首页 百科知识 葡萄品种赤霞珠在不同产地呈香物质含量比较研究


时间:2023-02-14 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:葡萄品种赤霞珠在不同产地呈香物质含量比较研究COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE AROMA COMPONENTS OF CABERNET SAUVIGNON IN DIFFERENT REGIONS作者:谢贤锋  导师:陈继峰 俞 宏郑州大学  生物工程2011届硕士摘 要随着生活水平的提高,人们对保健越来越重视。葡萄作为葡萄酒原料,对葡萄酒品质有着重要的影响。近年来,葡萄和葡萄酒呈香成分研究取得了一定进展,但有关不同产地赤霞珠呈香物质的研究相对较少。



作者:谢贤锋  导师:陈继峰 俞 宏

郑州大学  生物工程2011届硕士

摘 要

随着生活水平的提高,人们对保健越来越重视。葡萄酒作为一种具有保健功能的含酒精饮料越来越受到人们的欢迎。葡萄作为葡萄酒原料,对葡萄酒品质有着重要的影响。近年来,葡萄和葡萄酒呈香成分研究取得了一定进展,但有关不同产地赤霞珠呈香物质的研究相对较少。本研究选取国家重点葡萄酒酿造基地玛纳斯、阜康、银川、北京、烟台和具有南方气候特点的张家港6个产地的欧亚种(Vitis vinifera L.)红色酿酒品种赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)为试验材料,在郑州果树研究所质检中心利用气质联用仪检测了赤霞珠浆果中的呈香物质。主要研究内容包括利用气质联用仪(GC/MS)对各产地赤霞珠呈香物质的判别分析,分析各产地赤霞珠果实中呈香物质差异、变化规律,为酿造优良的干红葡萄酒以及为赤霞珠的种植、推广奠定基础。同时对各地呈香成分进行研究分析,确定各产地特有呈香成分,为区分不同产地品种、品质提供参考。





关键词 赤霞珠 产地 气象色谱—质谱联用仪 香气成分


With the improvement of living standards,people pay more attention to health. As a health function of alcoholic beverages,grape wine catches a growing number of people’s attention. Grape is the material of grape wine which has an important influence on wine quality. In recent years,the study on grape and wine aroma components has made some progress,while there were only a few articles on the aroma components of Cabernet Sauvignon in different origins. This study selected one of the Eurasian origin groups (Vitis vinifera L.),a red wine grape variety Cabernet Sauvignon,which was from six region of Manas,Fukang ,Yinchuan,Beijing,Yantai,Zhangjiagang. All of these places,except Zhangjiagang ,are the main wine material regions in China. The experiment was carried in the Quality Supervision and Test Center in Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute. The main contents include using the GC-MS on the discriminant and analysis aroma components of Cabernet Sauvignon in different origins in order to analyze the differences and variation from different origins. The research result can benefit the high quality wine making,planting,and expanding of Cabernet Sauvignon. At the same time,aroma components of the origin-specific studies provide reference to distinguish between different origins and quality. The main results of this research are as follows:

There are 102 kinds of aroma components detected from Cabernet Sauvignon in all origins,including 17 kinds of hydrocarbons of alcohols,12 kinds of ketones ,5 kinds of acids,10 kinds of esters,19 kinds of hydrocarbons,5 species of nitrogen,3 kinds of phenols,15 kinds of aldehydes,1 kinds of ethers and 15 kinds of others. Among these 102 kinds of aroma components Ethyl alcohol,1-Hexanol,Phenylethyl Alcohol,Nonanal,Decanal was detected from these 6 origins. Manasi,Fukang,Yinchuan,Beijing,Yantai have the highest level of alcohols and 1-Hecanol,with the slight green flavor and fruity,and green sweet smell of roses like the benzene alcohol,and alcohol flavor ethanol were the main alcohols compounds. Zhangjiagang was detected the highest relative content of aldehydes,mainly composed of fruit flavor with a 2-hecenal. In Beijing samples,4-hydroxy-2-butanone of Ketones was the main compound,2-hexenal,nonyl aldehyde,and decyl aldehyde of Aldehydes were the main compounds. Acetic acid-based compounds were only detected in Yinchuan samples. 3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisol was the only Ether in the samples of Beijing.

After a comparative analysis,the 6 origin of Cabernet Sauvignon’s unique aroma components are as follows: 2,2-dimethyl-ring ketone,methyl-cyclohexane,Luo Hanboene,2,3-dimethyl-1-pentene,3-ethyl-4-methyl pentanol,1-methyl-1H-indene,acetic acid,capronic acid,2-propylamine,(E)-3-hecene-1-ol,(Z)-3-hexene-2-alcohol,

4- hexene amine,2,4-hexadiene aldehyde,1-(2-propenyl-oxy)-1-propylene,

1, 2-bis(p-(anti-type-styryl)phenyl)trans-ethylene,2,6-bis(1,1-dimethyl-ethyl)-2,5- cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione.

Their relative concentrations were 10 mg/L or more. This result will be benefit to distinguish Cabernet Sauvignon among different origins.

According to internal standard method to calculate the total content of aroma components in the berry,it is Yantai>Beijing>Fukang>Yinchuan>Manas>Zhangjiagang. This change was consistent with all origins alcohols,ketones and aldehydes,indicating that they constitute the main type of aroma components in material of different regions.

Key words Cabernet Sauvignon Origin Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry Aroma components

