首页 百科知识 陕西历史博物馆展出的西周青铜器达数千件


时间:2023-02-04 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:这个展室展出近年来在周原考古出土的各种建筑遗存,如空心砖、板瓦、筒瓦、瓦当、陶水管等。公元前11世纪,商王朝灭亡,西周王朝取而代之,建都丰、镐。陕西迄今发现的西周青铜器达数千件,仅陕西历史博物馆就收藏有2 000多件。




西周是我国青铜时代繁荣兴盛的顶峰。陕西迄今发现的西周青铜器达数千件,仅陕西历史博物馆就收藏有2 000多件。在此展出的有礼乐器、生产和生活用具,也有实战兵器。另外,青铜器也是奴隶社会的礼制,即权力与等级的象征。青铜器纹饰是研究青铜器艺术的重要内容。

Artifacts on display in this hall are from three different stages of historical development:the Zhou Clan,the Zhou Fang State and the Western Zhou Dynasty.The Zhou Clan was formed by several small tribes that resided along the banks of Jinghe and Weihe rivers during a later period of Longshan Culture.The clan was adept at farming.Archaeologists call the cultural ruins of this period the Early Zhou Culture.

To avoid invasion and harassment of some nomadic tribes,in the 16th century BC,the Zhou Clan settled down in the present-day Fufeng and Qishan counties,and established a capital,an official ranking system and a govern-ing body.The Zhou Clan was acknowledged by the Shang Dynasty and designated the Fang State.The capital of the Fang State was Zhouyuan.Here on display are exhibits of building ruins,such as hollow bricks,plain tiles,roofing tiles,tile-ends and pottery sewer pipes.

In the 11th century BC,the Shang Dynasty declined and the Western Zhou Dynasty came into existence.It established its twin capital ci-ties in Feng and Hao,which were separated by the Feng River. This marked the emergence of the ancient city of Xi'an.

The development of China's bronze culture reached its peak during the Western Zhou Pe-riod. Unearthed in Shaanxi are thousands of bronze vessels,out of which 2 000 are housed now in the Shaanxi History Museum.On display here are ritual and musical instruments,daily utensils,production implements and weapons.The bronze vessels repre sented a system of rites in the slavery society.They were the symbol of power and social strata.The bronze vessels with decorative designs and patterns provide an important source of information for the study of the art of bronze wares.

