Rongchang Laundry:
On The Way of Mobile Internet Exp loring
Abstract:This case reviews the hard and bitter grow th history of how Rongchang Laundry develops from a traditionaloffline com pany to an Internet com pany based on the PC term inal which connects to the laundry card.Then it subsequently in turn creates laund ry p roduct based on the mobile Internet,nam ely,E-bag Laundry.It also analyzes the bottlenecks of traditional laundry industry,and also the influence as well as subversion that custom er-centered concept have on the traditional industry.It describes the possible difficulties and challenges traditional industry m ight m eet in the future.The case p rovides China's laund ry industry enterprise and even som e traditiona l industry enterprise w ith a good exam p le of how to m eet the developm ent of the mobile Internet.
Keywords:Rongchang laundry;Mobile internet;Business model;O2O