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(1)See Carol S.Bruch,“The Central Authority's Role under the Hague Child Abduction Convention:A Friend in Deed”,28 Fam.L.Q.37(1994-1995).

(2)See Adair Dyer,“Keynote Address:to Celebrate A Score of Years!”,33 N.Y.U.J.Int'l L.&Pol.3(2000).

(3)See Georges A.L.Droz,“Evolution du r9le des autorités administratives dans les conventions de droit international privé au cours du premier siècle de la Conférence de La Haye”,in Etudes Offertes à Pierre Bellet 38(1991).

(4)See Georges A.L.Droz,“Evolution du r9le des autorités administratives dans les conventions de droit international privé au cours du premier siècle de la Conférence de La Haye”,in Etudes Offertes à Pierre Bellet 38(1991).


(6)See Peter H.Pfund,“Intercountry Adoption:The 1993 Hague Convention: Its Purpose,Implementation,and Promise”,28 Fam.L.Q.53(1994-1995).

(7)See Carol S.Bruch,“The Central Authority's Role under the Hague Child Abduction Convention:A Friend in Deed”,28 Fam.L.Q.40(1994-1995).

(8)See http://hcch.e-vision.nl/index_en.php?act=conventions.authorities&cid=24(visited on 1 Feb.2005).

(9)See Gary B.Born,International Civil Litigation in United States Courts 935(3rd ed.,1996).

(10)See the European Council,Introduction to the Explanatory Report to the Draft European Convention on the Service in the Member States of the European Union of Judicial and Extra-judicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters,marg.note 2(document 97/C261/03).

(11)See Gustaf M9ller,“Explanatory Report on Convention on International Access to Justice”,in Actes et Documents de la Quatorzième session(1980),Tome IV,Judicial co-operation,p.263.

(12)212 F.3d 1243(11th Cir.2000),cert.denied,120 S.Ct.2737(2000).关于美国第十二巡回上诉法院对该案的分析摘要,参见http:// www.newsmax.com/articles/?a=2000/4/21/153207(visited on 27 Dec.2004).

(13)See Carol S.Bruch,“The Central Authority's Role under the Hague Child Abduction Convention:A Friend in Deed”,28 Fam.L.Q.35(1994-1995).

(14)See the Hauge Conference,Guide to Good Practice under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction,Part I–Central Authority Practice,Jordan Publishing Limited,2003,pp.32 et seq.

(15)See the Permant Bureau,Working Draft of A Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance,Prel.Doc.No 7,Apr.2004.

(16)See the Permanent Bureau,“Report of the Second Special Commission Meeting to Review the Operation of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction”,33 I.L.M.236-237(1994).

(17)Re N.(Minors)(Abduction)[1991]1 F.L.R.413;[1991]Fam. Law 367,[1991]F.C.R.765.

(18)See the Permanent Bureau,Conclusions and Recommendations of the Special Commission of October-November 2003 on the Operation of the Hague Service and Evidence Conventions,paras.50-54.

(19)See Bruno Ristau,International Judicial Assistance:Civil and Commercial Matters 106-107(1986).

(20)See B.Gino Koening,Gloor&Sieger,“The Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents”,in Dennis Campbell ed.,International Judicial Assistance in Civil Matters 236(1999).

(21)See the Permanent Bureau,Report on the Work of the Special Commission on the Operation of the Hague Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters,June 1978,Annex,pp.425-428.

(22)See the Hague Conference,Annexes to the Report of the Special Commission of April 1999-Model Forms,available at http://hcch.e-vision.nl/upload/wop/ maintann_e.pdf(visited on 4 Jan.2005).

(23)See B.Gino Koening,Gloor&Sieger,“The Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents”,in Dennis Campbell ed.,International Judicial Assistance in Civil Matters 236(1999).

(24)See the Permanent Bureau,Report on the Work of the Special Commission on the Operation of the Hague Service Convention,Dec.1977,p.17,available at http://hcch.e-vision.nl/upload/scrpt14_77e.pdf(visited on 1 Oct.2005).

(25)See Gustaf M9ller,Explanatory Report on the Recommendation Adopted by the Fourteenth Session(1980),paras.15-19,available at http://hcch.evision.nl/index_en.php?act=publications.details&pid=25&dtid=3(visited on 1 Oct.2005).


(27)See Gustaf M9ller,Explanatory Report on the Recommendation Adopted by the Fourteenth Session(1980),paras.2-3,8-11.

(28)See Gustaf M9ller,Instructions for Filling out the Notice Established by the Author of the Report on the Recommendation(1980),available at http://hcch.evision.nl/index_en.php?act=publications.details&pid=27&dtid=2(visited on 1 Oct.2005).


(30)See R.Fentiman,Foreign Law in English Courts:Pleading,Proof and Choice of Law 3-4(1998).










(40)See A.Dyer,“Keynote Address:to Celebrate A Score of Years!”,33 N. Y.U.J.Int'l L.&Pol.11(2000).

(41)See http://www.hiltonhouse.com/File.htm(visited on 25 Jan.2005).

(42)See the Hague Conference,The Hague Project for International Cooperation and the Protection of Children,available at http://hcch.e-vision.nl/ index_en.php?act=publications.details&pid=484(visited on 1 Oct.2005).

(43)See the Hague Conference,The Judges'Letters on International Child Protection,Vol.2,Autumn 2000,pp.4-5.

(44)See 25 on Jan.2005).




(48)See the Hague Conference,The Judges'Letters on International Child Protection,Vol.2,Autumn 2000,pp.11-12.


(50)See the Hague Conference,The Judges'Letters on International Child Protection,Vol.1,Spring 1999,p.6.


(52)See the ILA Committee on International Litigation,The Sixty-Eighth Conference,London,2000.

(53)See e.g.,Alley v.Parker 1998 WL 58858(cit.1998).

(54)See the Hague Conference,The Judges'Letters on International Child Protection,Vol.1,Spring 1999,pp.1-2.

(55)See http://www.hcch.net/doc/deruwen.e.doc(visited on 1 Oct.2005).

(56)See http://www.hcch.net/doc/der2001e.doc(visited on 1 Oct.2005).

(57)See the Hague Conference,The Judges'Letters on International Child Protection,Vol.2,Autumn 2000,pp.10-11.


(59)See http://www.hcch.net/doc/englishconference.doc(visited on 1 Oct. 2005).

(60)See the Hague Conference,The Judges'Letters on International Child Protection,Vol.5,Spring 2003,pp.3-7.

(61)See the Hague Conference,The Judges'Letters on International Child Protection,Vol.2,Autumn 2000,pp.9-10.

(62)See Mathew Thorpe,“International Liaison Judges for Family Proceedings”,in The Judges'Letters on International Child Protection,Vol.3,Autumn 2001,pp.10-16.

(63)See P. Schlosser, “Jurisdiction and International Judicial and Administrative Co-operation”,284 Recueil des cours 396(2000).

(64)Ibid.at 396-397.

(65)德语称为“Rechtshilfeordnung in Zivilsachen(ZRHO)”。



(68)See Geoff Hoon,Modernising Civil Justice,1998 Nottingham Law Journal Lecture,1 May 1998.

(69)United States v.Andrews,754 F.Supp.1161,1173 n.12(N.D.Ill. 1990).

(70)See Edward D.Cavanagh,“The Civil Justice Reform Act:The Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 and the 1993 Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure:Can Systemic Ills Afflicting the Federal Courts Be Remendied by Local Rules?”,67 St.John's L.Rev.721-723(1993).


(72)See UNCITRAL,“Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency”,36 I.L.M. 1389-1398(1997).

(73)O.J.L 160,30/06/2000,pp.1-13.


(75)Re Marxwell Communications Corp.v.Société Générale,93 F.3d 1036.

(76)See Jay L.Westbrook,“The Lessons of Marxwell Communication”,64 Fordham L.Rev.2531(1996).

(77)Re Bank of Credit and Commerce International SA(in liq)(No.11)[1997]BCLC 80 et seq.


(79)See P.Schlosser,“Protective Measures in Various European Countries”,in Goldsmith ed.,International Dispute Resolution:The Regulation of Forum Selection 134-136(1997).

(80)[1989]1 All ER 456 et seq.CA.

(81)See Laurence Collins,“The Terrtorial Reach of Mareva-Injunctions”,105 L.Q.Rev.262,281(1989).

(82)See P. Schlosser, “Jurisdiction and International Judicial and Administrative Co-operation”,284 Recueil des cours 399(2000).

(83)See P. Schlosser, “Jurisdiction and International Judicial and Administrative Co-operation”,284 Recueil des cours 400(2000).

(84)Ibid.at 366-368.

(85)See J.D.McClean,International Judicial Assistance 207(1992).

(86)See Simpson,“Legal Liability for Bursting Reservoirs:The Historical Context of Rylands v.Fletcher”,13 J.Leg.Stud.209(1984).

(87)See John G.Fleming,“Mass Torts”,42 Am.J.Comp.L.508(1994).

(88)Re‘Agent Orange’Product Liability Litigation,597 F.Supp.740(E.D.N.Y.1980).

(89)See Jack B.Weinstein&Eileen B.Hershenov,“Effect of Equity on Mass Tort Law”,1991 U.Ill.L.Rev.269(1991).

(90)Meyrs a.o.v.Boeing Co.794 P.2d 1272.

(91)See Nigel V.Lowe,“The 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction:An English Viewpoint”,33 N.Y.U.J.Int'l L.&Pol.179(2000).

(92)County of Los Angles,No.BD 051876 of 09.12.1991,DEU FamR,1999,69,71.

(93)See J.H.A.Van Loon,“The Hague Conventions on Private International Law”,in F.G.Jacobs and S.Roberts,The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law 221(1994).

(94)Thompson v.Thompson 645 SW 2d 79(Mo.App.1982).

(95)See P. Schlosser, “Jurisdiction and International Judicial and Administrative Co-operation”,284 Recueil des cours 196-197(2000).

(96)Ibid.at 397.

