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[1]Mahan,The Influence of Sea Power,521.

[2]The capacity of both the ports has since been increased to 67 m tons.

[3]Tahir Wasim et al.,Gwadar,12-14.

[4]Martin Reiser and Dennis De Tray,“Uzbekistan”,in Silk Road Studies,206-220,available atwww.silkroadstudies.org,accessed on May 13,2012.

[5]Tahir Wasim et al.,Gwadar,14-15.


[7]In 2003,Hu Jintao in a speech to senior partymembers at an economic work conference highlighted what he called the“Malacca Dilemma”.China’s 80%trade,including its oil imports,has to pass through the Malacca Straits thus highlighting the vulnerability of the route.

[8]Tahir Wasim et al.,Gwadar,16.

[9]Hash V.Pant,The Rise of the Indian Navy,(London:Ashgate,2012),3.


[11]Term coined by the author during a speech on,“Extra-Regional Influences in the Indian Ocean,Emerging Indo-USNexus and its Bearing on Pak-China Relationship”,in an international seminar titled 60 Years of Pak-China Relations:Landmarks,Trendsand Approaches,Islamabad:Institute of Policy Studies,April12,2011.

[12]Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Army_Forces_in_the_Middle_East,accessed on August14,2012.

[13]Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Naval_Forces_Central_Command,accessed on August 14,2012.

[14]A doctrinal statement titled A Cooperative Strategy for the 21st Century Sea Power,issued jointly by the US Navy,Marine Corps and the Coast Guards,October 2007,9.

[15]Hussain,“Pakistan’s Gwadar Port”,121.


[17]Abdus Sattar Ghazali,“India Alarmed as Chinese Built Gwadar Port of Pakistan becomes Operational”,February 8,2008,http://www.countercurrents.org/ghazali080208.htm.

[18]Hussain,“Pakistan’s Gwadar Port”,59.

[19]French President Sarkozy commissioned amilitary base in Abu Dhabion May 26,2009,the first permanentmilitary establishment created by the French Republic in a foreign country since over half a century.The Abu Dhabi base,Sarkozy said,“illustrates the responsibilities that France,as aworld power,intends to assume alongside its special partners in a region that is a nerve center for the entire world”.

[20]Hussain,“Pakistan’s Gwadar Port”,142.

[21]India imported 4.1 million barrels/day of oil in January 2013,sixty one percent of it coming from the Middle East.

[22]Ghazali,“India Alarmed”.

[23]Donald L.Berlin,“India in the Indian Ocean”,http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/NAVY/History/2000s/Donald.pdf,accessed on December 31,2010.

[24]Robert Blake(US Assistant Secretary of State)has recently reiterated this stance in Beijing on March 18,2011,he says,“we think India’s going to be one of our defining partnerships in the 21st Century”.

[25]Azhar,“Extra-Regional Influences in the Indian Ocean”,55.

[26]Ghazali,“India Alarmed”.The distance of Strait of Hormuz is incorrectly stated for exaggeration;the correct distance is 356 nm as has been mentioned earlier.


[28]http://blogs.reuters.com/afghanistan/2011/05/26/in-pakistans-gwadar-port-chinese-whispers-grow/,accessed on August12,2012.

[29]Hussain,“Pakistan’s Gwadar Port”,149.

[30]Official EIA website,www.eia.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=CH,accessed on September 13,2012.

[31]Joseph Nye Jr.,The Paradox of American Power(New York:Oxford University Press,2002),19.

[32]Hussain,“Pakistan’s Gwadar Port”,50.

[33]http://www.china-window.com/china_market/china_industry_reports/western-region-development.,accessed on May 30,2013.

[34]China’s Peaceful Development,1st ed.,a doctrinal document issued by China’s Information Office of the State Council,(2011),14.

[35]PervezMahmood,“Riding China’s EconomicWave,National Trade Corridor:The Road to Prosperity”,IBEX,January 2009,18-21.

[36]“Official Speaks About Discrepancy in Pak-China Trade Statistics”,Business Recorder,(September 5,2012).

[37]Xuecheng Lieu,“China’s Energy Security”,Stanley Foundation Policy Analysis Brief,September 2006,available at http://reports-stanleyfoundation.org.


[39]Data from EIA.

[40]Data from EIA.

[41]Tahir Wasim et al.,Gwadar,14.

[42]The strategy was outlined in a paper“String of Pearls:Meeting the Challenge of China’s Rising Power Across the Asian Littoral”,by Lieutenant-Colonel Christopher J.Pehrson,of the Pentagon’s Air Staff,in Carlisle Papers in Security Strategy,July 2006.

[43]Mahmood,“Riding China’s Economic Wave”,20.

[44]http://www.cfr.org/china/expanding-china-africa-oil-ties/p9557,accessed on September 13,2012.

[45]http://professional.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903392904576510271838147248.html?mgaccessed on September 13,2012.

[46]http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2011-11/16/content_14107209.htm,accessed on September 13,2012.

[47]Lu Yong,“China’s trade Rush with Africa”,http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/zflt/eng/zfgx/t820242.htm,accessed on September 13,2012.

[48]Guangming Daily,(Beijing)http://en.gmw.cn/2012-09/11/content_5043350.htm.

[49]http://hisamullahbeg.blogspot.com/2011/01/link-between-gawadarport-and-kkh.html,accessed onSeptember 1,2012.

[50]China’s Peaceful Development,3,22,18.

[51]Michael Kort,Nations in Transition:Central Asian Republics(New York,Facts on File,2004),vi.

[52]According to some estimates the Alaska and North Sea deposits will exhaust by 2015(Constantine Arvanitopoulos,“The Geopolitics of Oil in Central Asia”,March 2002).

[53]Data collected from official websites of CIA and EIA on September 22-23,2012.

[54]“Integrating Central Asia into the World Economy:The Role of Energy and Transport Infrastructure”,A report prepared by the Carnegie Endowment and Wolfensohn Center For Development(Brookings),October,2007.

[55]Arvanitopoulos,“The Geopolitics of Oil”.

[56]Jesus Felip and Utsav Kumar,“The Role of Trade Facilitation in Central A-sia:A Gravity Model”,New York Levy Economics Institute,Working Paper No.68,October 2010,7.

[57]Tahir Wasim et al.,Gwadar,16.

[58]According to estimates Afghanistan can earn US$100-300 million per year in transit fees from TAPI project.


[60]Murtha,“Strategic Importance of Balochistan”.

[61]Ariel Cohen,“U.S.Interests and Central Asia Energy Security”,The Heritage Foundation,November 15,2006,http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2006/11/us-interests-and-central-asia-energy-security.

