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时间:2024-09-17 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:脸书推新视频服务_VOA慢速—时事新闻Last week, Facebook announced its newest service: 上周,脸书宣布新服务上线:Facebook Watch, which lets you watch original videos on Facebook.Facebook Watch服务,该项服务可以让用户在脸书上观看原始视频。Facebook plans to have hundreds of shows available at first; up to thousands of shows later.脸书计划先推出上千个节目,随后推出上万个节目。Shows on Facebook Watch will include fan groups that Facebook users can join. 脸书视频上的节目也有各种粉丝小组,用户可以参加。

Last week, Facebook announced its newest service:  


Facebook Watch, which lets you watch original videos on Facebook. 

Facebook Watch服务,该项服务可以让用户在脸书上观看原始视频。

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook  

马克 扎克伯格是脸书的创始人兼首席执行官(CEO),

announced on his Facebook page that the service will be coming soon. 


Facebook Watch is a streaming video service, like Netflix. 

Facebook Watch是一个类似于网飞公司出品的视频流服务。

Facebook Watch also is similar to traditional television in that shows will be scheduled.  

Facebook Watch跟传统电视节目相似,可以排布时段。

You can watch shows as they are added each week at a certain day and time, just like traditional TV. 


Facebook Watch is free. Some shows will have advertisements, however. 

Facebook Watch完全免费。不过,一些节目会有广告

Facebook Watch will include news, entertainment, sports, cooking and reality programs.  

Facebook Watch上会有新闻、娱乐体育、烹饪和真人秀

Some shows will be broadcast live while others will be recorded.  


Facebook plans to have hundreds of shows available at first; up to thousands of shows later. 


Major League Baseball will be showing one game a week on Facebook Watch. 

美国职业棒球大联盟每周会在Facebook Watch播出一次比赛。

Other shows will come from sites such as A&E, Mashable, National Public Radio (NPR), NASA, and National Geographic. 


One example of a new Facebook Watch show is Returning the Favor with Mike Rowe.  

Facebook Watch上值得一提的一个节目是《Returning the Favor with Mike Rowe》。

Rowe will visit towns where people are doing extraordinary things.  


Then he will do something extraordinary for them, in return. 


You can suggest people to be included on the show by posting on Mike Rowe's Facebook page. 


Unlike other streaming media or traditional TV,  


Facebook Watch has social features that can help users connect with others.  

Facebook Watch还有一些社会特征能帮助用户彼此联结。

Mark Zuckerberg said,  

马克 扎克伯格表示,

It can be a chance to share an experience  


and bring people together who care about the same things. 


Users will be able to add comments on Facebook as they watch.  


They can discuss a show with their friends as it is broadcast. 


Shows on Facebook Watch will include fan groups that Facebook users can join.  


In the groups, users can share their thoughts and connect with others to discuss the show. 


Facebook has added several ways to make it easy to find shows that interest you.  


Facebook Watch has a watchlist  


so you can remember to watch your favorite shows as soon as they become available. 


There is also a Discover section to help find shows that might interest you. 


Facebook Watch will suggest videos that your Facebook friends like.  


You will find them in the fittingly titled "What Your Friends Are Watching" section. 


Additionally, users will see suggestions for videos popular across Facebook,  


in sections such as "Most Talked About" or "What's Making People Laugh." 


Facebook Watch is now available to a small group of Facebook users in the United States.  


The group is helping to test for any problems in the service.  


When ready, Facebook Watch will become available to all users in the country.  


Later, it will be released to the entire Facebook world. 


Facebook Watch can be used through Facebook's mobile app and website. 

Facebook Watch在脸书的app和网站上都可使用。

Look for a TV icon on Facebook to see whether you have Facebook Watch. 


I'm Caty Weaver. 

Caty Weaver为您播报。


1.original adj.原始的,原创

an original Holbein drawing


2.extraordinary adj.非凡的,出色的

an extraordinary talent

3.schedule n.计划表,进度表,日程表

How can he fit everything into his busy schedule ?

4.certain adj.确定的,某些的

If they stayed in the war zone they would face certain death .


Last week, Facebook announced its newest service:  上周,脸书宣布新服务上线:

Facebook Watch, which lets you watch original videos on Facebook. Facebook Watch服务,该项服务可以让用户在脸书上观看原始视频。

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook  马克 扎克伯格是脸书的创始人兼首席执行官(CEO),

announced on his Facebook page that the service will be coming soon. 他宣布这项服务很快就会出现在脸书的页面上。

Facebook Watch is a streaming video service, like Netflix. Facebook Watch是一个类似于网飞公司出品的视频流服务。

Facebook Watch also is similar to traditional television in that shows will be scheduled.  Facebook Watch跟传统电视节目相似,可以排布时段。

You can watch shows as they are added each week at a certain day and time, just like traditional TV. 用户可以根据脸书每周在特定日期和事件排布的节目,就像传统电视一样。

Facebook Watch is free. Some shows will have advertisements, however. Facebook Watch完全免费。不过,一些节目会有广告。

Facebook Watch will include news, entertainment, sports, cooking and reality programs.  Facebook Watch上会有新闻、娱乐、体育、烹饪和真人秀。

Some shows will be broadcast live while others will be recorded.  一些节目会实时播出,而另一些节目则是录制的。

Facebook plans to have hundreds of shows available at first; up to thousands of shows later. 脸书计划先推出上千个节目,随后推出上万个节目。

Major League Baseball will be showing one game a week on Facebook Watch. 美国职业棒球大联盟每周会在Facebook Watch播出一次比赛。

Other shows will come from sites such as A&E, Mashable, National Public Radio (NPR), NASA, and National Geographic. 还有一些节目会来自如下地方:A&E、Mashable博客平台、美国国家公共电台、美国宇航局、国家地理

One example of a new Facebook Watch show is Returning the Favor with Mike Rowe.  Facebook Watch上值得一提的一个节目是《Returning the Favor with Mike Rowe》。

Rowe will visit towns where people are doing extraordinary things.  在节目中,罗会走访很多城镇,去解密那些做着了不起的事情的人。

Then he will do something extraordinary for them, in return. 然后,作为回报,他也会为他们做一些好事。

You can suggest people to be included on the show by posting on Mike Rowe's Facebook page. 你可以通过在罗的脸书上留言的方式来说出你想看到的嘉宾。

Unlike other streaming media or traditional TV,  不像其他流媒体或者传统电视,

Facebook Watch has social features that can help users connect with others.  Facebook Watch还有一些社会特征能帮助用户彼此联结。

Mark Zuckerberg said,  马克 扎克伯格表示,

It can be a chance to share an experience  这是一个机会,可以分享经历,

and bring people together who care about the same things. 也让志同道合的人聚集在一起。

Users will be able to add comments on Facebook as they watch.  用户在观看脸书的视频时也可以评论。

They can discuss a show with their friends as it is broadcast. 他们可以一边看节目,一边与朋友讨论。

Shows on Facebook Watch will include fan groups that Facebook users can join.  脸书视频上的节目也有各种粉丝小组,用户可以参加。

In the groups, users can share their thoughts and connect with others to discuss the show. 在一些小组里,用户可以分享想法,与其他用户讨论节目。

Facebook has added several ways to make it easy to find shows that interest you.  脸书添加了击中方式,让用户更容易找到自己感兴趣的节目。

Facebook Watch has a watchlist  脸书视频有订阅单,

so you can remember to watch your favorite shows as soon as they become available. 这样的话,一旦视频发出来,用户就不会忘记去看自己喜欢的视频。

There is also a Discover section to help find shows that might interest you. 还有一个"发现"的地方可以帮助用户发现自己感兴趣的节目。

Facebook Watch will suggest videos that your Facebook friends like.  脸书视频还会为用户推荐他们朋友喜欢的视频。

You will find them in the fittingly titled "What Your Friends Are Watching" section. 他们大概是这样讨喜的标题"您的朋友都在看"。

Additionally, users will see suggestions for videos popular across Facebook,  另外,用户还会看到脸书上大家都在看的视频推荐。

in sections such as "Most Talked About" or "What's Making People Laugh." 在脸书上,这样的视频大概在这样的地方"大家热议的"或者"爆笑排行前列"。

Facebook Watch is now available to a small group of Facebook users in the United States.  现在美国有一小部分脸书用户已经开始使用脸书视频功能了。

The group is helping to test for any problems in the service.  这些人为脸书视频服务可能出现的问题帮忙进行测试。

When ready, Facebook Watch will become available to all users in the country.  一旦测试无误,脸书视频就会在美国全境内上线。

Later, it will be released to the entire Facebook world. 随后,也会在全球脸书页面上出现。

Facebook Watch can be used through Facebook's mobile app and website. Facebook Watch在脸书的app和网站上都可使用。

Look for a TV icon on Facebook to see whether you have Facebook Watch. 想知道自己的脸书视频上是否添加了这个功能,就找一个类似于电视的图标吧。

I'm Caty Weaver. Caty Weaver为您播报。

