首页 百科知识 伊朗国王因起义逃离


时间:2024-09-16 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:伊朗国王因起义逃离_重大历史事件概述Shah Of Iran Flees UprisingIn 1979, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi and his wife, Empress Farah, were forced to flee Iran and flew to Aswan in Egypt.He had ruled Iran since 1941 and had abolished the multi-party system of government so that he could rule through a one-party regime in an autocratic manner.Opposition to his rule increased during the 1970's until increasingly violent protests forced the Shah and his family to flee.Conservative Muslims led by the Ayatollah Khomeini staged a revolution and abolished the monarchy and established an Islamic Republic.伊朗国王因起义逃离1979年,国王穆罕默德·礼萨·巴列维和他的皇后法拉被迫逃离伊朗并飞往埃及的阿斯旺。自1941年执掌伊朗以来,他曾废除了政府的多党体系,这样他便可以一党独裁的方式独揽统治大权。

Shah Of Iran Flees Uprising

In 1979, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi and his wife, Empress Farah, were forced to flee Iran and flew to Aswan in Egypt.He had ruled Iran since 1941 and had abolished the multi-party system of government so that he could rule through a one-party regime in an autocratic manner.Opposition to his rule increased during the 1970's until increasingly violent protests forced the Shah and his family to flee.Conservative Muslims led by the Ayatollah Khomeini staged a revolution and abolished the monarchy and established an Islamic Republic.




