-391(1999).
[59]See Major League Baseball Players Association v.Steve Garney,121 S.Ct.1724(2001).
[60]See Jeffrey Perron.Supreme Court Overturns the Ninth Circuit's Rejection of the Arbitration Panel's Decision that Found No Collusion Activities by the Baseball Owners-Major League Baseball Players Association v.Steve Garney.121 S.Ct.1724(2001),12(1)Seton Hall Journal of Sports Law131-148(2002).
[61]See Jeffrey A.Mishkin.Dispute Resolution in the NBA:The Allocation of Decision Making among the Commissioner,Impartial Arbitrator,System Arbitrator,and the Courts.35 Val.U.L.Rev.449,450-453(Spring 2001).
[62]Article II,Section1,NBA's Collective Bargaining Agreement(2005).
[63]Article XXXI,Section1,NBA's Collective Bargaining Agreement(2005).
[64]Articlle VII,Section 3(d)(5),NBA's Collective Bargaining Agreement(2005).
[65]Articlle XXXII,Section1,NBA's Collective Bargaining Agreement(2005).
[66]See Jeffrey A.Mishkin.Dispute Resolution in the NBA:The Allocation of Decision Making among the Commissioner,Impartial Arbitrator,System Arbitrator,and the Courts.35 Val.U.L.Rev.449,458-460(Spring 2001).
[68]See BrianWard.The National Hockey League's Collective Bargaining Agreemet:Its Inadequacies in Dealing with League Internationalization.23 Suffolk Transnat'l L.Rev.747,750-752(Summer 2000).
[69]See James Gilbert Rappis.The Use of Contract Interpretation by Professional Sports Arbitrators.3 Marq.Sports L.J.215,219(1993).
[70]See James Gilbert Rappis,ibid.at221.
[71]See James Gilbert Rappis,ibid.at216-217.
[72]See Stephen M.Yoost.The National Hockey League and Salary Arbitration:Time for a Line Change.21 Ohio St.J.on Disp.Resol.485,521(2006).
[73]See Brian Ward.The National Hockey League's Collective Bargaining Agreemet:Its Inadequacies in Dealing with League Internationalization.23 Suffolk Transnat'l L.Rev.747,771(Summer 2000).
[74]NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement art.XI,§1(c),at29(1993).该集体谈判协议的有效期至2008年。
[76]See Adam Epstein.Alternative Dispute Resolution in Sport Management and the SportManagement Curriculum.12 J.Legal Aspects of Sport153,163(Fall 2002).
[77]See Mitsubishi Motors Corp.v.Soler Chrysler-Plymouth,Inc.,473 U.S.614.628(1985).
[78]See 9 U.S.C.1-16.
[79]See Jeffrey M.Schalley.Eliminate Violence from Sports through Arbitration,Not the Civil Courts.8 Sports Law.J.181,198(Spring 2001).
[80]Boston Celtics Limited Partnership v.Brian Shaw,908 F.2d 1041,1043-44,1050(1st Cir.1990).
[81]See Garvey v.Roberts,203 F.3d 580,582,588-591(9th Cir.2000).
[82]See Nat'l Hockey League Players'Ass'n v.Nat'l Hockey League,30 F.Supp.2d 1025,1029(N.D.Ill.1998).
[83]See Sprewell v.Golden State Warriors,No.C-98-2053-VRW,1999 U.S.Dist.LEXIS 3875,at10(N.D.Cal.Mar.26,1999).
[84]See Jeffrey M.Schalley.Eliminate Violence from Sports through Arbitration,Not the Civil Courts.8 Sports Law.J.181,199(Spring 2001).
[85]See Aaron NWise and Bruce S.Meyer.International Sports Law and Business.Hague,Netherlands:Kluwer Law International,1997,at 671.
[86]有人指出,这种有外部仲裁员对联盟委员会所作出的纪律性决定进行仲裁的做法与联盟委员会的权力相矛盾,并且不利于维护职业体育运动的完整性。并且为了保护和发展职业体育运动联盟的最大利益,委员会必须对联盟的纪律性问题拥有专有的裁判权。See Jason M.Pollack.Take My Arbitrator,Please:Commissioner“Best Interests”Disciplinary Authority in Professional Sports.67 FordhamL.Rev.1645,1706-1708(1999).
[87]See Susan Haslip.A Consideration of the Need for a National Dispute Resolution Systemfor National Sport Organizations in Canada.11 Marq.Sports L.Rev.245,247(Spring 2001).
[88]See John Barnes.Sports and the Law in Canada(3rdedition).Toronto and Vancouver:Butterworths,1996,at67-78.
[89]See Sport Canada.Athlete Assistance Program:Backgrounder.http://www.pch.gc.ca/sportcanada/SCE/aapall.htm.为了成为该组织的成员,运动员必须经由其所属的国内体育协会推荐。运动员成为该组织会员的资格基于许多标准,包括该运动员参加国内和国际比赛的次数。根据比赛成绩会员又有不同标准。对运动员来说会员的地位是重要的,因为该地位是他从其所属的国内体育协会获取补助必须要求的。
[90]See Sport Canada,http://www.pch.gc.ca/sportcanada/SC E/aapall.htm,2001-03-10.
[91]Susan Haslip.A Consideration of the Need for a National Dispute Resolution System for National Sport Organizations in Canada.11 Marq.Sports L.Rev.245,249-250(Spring 2001).
[92]See Graeme Mew.FromLittle League to Ben Johnson:Alternatives for Resolving Sports Disputes.http://www.sportlaw.ca/articles/other/article7.html,2003-09-19.
[93]See Anik L.Jodouin.The Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada:An Innovative Development in Canadian Amateur Sport.15 J.Legal Aspects Sport 295,300-301(Summer 2005).
[94]See John Barnes.Sportsand the Law in Canada(3rdedition).Toronto and Vancouver:Butterworths,1996,at 167.
[95]See Our Mission-what We're All About.http://www.adrsportred.ca/about/mission_e.cfm,2006-10-17.
[96]See Anik L.Jodouin.The Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada:An Innovative Development in Canadian Amateur Sport.15 J.Legal Aspects Sport 295,304(Summer 2005).
[97]Art.6.25,Canadian Sports Dispute Resolution Code(2006).
[98]See Anik L.Jodouin.The Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada:An Innovative Development in Canadian Amateur Sport.15 J.Legal Aspects Sport 295,306(Summer 2005).
[99]Art.7.14,Canadian Sports Dispute Resolution Code(2006).
[100]Sara Blake,Administrative Law in Canada 157(3d ed.2001).
[101]SDRCC,ADR-Sport-RED Code art.RA-16(2004),available at http://www.adrsportred.ca/tribunal/doc/CodeFinal_E.doc.
[102]See Hilary A.Findlay.Rulesof a Sport-Specific Arbitration Processasan Instrument of Policy Making.16 Marq.Sports L.Rev.73,86(Fall 2005).
[103]See Hilary A.Findlay,ibid.at92.
[104]根据澳大利亚马术协会(EFA)的纪律处罚规则第4条的规定,有关的违反协会规则的申诉应由澳大利亚司法程序官(National Judicial Procedures Officer,NJPO)或者其委任者组成的裁判庭予以裁决;而对于与严格责任有关的申诉(多是与运动员和马匹有关的纯粹体育性争议)则由EFA的纪律处罚机构裁决。Article 4,EFADisciplinary Bylaws(2006).
[105]See Andrew Gibson & Diane Gee-Clough.Australian Sports Law(Loose-leaf).CCH Australia Limited,1999,at 50,53.
[106]See Andy Gibson.Australian Sporting Law Highlights in 1999.3(2)Sports Law Bulletin 16(March/April 2000).
[107]See Andrew Gibson & Diane Gee-Clough.Australian Sports Law(Loose-leaf).CCH Australia Limited,1999,at 50,601-50,602.
[108]See Andrew Gibson & Diane Gee-Clough.Australian Sports Law(Loose-leaf).CCH Australia Limited,1999,at 52,602.
[109]See Andrew Gibson & Diane Gee-Clough.Australian Sports Law(Loose-leaf).CCH Australia Limited,1999,at 52,651.
[110]See Paul Hayes.Current Problems in the Resolution of Sporting Disputes in Australia.I.S.L.R.2004,2(MAY),at26.
[111]See Paul Hayes,ibid.at 27.
[112]See Paul Hayes,ibid.at 24.
[113]See Anthony Nolan.Australian Rules Football:Disciplinary Processes.16(4)Arb.Int'l 475,479(2000).
[114]See Andrew Gibson & Diane Gee-Clough.Australian SportsLaw(Loose-leaf).CCH Australia Limited,1999,at 50,201-50,202.
[115]See About CCPR,http://www.ccpr.org.uk,2006-11-20.
[116]See Simon Gardiner(ed.).Sports Law(2ndedition).London:Cavendish Publishing Limited,2001,at107.
[117]See AdamLewis,Jonathan Taylor(eds.).Sport:Lawand Practice.Great Britain: Butterworths,2003,at 117-118.
[118]See Simon Gardiner(ed.).SportsLaw(2ndedition).London:Cavendish Publishing Limited,2001,at251.
[119]See Neil Parpworth.Guarding the Game:Governing Bodies and Legal Intervention.In Steve Greenfield and Guy Osborn(eds.).Law and Sport in Contemporary Society.London:Frank Cass Publishers,2000,at 87.
[120]See Simon Gardiner(ed.).Sports Law(2ndedition).London/Sydney:Cavendish Publishing Limited,2001,at 199.
[121]See Paul Mc Cutcheon.Sports Discipline,Natural Justice and Strict Liability.28 Anglo-American L.Rev.37,40(1999).
[122]See AdamLewis,Jonathan Taylor(eds.).Sport:Lawand Practice.Great Britain: Butterworths,2003,at 120.
[123]See Aaron N Wise and Bruce S.Meyer.International Sports Law and Business.Hague,Netherlands:Kluwer Law International,1997,at 1518-1519.
[124]Rule A2,FA Rules 2006-2007.
[125]Rule G,FA Rules 2006-2007.
[126]Rule K(1)(a),FA Rules 2006-2007.
[127]Rules K(2)and FA Rule K(3),FARules 2006-2007.
[128]See Adam Lewis,Jonathan Taylor(eds.).Sport:Lawand Practice.Great Britain: Butterworths,2003,at 270.
[129]See C.Woodhouse.British Sports Arbitration Panel-An Update.1(6)Sports Law&Finance 65-66(1994).
[130]See Siddall.The UK Sports Dispute Resolution Panel-Report on the First Two Years.5(4)Sports LawBulletin 15(2002).
[134]See Adam Lewis,Jonathan Taylor(eds.).Sport:Lawand Practice.Great Britain: Butterworths,2003,at 259.
[135]See Aaron N Wise and Bruce S.Meyer.International Sports Law and Business.Volume 2,Hague,Netherlands:Kluwer Law International,1997,at 1197.
[137]See John A.Faylor.The Dismantling of German Champion:Katrin Krabbe and Her Ordeal with the German Track and Field Association and the International Amateur Athletic Federation(IAAF).Arbitration International,Vol.17,2001(2),at 171;Martin Nolte. An Introduction to(German)Sports Law.International Sports Law Journal,Vol.2,October 2001,at 17.
[138]See Aaron N Wise and Bruce S.Meyer.International Sports Law and Business.Volume 2,Hague,Netherlands:Kluwer Law International,1997,at 1198.
[139]See Aaron N Wise and Bruce S.Meyer,ibid.at1197.
[140]See John A.Faylor.The Dismantling ofGerman Champion:Katrin Krabbe and Her Ordeal with the German Track and Field Association and the International Amateur Athletic Federation(IAAF).Arbitration International,Vol.17,2001(2),at171.
[141]See M.Nolte.Sports,Rulesand the Law:AGerman Perspective.International Journal of Physical Education,Vol.38,2001(3),at 126-136;Aaron NWise and Bruce S.Meyer.International Sports Lawand Business.Volume 2,Hague,Netherlands:Kluwer Law International,1997,at 1200.
[142]See Constitution of the National Olympic Committee for Germany(2003).
[143]See Ian Blackshaw.Sport and Mediation.Int'l Sports L.J.,2002(2),at18.
[144]See Aaron N Wise and Bruce S.Meyer.International Sports Law and Business.Hague,Netherlands:Kluwer Law International,1997,at 1280-1281.
[145]See Aaron N Wise and Bruce S.Meyer,ibid.at1419.
[147]See Ancion v ASBL Union Royale Belge des Sociétés de Football Association,Brussels Labour Court(Interim Relief Division)20 April 2000.
[148]See Steve Cornelius.Liability of Referees(Match Officials)atSports Events.International Sports Law Journal,Vol.5,2004(1-2),at57.
[151]See Aaron N Wise and Bruce S.Meyer.International Sports Law and Business.Hague,Netherlands:Kluwer Law International,1997,at 1108-1109.
[152]比利时有三个明显的语言和种族地区,即法语区、佛兰德语区和德语区。体育运动完全由各地区所属的省来管辖,中央政府仅保留非常有限的责任。每个区都有一个负责体育运动的部长,在每个区内有各自的体育运动协会。See Aaron NWise and Bruce S.Meyer.International Sports Law and Business.Hague,Netherlands:Kluwer Law International,1997,at 1099.
[153]CBAS Regiment,http://www.olympic.be/Pdf/BASRegl_FR.pdf,2006-11-20.
[154]See Aaron NWise and Bruce S.Meyer.International Sports Law and Business.Hague,Netherlands:Kluwer Law International,1997,at 1109.
[155]See Paul Dahan.Concerning the Request Lodged by a Sportsman before an Ordinary Court of Law.In Dr.Urs Scherrer(ed.).Preliminary Remedies in International Sports Law.Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag AG,Zurich 1999,at60.
[156]See André-No 3l Chaker.Study on National Sports Legislation in Europe.Council of Europe Publishing,1999,at 92.
[157]39 CA Paris,3 December 1986,Rev.arb.1987,352,with annotation Ch.Jarrosson.
[158]See Andrea Pinna.The Trials and Tribulations of the Court of Arbitration for Sport.Contribution to the Study of the Arbitration of Disputes concerning Disciplinary Sanctions.International Sports Law Journal,2005(1/2),at11.
[159]See Summary of the ENGSO Country Reports 2003.http://www.engso.com/ members/Wcedf1fc8a194f.htm,2006-05-07.
[160]See André-No 3l Chaker.Study on National Sports Legislation in Europe.Council of Europe Publishing,1999,at 94-95.
[161]See Paul Dahan.Concerning the Request Lodged by a Sportsman before an Ordinary Court of law.In Dr.Urs Scherrer(ed.).Preliminary Remedies in International Sports Law.Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag AG,Zurich 1999,at 70-71.
[162]See Ian Blackshaw.Sport and Mediation.International Sports Law Journal,2002(2),at 18.