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时间:2023-09-22 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:社会各阶层的家庭收入普遍下降,但是中等收入和贫穷的美国人的收入下降的百分比更大。贫困人口飙升至百分之十三点二,为11年来的新高。他们说,虽然美国最富有的人,其高管的薪资也有可能有所削减,但是收入最低的人则往往失业,为生计苦苦挣扎。在开局的10年中,中国经济在前9年连续9年保持着9%以上的增长。  中国犹如中流砥柱,力挽狂澜,使全球目光,再次聚焦于东方。


The recession has hit middle-income and poor families hardest, widening the economic gap between the richest and poorest Americans as rippling job layoffs ravaged household budgets.

  Household income declined across all groups, but at sharper percentage levels for middle-income and poor Americans. Median income fell last year from $52,163 to $50,303, wiping out a decade's worth of gains to hit the lowest level since 1997. Poverty jumped sharply to 13.2 percent, an 11-year high.

  No one should be surprised at the increased disparity. Analysts attributed the widening gap to the wave of layoffs in the economic downturn that have devastated household budgets. They said while the richest Americans may be seeing reductions in executive pay, those at the bottom of the income ladder are often unemployed and struggling to get by.









  The year 2010 has come graciously with thousands of bells ringing one after another in the 24 time zones of the globe to announce the end of the first ten years of the millennium as well as the beginning of a new decade. In the initial 10 years of the 21rst century China has maintained a growth of more than 9 percent for straight years and, despite the grave impact of the financial hurricane/crisis, the nation was still able to retain an 8 percent annual growth in (2009), the last year of the past decade.

  During the world financial crisis, China has played the backbone role in saving the desperate situation, drawing the attention of the world to the East once again. Having exerted great efforts for more than a year, we eventually see a bright prospect ahead. We are confident that, in the coming decade, the human race, with collective wisdom, is full capable of overcoming (the current financial) difficulties and crisis and will usher in a new area (of economic development).

