首页 百科知识 良渚文化博物馆


时间:2023-02-05 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:良渚文化博物馆位于浙江省杭州市区北郊的良渚镇,距离市中心17千米。该博物馆由江泽民同志亲自题写馆名,并于1994年5月正式向公众开放。Located in Liangzhu Township,northern suburb of hangzhou City in Zhejiang province,it is 17km away from the city center.After the former president Jiang Zemin inscribed its name,the museum officially opened in May,1994.“良渚文化”是太湖流域一个重要的古文明,因由西湖博物馆的施昕更先生于1936年发现于浙江良渚镇而得名,距今5300-4000年。


Located in Liangzhu Township,northern suburb of hangzhou City in Zhejiang province,it is 17km away from the city center.After the former president Jiang Zemin inscribed its name,the museum officially opened in May,1994.


Liangzhu Culture is a well developed ancient culture around Tai Lake Valley 5300-4000years ago,named after the Liangzhu Township discovered by Mr.Shi Xingeng of the West Lake Museum in 1936.According to archaeological research,the forefathers of Liangzhu took the lead into paddy-plough agricultural age,and researchers have discovered obvious trends of specialization in handicraft industry at that time.Especially,the developed jade production technology presents great achievements in this culture.


Exhibition of 400pieces relics from Liangzhu in the museum revealed that incredible ancient civilization and the great contributions to oriental cultures forefathers of Liangzhu had made.

