这两个陈列室展出的是杨家湾汉墓出土的彩绘陶兵马俑。杨家湾汉墓是汉高祖刘邦长陵陪葬墓之一。1965年在距此墓南70余米处发现了大批彩绘陶俑。经过清理,在10个陪葬坑中出土了兵马俑约3 000件,号称“三千兵马”。10个陪葬坑中有4个立俑坑,6个骑兵俑坑。立俑分乐舞俑和武士俑。乐舞俑中有扛旗奏乐的,有翩翩起舞的,服饰有红、绿、黄、白等各种颜色。武士俑都手持长矛和盾牌,背负箭囊,身着铠甲。
In these two halls,the main exhibits are painted pottery warriors unearthed from a Han tomb in Yangjiawan.The tomb is one of the satellite tombs of Changling Mausoleum,where Emperor Liu Bang,the first emperor of the Western Han Dynasty,was buried.About 70 meters south of the tomb,a large number of painted pottery figures were discovered in 1965.The archaeologists sorted out 3 000 pottery warriors from ten pits in the tomb.They were known as“an army of three thousand war-riors”.There are four pits with standing figures and six pits with pottery cavalrymen.The standing figures were divided into music players,dancers,and warriors.Among the music players and dancers,some carried flags,some played musical instruments,and others danced with quick and light steps in various colorful costumes.All the warrior figures held long spears and shields in their hands and carried swords on their backs and wore suits of armor.