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时间:2024-09-23 百科知识 版权反馈


1) Dr. Sun Yat-sen went to Japan bymeans of a big boat.

2) Dr. Sun Yat-sen went to Japan by boat.

 斜体字部分较啰嗦,因为"by"就是"by means ofboat"

Wordy:   It makes me feel painful to think thatshe has to work 12 hours a day and seven days a week.

Better:    It pains me to think that she has to work 12hours a day and seven days a week. 

Wordy:   It will be our aim to ensure properhealth care for each and every one of the Chinese people.

Better:    Our aim is to ensure proper health care for allChinese.

Wordy:   This book will help you master the basicelements of good writing.

Better:    This book will help you master the basicsof good writing.

Wordy:   The search of the forest that theyconducted was entirely complete.

Better:    The search of the forest was complete.

They conducted a complete search ofthe forest.


Wordy:   He has no sense of principles, whether he isin public or in private.

Better:    He has no principles, public or private. 

Wordy:   Whenever anyone telephoned her to ask her forhelp with their homework she always obliged right away.

Better:    She immediately obliged anyone whotelephoned for help with homework. 

Wordy:   In a cautious manner the car went around thecorner.

Better:    The car negotiated the corner. 

Wordy:   If the government agency finds that anindividual has received a payment to which the individual was not entitled,whether or not the payment was due to the individual's fault ormisrepresentation, the individual shall be liable to repay to the governmentthe total sum of the payment to which the individual was not entitled.

Better:    If the government agency finds that youreceived a payment that you weren't entitled to, you must pay the entire sumback. 

Wordy:   Another important aspect is good health. Itis one of our great blessings. It may be achieved through proper diet andexercise. Rest is also desirable.

Better:    The great blessing of good health may be hadthrough proper diet, exercise, and rest.


Wordy:  While they were playing tennis, she started anargument that lasted all morning.

Better: During tennis she started an argument thatlasted all morning. 

Wordy:  When you come to the second traffic light,turn right.

Better: At the second traffic light turn left. 

策略之二:删除诸如"who is”或"thatis"之类的关系代词,变从句为短语。例:

Wordy:  The novel, which is written in three parts,told a story that took place in the Middle Ages.

Better: The three-part novel told a story set in theMiddle Ages. 

注:把句中的”threeparts”改用形容词来表达,节省了四个不必要的单词”which is written in”。我们经常可以将关系代词如”that”去掉,这只会引起最少的变动。


"Twojoint partners will present their views over a long-distance telephone call."


策略之四:表达否定意义时,尽量避免使用否定词。英语中很多词不用"no's" 或者"not's"也能表达否定含义的词汇,你尽可以采取更为委婉的表达方式。例:

Thus collegestudents who do not have sufficient financial backing ,

也就是 collegestudents who lacks sufficient financial backing。 


Wordy 赘语)

Improved  (替换语)

as a usual rule

as a rule

due to the fact that

