图443 足背区局部解剖1
Topography of the dorsal region of the foot 1
图444 足背区局部解剖2
Topography of the dorsal region of the foot 2
图445 足背区局部解剖3
Topography of the dorsal region of the foot 3
图446 足背动脉类型
Types of the dorsalis pedis arteries
图447 足底区局部解剖1
Topography of the plantar region of the foot 1
图448 足底区局部解剖 2
Topography of the plantar region of the foot 2
图449 足底区局部解剖3
Topography of the plantar region of the foot 3
图450 足底区局部解剖 4
Topography of the plantar region of the foot 4
图451 足背腱滑膜鞘
Tendinous synovial sheaths of dorsum of the foot
图452 足腱滑膜鞘(外侧面)
Tendinous synovial sheaths of the foot (lateral aspect )
图453 足的关节 和韧带(外侧面)
Joints and ligaments of the foot (lateral aspect)
图454 足的关节 和韧带(内侧面)
Joints and ligaments of the foot (medial aspect)
图455 踝部磁共振成像(轴位)
MRI of the ankle (axial view )
图456 踝部磁共振成像(冠状位)
MRI of the ankle (coronal view)