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时间:2023-02-15 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:最后,对氮肥、磷肥和钾肥需求量做了前景分析。关键词:农业政策 测土配方施肥 节本增效 节能减排 土壤有机质 固碳 前景分析Chinese Agriculture Policies and Prospects Analysis on Fertilizer DemandYang FanAbstract: This paper introduces agriculture policy related with fertilization, testing soil and formulated fertilization could save cost and promote efficiency, optimize the fertilizer structure, conserve energy and reduce emission, and change farmer old ideas about traditional fertilization. Straw turnover also could increase the content of soil organic, increase crop yield, capture carbon, etc. At the end, this paper make a propect analysis on demand for N, P, K fertilizer in future. Key words: agriculture policy; soil testing and formulated fertilization; cost saving and synergy; energy conservation and emission reduction; soil organic matter; carbon sequestration; prospects analysis

杨 帆

(全国农业技术推广服务中心 北京 100125)

摘 要:介绍了与施肥相关的农业政策;测土配方施肥在节本增效、优化施肥结构、节能减排以及转变农民传统施肥观念方面的成效;秸秆还田对提升土壤有机质、农作物增产、固碳等发挥的作用。最后,对氮肥、磷肥和钾肥需求量做了前景分析。

关键词:农业政策 测土配方施肥 节本增效 节能减排 土壤有机质 固碳 前景分析

Chinese Agriculture Policies and Prospects Analysis on Fertilizer Demand

Yang Fan

(The National Agro-Tech Extension and Service Center, Beijing, 100125)

Abstract: This paper introduces agriculture policy related with fertilization, testing soil and formulated fertilization could save cost and promote efficiency, optimize the fertilizer structure, conserve energy and reduce emission, and change farmer old ideas about traditional fertilization. Straw turnover also could increase the content of soil organic, increase crop yield, capture carbon, etc. At the end, this paper make a propect analysis on demand for N, P, K fertilizer in future. Key words: agriculture policy; soil testing and formulated fertilization; cost saving and synergy; energy conservation and emission reduction; soil organic matter; carbon sequestration; prospects analysis

