【摘要】:Alt-rock icon Amanda Palmer believes we shouldn't fight the fact that digital content is freely shareable -- and suggests that artists can and should be directly supported by fans.不要逼迫人们购买音乐,Amanda Palmer说:让他们主动为音乐慷慨解囊。在她充满激情的演讲中,Amanda Palmer追溯了她做街头艺人的经历,检视了艺术家和支持者之间的全新关系。
讲师介绍 Amanda Palmer
Alt-rock icon Amanda Palmer believes we shouldn't fight the fact that digital content is freely shareable -- and suggests that artists can and should be directly supported by fans.
不要逼迫人们购买音乐,Amanda Palmer说:让他们主动为音乐慷慨解囊。在她充满激情的演讲中,Amanda Palmer追溯了她做街头艺人的经历,检视了艺术家和支持者之间的全新关系。