Before:The Art of Strategy was written by Sun Tzu. It is afifty-six-hundred-word Chinese classical work. The writer put forth a set ofprinciples in a very tightly compressed manner. They deal with how to defeatoppositions and win battles.
(1) 简单的“主语+谓语”结构太多;
(2) "written"和"writer", "TheArt of Strategy"和" It","set of principles"和"they"为重复用语;
(3) 读起来很单调。
After:Inhis fifty-six-hundred word classic, The Art of Strategy, Sun Tzu putforth a tightly compressed set of principles for achieving triumph overopposition.
介词结构+同位语+主语+谓语的形式比较好,因为将"SunTzu" 放到了最重要成分-主语的位置,其他成分按逻辑排序居次要地位。整个句子很流畅。
Choppy: Of course, the weapons at Sun Tzu's time werequite primitive. The armies were very large. They were nearly as large as thosein World War Two. The devastation and human sufferings were just as profound asin World War Two.
Better: Compared with World War Two, the weapons at SunTzu's time were quite primitive, but the armies were nearly as large and thedevastation and human suffering just as profound.
Choppy: Proverbs are short sayings. They are drawn fromlong experience.
Better: Proverbs are short sayings drawn from longexperience.
Choppy: People change and places change as well.Jennifer felt this strongly. She had been away for eleven years.
Better: On returning after an eleven-year absence,Jennifer had a strong feeling of how people and places change.
Choppy: Beijing streets are crowded with taxis, companycars and private vehicles owned by the newly affluent. The number has beenrising rapidly in the last few years. The latest statistics show there are now1.2 million vehicles in Beijing alone.
Better: Taxis, company cars and private vehicles ownedby the newly affluent have crammed Beijing streets in rising numbers in thelast few years - 1.2 million vehicles at last count.
Choppy: Moby Dick is a book. It is a long book.It is about a whale. A man named Ahab tries to kill it. Herman Melville wroteit.
Better: Herman Melville wrote a long book called MobyDick. It is the story of a struggle of a man against a whale.
Choppy: Thousands of buildings met the same fate. This aloneis now being preserved. It marks the center of the nuclear explosion. It isbeing preserved as a symbol. It symbolizes our wish that there be no moreHiroshimas.
Better: Of the thousands of buildings that met the samefate, this alone, marking the center of the nuclear explosion, is now beingpreserved to symbolize our wish that there be no more Hiroshimas.
Choppy: I have always had a dream. My dream has been tobe a famous writer. Everyone would read my books. I would become very wealthy.
Better: I have always dreamed of being a wealthy,famous writer, read by everyone.
Choppy: This is a wreck. It was formerly the statelyImperial Garden. It is preserved deliberately as a reminder and symbol.
Better: This wreck, formerly the stately ImperialGarden, is preserved deliberately as a reminder and symbol.
Before: Lu Hao graduated last summer. He joined theFirst Auto Works in Changchun soon after graduation. He received an engineeringdegree from his college.
After: Aftergraduating last summer with an engineering degree, Lu Hao soon joined the FirstAuto Works in Changchun.
(介词结构 + 主语 + 谓语)
或 An engineering degree-holder, Lu Haojoined the First Auto Works in hangchun last summer soon after graduation.
(同位语 + 主语 + 谓语 +状语)
或:Having graduated with an engineeringdegree, Lu Hao joined the First Auto Works in Changchun last summer.
(状语+ 主语 + 谓语)