首页 百科知识 武汉大学创新课程选介比较哲学国际班课程


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【摘要】:武汉大学创新课程选介比较哲学国际班课程Curriculum for the International Program for Comparative Philosophy课程说明武汉大学哲学学院比较哲学国际班课程分两个部分:公共选修课要求与专业学习要求。中级课程与高级课程是按照哲学史课程与哲学问题课程两个标准安排的。因此,学生应该同时兼顾哲学史课程和哲学问题课程的选修。


Curriculum for the International Program for Comparative Philosophy





1.法律基础,      2学分;

2.法语,        3学分;

3.高等数学,      3学分;

4.体育,        4学分;

5.计算机基础与应用,  6学分;

6.拉丁语,       3学分;

7.古代汉语,      3学分;

8.现代汉语Ⅰ,     4学分(对象是外国留学生);

9.现代汉语Ⅱ,     4学分(对象是外国留学生);

10.德语Ⅰ,       4学分;

11.德语Ⅱ,       4学分。


专业选修课包括课程、毕业论文、社区服务三大项。其中在课程选修上,学生应该选修至少2门初级课程(Elementary Courses)、10门中级课程(Intermediate Courses)、10门高级课程(Advanced Courses)。中级课程与高级课程是按照哲学史课程(historical courses)与哲学问题课程(systematic courses)两个标准安排的。因此,学生应该同时兼顾哲学史课程和哲学问题课程的选修。在课程的总学分要求上,包括公共选修课与专业选修课,选修不得少于112个学分。学生还必须满足毕业论文和社区服务的要求。毕业需要修满120学分。

Students in the International Program for Comparative Philosophy are expected to meet two requirements:Courses Requirements(112 credits)and Thesis and Specific Work Requirements(8 credits).The total credit requirements for the completion of the Bachelor Degree in Philosophy are 120.

The courses will be divided into three levels,Elementary Courses,Intermediate Courses,and Advanced Courses.And the latter two levels of courses will be divided into two categories,Historical and Systematic courses.

In addition to the course work,students need to write a thesis(6 credits)and do a 2-week voluntary community service(2 credits)in order to complete the degree of BA in philosophy.

Course Descriptions(专业课程简介)

ⅠElementary Courses(初级课程)

100.Central Problems in Philosophy(3)

An intensive introduction to central problems in philosophy.Topics may include universals and particulars,free will,the existence of God,skepticism and knowledge,and the mind-body problem.

110.Introductory Logic(3)

Introduce the techniques,results,and philosophical import of 20th century formal logic.Principal concepts include those of sentence,set,interpretation,validity,consistency,consequence,tautology,derivation,and completeness.

120.Introductory Metaphysics(3)

The course will cover questions such as,what is the ultimate nature of the universe,the nature of all concrete reality?Is it physical,or mental,or both,or neither?And,what is our nature:are we physical,or mental,or both,or neither?Our inquiry into these questions will be used to help us with traditionally central philosophical problems,including the problem of free will,the problem of personal identity,and the mind-body problem.While much of the course will treat these topics,some will treat some other topics.

130.Introductory Epistemology(3)

An introduction to some of the central questions in epistemology through their treatment by traditional and contemporary writers:Such topics as sense perception,knowledge and belief,necessity,memory,and truth will be treated.

140.Introductory Ethics(3)

A study of important ethical theories with special reference to the problem of the objectivity of morality and the relation between moral reasoning and reasoning about other subjects.

150.Introduction to the Cultural Backgrounds of Western Philosophy(3)

The course aims at giving Chinese students a broad view on Western religious background from which western philosophy has developed.对象:国内学生

ⅡIntermediate Courses中级课程

Ⅱ.1.Intermediate Historical Courses中级哲学史课程

200A.History of Greek Philosophy.(3)

Survey of origins of Greek metaphysics from pre-Socratics through Plato and Aristotle and beyond,including Greek philosophy in the Hellenistic and Roman periods such as philosophy of Stoics,skeptics,Neo-Platonist and others.

200B.History of Medieval Philosophy(3)

Development of early medieval philosophy within framework of Judeo-Christian theology and its assimilation and criticism of Greek philosophical heritage.Focus on problem of universals,existence and nature of God,problem of evil,doctrines of the Trinity and atonement,metaphysics,and theory of knowledge.Study of philosophy and theology of medieval philosophers such as Augustine,Anselm,Abelard,Aquinas,Scotus,or Ockham,and others.

200C.History of Western Modern Philosophy(3)

Survey of the development of metaphysics and theory of knowledge from Renaissance to Hegel,Topics may include views of philosophers of the period on mind and body,causality,existence of God,skepticism,empiricism,limits of human knowledge,and philosophical foundations of modern science.

201A.History of Pre-Qin Chinese Philosophy(先秦哲学史)(3)

Survey of origins of Chinese philosophy from pre-Confucius to the periods of Spring and Autumn and Warring States.Focus on Confucianism,Daoism,Moism,and other schools.

201B.History of Chinese Philosophy in the Medieval Period(from Han to Tang)(汉唐哲学史)(3)

Survey of the development of Chinese philosophy in the periods of Han to Tang,including(i)philosophy of Dong Zhong-shu,Yang Xiong,Wang Chong,Wang Pi,Guo Xiang,Lie-zi,(ii)assimilation and integration of Buddhism into Chinese mind from the Seven Schools,through Three Treatise School,Consciousness-Only School,Tian Tai School,Hua Yan School,and the culmination in Zen School,(iii)Confucian Revival

201C.History of Modern Chinese Philosophy(from Song to Qing)(宋元明清哲学史)(3)

Survey of the development of Chinese philosophy from Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty.Focus on the emergence and development of Neo-Confucianism in Zhou Dun-yi,Zhang Zhai,Cheng Hao,Cheng Yi,Zhu Xi,Lu Xiang-shan,Wang Yang-ming,Wang Fu-zhi.

210.History of Contemporary Western Philosophy(4)

A course focusing on major figures in contemporary western philosophy.

211.History of Contemporary Chinese Philosophy(当代中国哲学史)(4)

A course focusing on major figures in contemporary Chinese philosophy.

Ⅱ.2.Intermediate Systematic Courses中级哲学问题课程

220.Philosophy of Mind(3)

The focus of this course will be an examination of the place of mind in the physical world.Views to be discussed will include substance dualism,behaviorism,functionalism,psychophysical identity and supervenience,and eliminativism.In the course of this,to assess the prospects for laws linking psychology to physics,and examine the extent to which the mind has causal powers.Discuss the meaning of the terms“physical”and“mental”,and such questions as whether we can have knowledge of other people's mental states,and whether we ever have certain knowledge of our own mental states.Examine the special problems arising in understanding consciousness and how it fits into the physical world.

221.Philosophy of Science

Study of selected problems concerning the character and reliability of scientific understanding,such as nature of scientific theory and explanation,reality of theoretical entities,inductive confirmation of hypotheses,and occurrence of scientific revolutions.


A study of the nature,sources,types,and limits of human knowledge.

224.Intermediate Logic(3)

A study of logic from the mathematical viewpoint,including propositional and predicate calculus,consequence and deduction,truth and satisfaction,the G9del completeness theorem,the L9wenheim-Skolem theorem,and applications to Boolean algebra,axiomatic theories,and the theory of models.


A study of selected topics of metaphysics.Examine a number of classic metaphysical questions about the nature of ourselves and our place in the universe.Questions to be considered include,do objects exist outside of our minds,and to what extent are their features mind-independent?Can our nature be fully described and explained in purely physical terms?Could you survive a brain transplant,the transfer of your thoughts and memories to another brain,or destruction of your brain and body and creation of a perfect replica?Are our actions causally determined like the rest of nature,and if so,does this have implications for our responsibilities and attitude to life?Do we occupy any special place in the universe?Is our existence an accident,or were we meant to be here?

226.Philosophy of Language(3)

Examines various philosophical and psychological approaches to language and meaning and their consequences for traditional philosophical problems in metaphysics,epistemology,and ethics.Discusses primarily 20th Century authors including Russell,Wittgenstein,and Quine.

250.Moral Philosophy(4)

An examination of moral foundations for normative ethics in the philosophical traditions,including justification by nature,reason,sentiment,and history,derived from selected texts of Aristotle,Kant,Hume,and Hegel.An analysis of the status of moral judgments in 20th-century ethical theories from Moore to Ayer,Sartre and Dewey.

251.Confucian Philosophy(儒家哲学)(3)

An examination of Confucian view on morality and ethical theories in both traditional and contemporary contexts.Accordingly,both classical and contemporary works by Confucian philosophers will be read and discussed.

252.Daoist Philosophy(道家哲学)(3)

An examination of fundamental issues discussed in Daoist philosophers.

253.Chinese Buddhist Philosophy(中国佛学哲学)(3)

This is a course that inquiries into some central issues in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy,especially in classical Chinese Buddhist philosophy.

254.Metaphysical Theories in Song-Ming Philosophy(宋明哲学的形而上学问题)(3)

Examines various metaphysical theories regarding the world and human nature in major figures during the period of Song-Ming,such as Zhang Zhai,Zhu Xi,Cheng Hao,Cheng Yi,Wang Yang Ming,Wang Fu Zhi.

260.Classical Hindu Thought(古典印度思想)(3)

An examination of metaphysical theory concerning God,the world,and human nature in Classical Hindu Thought.


An introduction to hermeneutics,understood as a philosophical inquiry into the role of interpretation in our understanding of human practices.Focus on the theory of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics.


An introduction to existentialist philosophy from the 19th century through Sartre.Focus on the existentialist understanding of human situation,human nature,and human knowledge.

290.Aesthetics:Historical Survey(3)

Historical and critical examination of the major texts in aesthetics from Plato to Danto,including Aristotle,Hume,Kant,Hegel,Nietzsche,Wittgenstein,Heidegger,and Benjamin.

291.Marxist Philosophy(3)

A survey of either classical Marxist philosophy or contemporary Marxist philosophical theories.Text may vary depending on the assignments of the instructor.

Ⅲ Advanced Courses高级课程

Ⅲ.1.Advanced Historical Courses高级哲学史课程

300A.Plato and His Predecessors(4)

Topics covered will include:Socrates'method of dialectic,his conceptions of moral virtue and human knowledge;Plato's theory of knowledge,metaphysics,and moral and political philosophy.

300B.Aristotle and His Successors(4)

Aristotle's most important contributions in the areas of logic,scientific method,philosophy of nature,metaphysics,psychology,ethics,and politics.Several of his major works will be read in translation.Aristotle's successors in the Greco-Roman period will be studied briefly.


A seminar on Augustine's Confessions,and selections from his the City of God.Focus on Augustine's philosophical theology,and the relation between his understanding of God and the soul and contemporary philosophy of religion.


A Study of Aquinas's natural theology and his natural law ethical theory in Summa theological.

320A.British Empiricism(4)

A critical study of the metaphysical and epistemological doctrines of Locke,Berkeley,and Hume.

320B.Descartes,Spinoza,and Leibniz(4)

Readings in continental philosophy of the early modern period,with intensive study of the works of Descartes,Spinoza,and Leibniz.Topics to be specially considered include:knowledge,understanding,and sense-perception;existence and necessity;the nature of the self and its relation to the physical world.

320C.Kant's Critique of Pure Reason(4)

A detailed study of Kant's epistemology,centering on the questions:What can we know?How is synthetic a priori knowledge possible?Kant's answer,his transcendental idealism,centrally involves a novel theory of the mind radically at odds with standard conceptions of space,time and causality.

320D.Kant's Ethics(4)

A study of Kant's principal ethics texts,The Grounding of the Metaphysics of Morals,The Critique of Practical Reason,and selections from the Metaphysics of Morals and Religion within the Bounds of Mere Reason,in light of recent scholarship,in particular,the new books of Allen Wood and Paul Guyer.

320F.Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit(4)

A detailed study of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit,focusing on the question: What is Hegel's question concerning Truth in that book?What does Hegel introduce into the history of Western philosophy?Read important selections from the book in the light of recent scholarship,in particular,the new books of Merold Westphal.

320G.Marx's Capitol(3)

A detailed study of Marx's monumental work,Capitol,focusing on the question:What is Marx's view on human society,and what is the relation between communism and capitalism,and what is the revolutionary characteristic in Marx's dialectic phenomenology?

320H.Marx's 1844's Manuscripts(3)

A detailed study of Marx's 1844 Manuscripts.


A detailed study of Kierkegaard's works,Fear and Trembling,Sickness unto Death.Discuss Kierkegaard's view on what is a self.


A detailed study of Nietzsche's works,Beyond Good and Evil,A Genealogy of Morals,focusing on Nietzsche's critique of morality and religion,and his view on what is a self,and his relationship to 20th century continental philosophy.


A study of Husserl's phenomenology,focusing on his Ideas:General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology,Cartesian Meditations,and other essays.


A study of Heidegger's philosophy,including both early writings and later works.

320M.American Philosophy(3)

Examines American pragmatic philosophical development.

320N.Contemporary Analytical Philosophy(3)

Discuss contemporary major figures in the analytical tradition.


A detailed study of one of the classical text of Daoist philosophy,Dao De Jing(《道德经》),discussing its significance in contemporary philosophy.


A detailed study of Zhuang Zi(《庄子》).


A detailed study of Confucius's The Analects(《论语》),focusing on how his thought shapes Chinese mind,and discussing his positive and negative influence on Chinese history.


A detailed study of Mencius(《孟子》),focusing on his philosophy of the will,ontology and phenomenology.

330E.The Book of Changes(《周易》研究)(3)

A course which examines the structure of the Book of Changes,and its influence on Chinese mind.

330F.The Book of Rituals(《礼记》研究)(3)

A course which examines the structure of the Book of Rituals and how it had influenced the life of Chinese people.

330 G.Mo-zi(墨子研究)

An inquiry into Mo-zi's moral and religious philosophy,especially his social theology.


A course that inquiries Zhu-xi's philosophy and its influence on Chinese mind.

340B.Wang Yang-ming(王阳明研究)

A course that inquiries Wang's idealistic philosophy and his relation to his predecessors and successors.

340.Wang Chuan Shan(王船山研究)(3)

A study of Wang's metaphysics and possible bearing on 20th century Chinese philosophy.

350A.Mou Zong San(牟宗三研究)(3)

A study of Mou's philosophy and his relation to Western philosophy.

III.2.Advanced Systematic Courses高级哲学问题课程

350.Philosophy of Logic(4)

The course is concerned with general philosophical questions about the nature of logic(what it is,what are its bounds,can it be empirical?)as well as with the relation between logic and various metaphysical positions.It also addresses some specific topics,such as the significance of the various kinds of quantification,or the impact of the incompleteness results.The following is a tentative list of subjects.Choice of topics and depth of coverage might depend on the level of the attending students;specific requests will be taken into consideration.Prerequisites:The Symbolic Logic course,or any course or training that provides the same mastery of first-order logic.

351.Incompleteness Results in Logic(4)

Computable functions and relations in a first-order language,G9del numbering,fixed point theorems(sentences that“speak about themselves”),G9del's incompleteness theorems,Church's undecidability theorem and the undecidability of various mathematical theories,various philosophical implications.Prerequisites:Proficiency in logic at the minimal level of symbolic logic.

360.Contemporary Metaphysical Issues(3)

A course covers the following topics(to various degrees):metaphysical realism;the nature of universals;the nature of particulars;the nature of possible worlds;the nature of time.

361.Contemporary Moral Theories(3)

Texts may vary depending on the instructor.The course may cover moral questions in the western or Chinese context.It may also be a comparative study.

370.Philosophy of Religion(3)

A study of contemporary analytical philosophy of religion,including topics such as nature and grounds of religious belief,relation between religion and ethics,nature and existence of God,problem of evil,religious epistemology,and what can be learned from religious experience.

371.Reformed Epistemology(3)

A study of Alvin Plantinga's epistemology,readings including God and Other Minds,and Warranted Christian Belief.

372.Phenomenology of Religion(3)

A contemporary course focuses on how to understand religion or religious experience phenomenologically.It will cover major contemporary philosophers of religion in the tradition of continental philosophy,including Merold Westphal,John D Caputo,Jean-Luc Marion.

380.Chinese Political Philosophy(中国政治哲学)(3)

This is a course which tries to establish a political philosophy by drawing on the materials in classical Chinese philosophy and with reference to western political philosophy.Texts will vary depending on the instructor.

381.Moral Issues in Contemporary China(当代中国道德问题)(3)

This course will focus on moral issues that contemporary Chinese face in their lives.A Preceptorial class in which both the instructor and the students are effectively involved.Issues discussed may vary depending on the situation.

382.Contemporary Chinese Philosophy Seminar(当代中国哲学)(2)

This is a seminar either focusing on a contemporary Chinese philosopher or a hotly debated issue in contemporary philosophical circle.

390.Contemporary Philosophical Issues(3)

A course aims at focusing on one or two major philosophical problems discussed by contemporary philosophers.Texts vary depending on the instructor's assignment.

399Ⅰ.Intensive Philosophical Seminar I.(2)

A seminar taught by invited prominent philosophers on contemporary philosophical questions each year.The length of the seminar may vary from oneweek to one month.Students are required to attend at least two of this kind of seminars.

399Ⅱ.Intensive Philosophical SeminarⅡ(2)

399Ⅲ.Intensive Philosophical SeminarⅢ(2)


Under the direction of an instructor,students write an independent research paper which is about 7000 Chinese characters or no less than 4000 English words.

Ⅴ.Voluntary Community Service(2)社区服务

Students are required to work voluntarily in community service for two weeks.

