人类要生存就必须有良好的自然环境。根据对植物标本的研究及出土动物骨头的鉴定得知,6 000年前的半坡村一带气候温和湿润。那个时期,浐河和灞河水量很大,半坡先民从不为缺水而发愁。半坡村东有白鹿原,南接丛林覆盖的终南山。这里土地肥沃,水源充足,林木茂密,从而使半坡先民能耕种、渔猎、制陶、喂养牲畜、盖房、过定居的生活。
A favorable natural environment is essential to human survival and sustenance.The plant specimens and animal bones study shows that the area near Banpo Village was warm and moist 6 000 years ago.In those days,both the Chan River and the Ba River were flowing.The Banpo people never had to worry about the availability of water.To the east of Banpo Village is the White Deer Plateau,and to the south is Zhongnan Mountain densely covered with vegetation.The Banpo people made this place their home because of its fertile soil,abundant water supply and dense forests.All this made it possible for them to conduct many activities,such as farming,fishing,hunting,pottery making,livestock breeding,house building,etc.Therefore they lived a settled life.
In Banpo,the remains of some bone shuttles,spinning wheels and 81 bone needles with eyes were unearthed.Fragments of linen fabrics were found at the bottom of some excavated pottery vessels.All these show that this period saw the emergence of spinning and wearing.