首页 百科知识 葡萄砧木钾吸收动力学及不同土壤类型供钾能力研究


时间:2023-02-14 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:葡萄砧木钾吸收动力学及不同土壤类型供钾能力研究STUDY ON THE ROOT STOCK POTASSIUM UPTAKE KINETICS OF GRAPES AND DIFFERENT SOIL TYPES OF POTASSIUM ABILITY作者:韩 真  导师:翟 衡山东农业大学  果树学2011届硕士摘 要钾是葡萄生长所需的重要营养元素之一。葡萄是典型的喜钾作物,缺钾对其产量和品质有较大的影响。



作者:韩 真  导师:翟 衡

山东农业大学  果树学2011届硕士

摘 要


本实验以 7 种不同砧木自根苗、酿酒葡萄霞多丽嫁接苗(SO4、5BB)和赤霞珠嫁接苗(Beta、101-14M、SO4、5BB)为研究试材,通过营养液培养和离子消耗曲线模拟方法,测定砧木的钾离子吸收动力学参数,以期筛选出钾高效基因型砧木品种;同时研究了不同类型土壤的钾形态组成和供钾能力,以期为生产上合理施用钾肥提供理论依据。主要研究结果如下:

1. 以动力学参数作为筛选不同基因型砧木钾吸收效率的指标,7 种砧木钾吸收效率依次为:140Ru >Beta>101-14M>3309C>5BB>110R>SO4。钾高效基因型 140Ru、Beta、101-14M 根系钾吸收动力学参数表现出最大吸钾速率(Imax)高,对钾的亲和力(Km)高,钾最低吸收浓度(Cmin)低的特点。

2. 赤霞珠嫁接在不同砧木上,植株体内钾含量及积累量不同,以Beta、101-14M为砧木的植株钾含量和积累量高于以5BB、SO4为砧木的植株,植株体内总K量依次为赤霞珠/Beta>赤霞珠/101-14>赤霞珠/5BB>赤霞珠/SO4,其中赤霞珠/Beta的总K量是赤霞珠/SO4的1.35倍。

3. 对不同地区葡萄园土壤分析表明,不同土壤钾形态含量为全钾≈矿物钾>缓效钾>速效钾。速效钾(包括水溶性钾、非特殊吸附钾和特殊吸附钾3部分)是葡萄可吸收利用的主要部分,不同葡萄园差异较大,以平邑黏土速效钾含量最高,其次是沂源棕壤,蓬莱潮土、济宁砂姜黑土、济南褐土中等,而莒县棕壤、肥城黄土速效钾总量及所占比例较低,表明其当季供钾能力相对较低。缓效钾含量以莒县棕壤较高,其他土壤差异不大。

4. 不同土壤类型固钾能力顺序为莒县棕壤>济宁砂姜黑土>肥城黄土>济南褐土>平邑黏土>沂源棕壤>蓬莱潮土,供试土壤速效钾含量除莒县土壤外其他均处于高和较高水平,综合看各地的钾肥使用量大多数偏高,需要控制钾肥的使用。

5. 研究霞多丽葡萄钾的亚细胞分布表明,K在各器官中的含量依次为根系>叶片>叶柄。在各器官的亚细胞中,K主要分布在细胞可溶性成分、细胞壁和质体(或叶绿体)中,而在细胞核、线粒体和核糖体中K分布量较少。根系与叶片四种重要细胞器[质体(或叶绿体)、细胞核、线粒体和核糖体]中的K分配率随K处理浓度的增加而增加;叶柄中,线粒体和核糖体K分配率随K处理浓度的增加而增加,但叶绿体和细胞核K分配率下降。各细胞器中K分配率受K处理浓度影响。在根中,霞多丽/SO4可溶性固形物中K分配率高于霞多丽/5BB。

6. 高Ca(100mg/L,200mg/L)对霞多丽不同砧木植株吸收K素均有明显的拮抗作用,植株各器官的K含量及积累量均随着Ca浓度的增加而降低。两种砧木嫁接苗均表现出K浓度降低。

关键词 葡萄 砧木 钾 吸收动力学 高效基因型 土壤类型


Potassium is one of the key nutrition elements of Plant growth. Grape is one of important crash-crops in our country. There is great influence to grape yields and fiber traits under K deficiency. However,K resources are very shortage in China. It is one of a way to resolve there problems to screen high K-efficiency genotypes.

This study used different types of rootstocks,Cabernet Sauvignon(CS)grafted on Beta、101-14M、SO4、5BB,Chardonnay grafted(SO4、5BB)grape discussed the mechanism of different types of grape varieties adapt to low potassium soil,studied grape growth status,nutritional status and root morphlolgical and physiological characteristics,revealed the mechanism of potassium nutrition efficiency difference of different grape varieties,provided a the oretical basis to select appropriate grape varieties and achieve high yield based on soil nutrition status. The main results were as follows:

1. The kinetic parameters of potassium efficiency genotype represented higher Imax ,higher Km and lower Cmin. The sequences of the different absorption efficiency are140Ru>Beta>101-14M>3309C>5BB>110R>SO4.The kinetic parameters can be used as the token of potassium-efficient genotype.

2. K concentration and accumulation of Cabernet Sauvignon had differences between varieties on rootstocks. K concentration and accumulation of CS/Beta,CS/101-14M was higher than CS/5BB,CS/SO4.The sequences of the different total K content are CS/Beta>CS/101-14M>CS/5BB>CS/SO4.

3. The soil K supplying capability and K fixation characteristics of 7 representative plow layer soil samples from the major vineyard of Shandong Province was studied. The results show that the sequences of the different forms potassium content are total K≈mineral K>slow available K>available K. The available K(including water soluble K、non-specifically adsorbed K、specifically adsorbed K) is the absorbed section,the differences are obvious among vineyards. The content of available K in clay Pingyi sample was in highest level,then Yiyuan brown soil,Penglai flavor-aquic soil,Jining Shajiang black soil and Jinan brown soil in medium level,Juxian brown soil and Feicheng loess soil in low level,while there show that short-term supplying capability of potassium was lower. Juxian browm soil had the highest content of the slow available K while there was no obvious difference in other soils.

4. The sequences of K fixation capacity are Juxian browm soil>Jining Shajiang black soil>Feicheng loess soil >Jinan brown soil >Pingyi clay soil Yiyuan brown soil>Penglai flavor-aquic soil. In general,the value of available potassium content in the tested soil behaved a high level except that of in Juxian,so the quantity of potassium fertilization should be controlled.

5. K contents in different Grape plant parts were as follows: root>blade>petiole. K was mainly distributed in fractions of soluble component,cell wall and chloroplast(or plastid in root) and less distributed in fractions of nucleolus,mitochondrion and ribosome. In four important organelles (plastid(or chloroplast ),nucleolus,mitoehondrion and ribosome)of the root and blade cells,K distribution rates were increased with increasing of K treated concentrations. In the petioles,K distribution rates were increased with K. In root,K distribution rates in soluble component of Chardonnay /SO4 was higher than in Chardonnay /5BB.

6. There are obverse antangonistic effects between K and Ca. The experiment results showed ,the level of potassium in a plant tissue is positively determined by the concentration of Ca.

Key words Grape Rootstock Potassium Uptake kinetics Efficient genotype Soil type

