首页 百科知识 墙面工艺节点


时间:2024-09-05 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:本篇的主要内容是几种常见的墙面材料做法和隔墙做法,涉及的材料有瓷砖、石材、GRG、木饰面、金属、玻璃,工艺有干挂、湿贴等,涉及的隔墙有轻质砖墙、轻钢龙骨隔墙、钢架墙、玻璃隔墙等。This part introduces common processing techniques of several wall materials and partition walls, including ceramic tiles, stone, GRG, timber finish, metal and glass. The techniques include dry stone fixing, stone cladding with adhesive, etc. The partition walls include light-weight brick wall, light-gauge steel framing wall, steel truss wall, glass partition, etc.墙面采用不同的材料就需要不同的工艺做法,这会造成不同的墙体完成面厚度。


This part introduces common processing techniques of several wall materials and partition walls, including ceramic tiles, stone, GRG, timber finish, metal and glass. The techniques include dry stone fixing, stone cladding with adhesive, etc. The partition walls include light-weight brick wall, light-gauge steel framing wall, steel truss wall, glass partition, etc.


Different wall material needs different processing technique. It leads to different width of finished wall. The final width of the wall will greatly influence the size and shape of the space. Thus, in the period of design, the most important thing is to understand the material characters and specifications. And secondly is to understand the technique, i.e. the width of the original stone and the width of the stone after installation. Based on these information, it is easy to compute the size of the finished space, and finally to make our design more accurate and feasible.

