图184 结肠下区的间隙及交通
Gap of the colon down region and traffic
图185 腹后壁腹膜的配布
Arrangement of the peritoneum on the posterior abdominal wall
图186 小肠
Small intestine
图187 小肠的动脉
Arteries of small intestine
图188 肠系膜上动脉及其分支
Superior mesenteric artery and its branches
图189 肠系膜上静脉及其属支
Superior mesenteric vein and its tributaries
图190 肠系膜上丛至小肠的自主神经分布
Autonomic distribution of the superior mesenteric plexus to the intestine
图191 大肠的动脉
Arteries of the large intestine
图192 结肠动脉的变异
Variations of the colic artery
图194 阑尾动脉
Appendix artery
图195 盲肠动脉和阑尾动脉的变异
Variations of the colic and the appendix arteries
1.盲肠后动脉posterior cecal artery;2.盲肠前动脉anterior cecal artery;3.阑尾动脉appendicular artery
图197 阑尾位置的变异
Variations of the vermiform appendicular position
图198 大肠的淋巴管和淋巴结(前面观)
Lymph vessels and lymph nodes of the large intestine (anterior aspect)
图199 大肠的淋巴管和淋巴结(后面观)
Lymph vessels and the lymph nodes of the large intestine (posterior aspect)