首页 百科知识 三北豆酥糖


时间:2023-02-05 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:三北豆酥糖是宁波传统糕点,名扬江浙地区和海外。100多年前最先产于余姚陆埠镇。三北豆酥糖营养丰富,含有蛋白质、碳水化合物、磷、铁、胡萝卜素等多种营养成分,此外能够长久保持香、甜、酥、松的特点。It is a traditional sweet of Ningbo,famous both in Zhejiang and Jiangsu province and overseas.First produced in Lubu town of Yuyao 100years ago,Sanbei Bean Crisp Sweets contain rich nutrients such as protein,carbohydrates,phosphor,iron and carotene.Besides,it remains fragrant,sweet and crisp over a long time.现在,余姚的陆埠镇、慈溪的周巷镇沈师桥和宁波升阳泰旅游食品厂为主要产地和生产企业。


It is a traditional sweet of Ningbo,famous both in Zhejiang and Jiangsu province and overseas.First produced in Lubu town of Yuyao 100years ago,Sanbei Bean Crisp Sweets contain rich nutrients such as protein,carbohydrates,phosphor,iron and carotene.Besides,it remains fragrant,sweet and crisp over a long time.


Lubu County in Yuyao City,Shenshi Bridge of Zhouxiang County in Cixi City and Ningbo shengyangtai tourism food products factory have been the main manufacturing location and producing place.

