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【摘要】:外文论文与研究报告_上海自贸区成立三周年回眸 制度篇[1]James W.Dean and David E.Bowen.Management Theory and Total Quality:Improving Research and Practice through Theory Development[J].Academy of Management Review,1994,3.[2]Jia

[1]James W.Dean and David E.Bowen.Management Theory and Total Quality:Improving Research and Practice through Theory Development[J].Academy of Management Review,1994,3.

[2]Jiaxiang Hu.The Role of the Technological Neutrality Principle in the Development of WTO Rules,in Science and Technology in International Economic Law[M].Edited by Bryan Mercurio And Kuei-Jung Ni.Routledge,2014.

[3]Ian F.Fergusson,Mark A.McMinimy,Brock R.Williams.The Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP)Negotiations and Issues for Congress[R].Congressional Research Service,January 30,2015.

[4]John C.Coffee,Jr..The Rise of Dispersed Ownership:The Roles of Law and the State in the Separation of Ownership and Control[J].The Yale Law Journal,Vol.111,No.1,2001.

[5]John J.Da Ponte,Jr..United States Foreign-Trade Zones:adapting to time and space[J].Tulane Maritime Law Journal,1980,Fall.

[6]Leroy J.Pelicci Jr..ACTA and the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement-ACTA Faith,or ACT Futility?An Exposition of Intellectual Property Enforcement in the Age of Shanzhai[J].Penn State Journal of Law and International Affairs,Vol.1,No.1,2012.

[7]Mary Jane Bolle,Brock R.Williams.U.S.Foreign-Trade Zones:Background and Issues for Congress[R].CRS Report for Congress,2013,November 12.

[8]Rafael La Porta,Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes,Andrei Shleifer and Robert W.Vishny.Law and Finance[J].Journal of Political Economy,Vol.106,No.6,1998.

[9]Rafael La Porta,Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes,Andrei Shleifer and Robert W.Vishny.What Works in Securities Law[J].Journal of Finance,Vol.61,No.1,2006.

[10]Thomas Farole,GokhanAkinci,ed.Special economic zones:progress,emerging Challenges,and future directions[R].The World Bank,2011.

[11]William G.Kanellis.Reining in the Foreign Trade Zones Board:Making Foreign Trade Zone Decisions Reflect the Legislative Intent of the Foreign Trade Zones Act of 1934[J].Northwestern Journal of International Law &Business,1995,Spring.

[12]William W.Burke-White &Andreas von Staden.Investment Protection in Extraordinary Times:The Interpretation and Application of Non-Precluded Measures Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties[J].Vol.48,Va.J.Int'l L,2008.

