首页 百科知识 典例中国结


时间:2024-09-23 百科知识 版权反馈

中国结(the Chinese knot)是中国的一种传统而典型的民间手工编织装饰品。在汉语中,“寓意团圆、友好、和平和爱等,所以中国结经常被用来表达美好的祝愿。每个中国结通常只用一根丝线或丝绳编结而成,每一个结根据其形状和意义命名。编织中国结的主要材料是各种线,线的种类包括丝、棉、麻(linen)、尼龙(nylon)等。中国结兼具实用性和装饰性,充分反映了中国文化的魅力。

The Chinese knot is a kind of traditionaland typical folk hand-woven decoration in China. In Chinese language, “jie (aknot)” means reunion, amity, peace and love, etc., so the Chinese knot is oftenused to express good wishes. Each knot is usually woven with only one silk cordor silk rope, and named according to its shape and meaning. Chinese knots aremainly made of various cords which can be silk, cotton, linen or nylon and soon. The Chinese knot is both practical and decorative, fully reflecting thecharm of Chinese culture.

