首页 百科知识 腐植酸产品分析及标准


时间:2023-02-15 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:腐植酸既是实体经济,又是环境友好型产业,完全符合国家倡导绿色环保新产业的要求。中国腐植酸绿色低碳产业的发展前景光明。1 中国社会低碳活动瞭望(看社会)2 中国低碳产业政策走势强劲(看天气)3 中国腐植酸低碳产业的核心力(核心力)4 中腐协集成申报国家“十二五”项目(融合力)5 中国腐植酸绿色低碳产业发展行动(行动力)6 中国腐植酸绿色低碳产业前景光明(光明力)


(中国腐植酸工业协会 北京 100120)

摘 要:全球低碳化已成发展趋势。低碳,既是经济,又是政治,而低碳生活已涉足社会各方面。腐植酸既是实体经济,又是环境友好型产业,完全符合国家倡导绿色环保新产业的要求。腐植酸绿色低碳产业的核心力构架,应该从原料、科研、产品、标准、检测方法、计算方法、品牌等诸多方面塑造。通过产、学、研、示、推等组合拳,融合各方力量,加快腐植酸新产业(品)走向大市场,实现专业化、规模化、集约化、国际化、智能化,方可铸就腐植酸大业。世界潮流浩浩荡荡,低碳经济不可阻挡。“爱地球就爱腐植酸,爱人类就爱低碳”。在全球低碳经济新浪潮的推动下,腐植酸绿色低碳产业应抓住历史机遇,借助天时、地利、人和之势,集合各种资源,全方位出击,打造精品,抢占市场,做大做强,为维护地球和人类可持续发展做出新的贡献。中国腐植酸绿色低碳产业的发展前景光明。

关键词:腐植酸 绿色环保 低碳产业 集成示范 核心力 融合力 行动力 前景光明

The Bright Prospect of China Green Low-carbon Humic Acid Industry

Zeng Xiancheng

( China Humic Acid Industry Association, Beijing, 100120)

Abstract: The developing tendency is low-carbon, it is concerned with economy and polity, and low-carbon life has ushered in all sectors of society. Humic acid fully agrees with the requirements of national policies about promoting the development of new green environmental industry, because it is not only the real economy, but environment-friendly industry. Construction of the core of green low-carbon humic acid industry should be consider from the raw materials, research, products, standards, testing methods, calculation methods, brand, and many other aspects. Combination of production, study, research, exhibition, popularize and so on, blending of all forces, accelerate to take humic acid product’s place on the international market, realize specialization, enlargement, intensification, internationalization, intelligent, build a great humic acid finally. ‘love the earth, love human, love low carbon, love humic acid’. Promoting by the wave of global lowcarbon economy, green low-carbon humic acid industry should seize this historical opportunity with favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions, collect various resources, ensure all-round development, create first-class products, make a bigger market share, further strengthen and expand humic acid industry, contribute to keep the sustainable development of society and human being. The prospect of China green low-carbon humic acid industry will be brighter.

Key words: bio-humic acids; humic acid; green environmental-protective; low-carbon industry; demonstration; core competitive; fusion faculty; execution capability; bright prospect


1 中国社会低碳活动瞭望(看社会)

2 中国低碳产业政策走势强劲(看天气)

3 中国腐植酸低碳产业的核心力(核心力)

4 中腐协集成申报国家“十二五”项目(融合力)

5 中国腐植酸绿色低碳产业发展行动(行动力)

6 中国腐植酸绿色低碳产业前景光明(光明力)

