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【摘要】:[03]The Long-Term Outlook for the BRICs and N-11 Post Crisis,December 2009.[04]The BIRCs Nifty 50:The EM&DM winners,November 2009.[05]The BRICs as Drivers of Global Consumption,August2009.[07]Ten Thin

[01]Is this the“BRICs Decade”?May 2010.

[02]BRICs at8 March 2010.

[03]The Long-Term Outlook for the BRICs and N-11 Post Crisis,December 2009.

[04]The BIRCs Nifty 50:The EM&DM winners,November 2009.

[05]The BRICs as Drivers of Global Consumption,August2009.

[06]BRICs Lead the Global Recovery,May,2009.

[07]Ten Things for India to Achieve its 2050 Potential,June 2008.

[08]Building the World:Mapping Infrastructure Demand,April 2008.

[09]BRICs and Beyond,November 2007.

[10]India’s urbanization:Emerging opportunities,July 2007.

[11]The BRICs Dream,May 2006.

[12]How Solid are the BRICs?December 2005.

[13]Dreaming with BRICs:The Path to 2050,October 2003.

[14]Building Better Global Economic BRICs,November 2001.

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