(东北师范大学泥炭研究所 长春 130021)
摘 要:集中化、规模化育苗已经成为我国种苗产业的主流和发展方向,种苗生产的快速发展对种苗基质提出了标准化、规范化、商品化需求。根据国外种苗基质产业发展经验,针对我国种苗基质产业发展存在的问题和现状,在分析我国发展种苗基质制备产业有利条件的基础上,提出了发挥我国泥炭资源优势,加快育苗基质配方和调制技术开发、加强育苗基质规模化自动化成套设备研制、探索总结在大规模工业化条件下育苗基质的生产管理模式,建立大型种苗基质生产线示范工程,培育和引领我国种苗基质制备产业发展的建议。
关键词:种苗基质 种苗产业 泥炭
Developing the Industry of Seedling Substrate Preparation
and Meeting the Demand of Seedling Industry
Meng Xianmin
(Institute for Peat and Mire Research, NENU, Changchun, 130021)
Abstract: Intensive, large-scale breeding of seedlings has been a leading direction in China’s seedling industry. The rapid development of seedling industry has launched the requirement of the standardization, commercialization of seeding preparation. According to the developmental experience on the seedling substrate industry abroad and problems and situation of seedling substrate industry in China, a suggestions have been recommended on playing advantage of domestic peat, speeding up R&D of formula and preparation techniques of seeding substrate, Strengthening the R&D of complete equipment of seedling substrate preparation, researching and summarizing the management model of seedling substrate preparation in large scale, setting up the demonstration production line of large scale seeding substrate preparation and leading the development of China seedling substrate preparation on the basis of Favorable conditions of seedling substrate industry.
Key words: seedling substrate; seedling industry; peat