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时间:2023-02-05 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:片月生沧海,三潭处处明。夜船歌舞处,人在镜中行。When out of the sea a moon is born,The three pools become everywhere all bright,Where boats are alive with song and dance,people seem to walk in the mirror’s light.孤山寺北贾亭西,水面初平云脚低。最爱湖东行不足,绿杨荫里白沙堤。Walking by Qiantang Lake in SpringNorth of Solitary Monastery,west of the Jia pavilion,Water brims level with the bank,the clouds hand low;here and there,the first orioles are disputing for sunny trees,Young swallows,just from the eaves,peck in the spring mud.The riot of flowers begins to dazzle the eyes,The short grass barely covers the horses’hooves;I love best the east of the lake,and could stroll forever,On that white-sand embankment shaded by green willows.西湖天下景,游者无愚贤。



When out of the sea a moon is born,

The three pools become everywhere all bright,

Where boats are alive with song and dance,

people seem to walk in the mirror’s light.





Walking by Qiantang Lake in Spring

North of Solitary Monastery,west of the Jia pavilion,

Water brims level with the bank,the clouds hand low;

here and there,the first orioles are disputing for sunny trees,

Young swallows,just from the eaves,peck in the spring mud.

The riot of flowers begins to dazzle the eyes,

The short grass barely covers the horses’hooves;

I love best the east of the lake,and could stroll forever,

On that white-sand embankment shaded by green willows.



The West Lake offers the best sight in the world,

Whether the tourist is foolish or wise,

he enjoys himself in a greater or lesser degree,

Nobody can pretend to be a know-all.

