首页 百科知识 翻译三(黄色)


时间:2024-09-23 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:翻译三(黄色)_英语四级备考约起来“双语学习”在中国文化中,黄颜色是一种很重要的颜色,因为它具有独特的象征意义。在封建社会中,它象征统治者的权力和权威。那时,黄色是专为皇帝使用的颜色,皇家宫殿全都漆成黄色,皇袍总是黄色的,而普通老百姓是禁止穿黄色衣服的。秋天庄稼成熟时,田野变得一片金黄。人们兴高采烈,庆祝丰收。  The color of Yellow, because of its unique symbolic meaning, is very important in Chinese culture。In China, it also signifies harvest。The fields grow golden yellow in autumn when the crops mature。


  The color of Yellow, because of its unique symbolic meaning, is very important in Chinese culture。 In feudal society, it represents the rulers’ power and authority。 At that time, the color was exclusively used for the emperor—the royal palace was painted yellow and the imperial robe was always yellow。 However, the ordinary people were forbidden to wear clothes of the color yellow。 In China, it also signifies harvest。 The fields grow golden yellow in autumn when the crops mature。 People celebrate the harvest cheerfully。

