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时间:2024-09-15 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:I wanna walk through Swedish fields of green,我想穿过瑞典绿色的田园,I wanna sail on a boat on the Baltic sea,我想乘船漂泊在波罗的海,I wanna go to my Polish grandmother's home,我想前往位于波兰的祖母家,I wanna walk on a road that leads

I wanna lay by a lake in Norway, I,我想躺在挪威的湖边,

I wanna walk through Swedish fields of green,我想穿过瑞典绿色的田园

I wanna see the forests of Finland, I,我想欣赏芬兰的森林,

I wanna sail on a boat on the Baltic sea,我想乘船漂泊在波罗的海

I wanna feel a Russian winter, I,我想感受一次俄罗斯的严冬,

I wanna go to my Polish grandmother's home,我想前往位于波兰的祖母家,

I wanna see Hungarian lanterns, I,我想游览匈牙利的灯笼

I wanna walk on a road that leads to Rome,我想踏上通向罗马的道路,

I wanna be free as the winds that blow past me,我想像我身边吹过风一样自由,

Clear as the air that I breathe,像我吸入的空气一样纯洁,

To be young as the morning,我想如清晨般精力充沛,

And old as the sea,并且如海洋般幽远深邃,

I wanna lose myself in the Scottish Highlands,我想放空自己,在苏格兰高地,

The west coast of Ireland,在爱尔兰西海岸

The Cornish breeze,在康沃尔郡的微风中,

I wanna rest my bones in the Spanish sunshine,我想在西班牙的阳光中慵懒的休憩,

The Italian coastline is calling me,意大利的海岸在召唤我前往,

To be free as the birds that fly past me,我想像我身旁飞过鸟一样自由,

Light as the fish in the sea,像海中的鱼一样轻盈,

To be wise as the mountains,我想像崇山一样宽广,

Tall as the trees,像树木一样挺拔,

I wanna be sunny and bright as the sunrise,我想像朝阳一样阳光且明亮,

Happy and full as the moon,像满月一样愉悦且充实,

But I'm fleeting like fireworks fading too soon,然而我感到人生短暂如消逝的烟火。 

分享Passenger的单曲《Young as the Morning Old as the Sea》: http://163.fm/BA4FH2IZ

