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时间:2023-02-14 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:野生毛葡萄皮色素的提取、纯化及性质研究STUDIES ON THE EXTRACTION,PURIFICATION AND PROPERTIES OF VITIS QUINQUANGULARIS REHD SKIN PIGMENT作者:薛敏敏  导师:邓 纪中南林业科技大学  食品科学2011届硕士摘 要色素是食品中重要的添加剂,随着人类对合成色素毒性作用的认识和天然绿色食品的渴求,天然色素的需求量在增大。通过四种不同的体系研究了野生毛葡萄皮色素的抗氧化性能。



作者:薛敏敏  导师:邓 纪

中南林业科技大学  食品科学2011届硕士

摘 要



野生毛葡萄皮色素的稳定性试验结果表明:光照、高温、H2O2 、Vc均能引起色素的降解,Ca2+对色素稳定性没有显著影响。Zn2+、Al3+能够增加花色苷的稳定性。Fe2+有一定的破坏作用。野生毛葡萄皮色素在低浓度的山梨酸钾、苯甲酸钠中稳定。食盐、蔗糖均有明显的增色作用。



关键词 色素 提取 稳定性 纯化 抗氧化


Pigment is food additive,and with the people’s understanding to toxicity of synthetic pigments and the desire to the nature green food,the demand for natural pigment is increasing. Our country is very rich in wild grapes,and to develop these resources,whether in economic or scientific value is important. The extraction condition of vitis quinquangularis Rehd pigment,the stabilities of pigment,the purification parameters of pigment,and anoxidation activity of pigment had been studied in this paper. The results were summarized as follows:

The results of experiment of coloration,and analysis of visible spectrum showed that the vitis quinquangularis Rehd pigment was confirmed as a kind of anthocycyanins. In order to research the pigment extraction effect,the two extraction methods: traditional solvent extraction,microwave and ultrasonic extraction were compared in this paper. The factor was optimized by orthogonal design. The optimum extraction parameters of traditional solvent extraction were as following:70% ethanol with 1%HCL(pH=2)as soaking liquid,solvent-to-solid(1:5),extraction 60min at 50℃. The optimum parameters by microwave and ultrasonic extraction were as following:70% ethanol with 1%HCL(pH=2)as soaking liquid,solvent-to-solid(1:5),ultrasonic power(150W),the power of microwave 60%(540W),the treatment time of microwave 60s,the treatment time of ultrasonic 60s,The effect of microwave and ultrasonic extraction was higher than traditional solvent extraction,The extraction time was clearly reduced, and the total content of anchocyanins improved by 41%.

The result of stability test showed that the sunlight,high temperature,H2O2 and Vc accelerated the degradation of the pigment。Ca2+ Had little influence on stability of the pigment。Zn2+、Al3+ Could increase the stability of pigment。Fe2+ had some damaging effects. Low concentration of Potassium sorbate and Benzoic Acid had little influence on the stability of the pigment。Salt and sucrose had all copigmentation function,

The purification of vitis quinquangularis Rehd pigment was studied by macroporous resin. It was proved that the NKAⅡ macroporous resin was the most suitable sorbent among the eight kinds of macroporous resin. Adsorption kinetics of NKAⅡ resin by applicating Langmuir equation was studied,and adsorption rate constant the NKAⅡ resin was 0.3369,showing a good choice of adsorption to vitis quinquangularis Rehd pigment。The optimum of static experiment were:adsorption temperature 35℃ ,desorption temperature form 25 to 35℃ ,pH=2,adsorption time 5h,70% ethanol with 1%HCL(pH=2)as enluent. The optimum of dynamic experiment were:the sample velocity 1.0ml/min,the adsorptive concentration 1.568mg/mL,the desorption velocity 1.0mL/min,the eluent consumption 9BV. Under the condition mentioned above,the color value of purified pigment was 4.76 times to that of unpurified.

The antioxidation of samples was studied by four different systems. The results showed that vitis quinquangularis Rehd skin pigment had strong antioxidant properties. Remarkable scavenging effects against DPPH,OH、O2- were detected,and as the same concentration,the reducing power of Vc was highest,and purified pigment was higher than unpurified pigment. The deoxidative ability of the pigment increased with the concentration,and the deoxidative ability of purified pigment was higher than unpurified pigment.

Key words Pigment Extraction Stability Purification Antioxidants

