(a) 雇主确定需要遵守,
(b) 遵守新标准的建议书构成一项变更时,
The design, the Contractor’s Document, the execution and the completed Works shall comply with the country’s technical standards, building, construction and environmental Laws, Laws applicable to the product being produced from the Works, and other standards specified in the Employer’s Requirements, applicable to the Works, or defined by the applicable Laws.
All these Laws shall, in respect of the Works and each Section, be those prevailing when the Works or Section are taken over by the Employer under Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking Over]. References in the Contract to published standards shall be understood to be references to the edition applicable on the Base Date, unless stated otherwise.
If changed or new applicable standards come into force in the Country after the Base Date, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer and (if appropriate) submit proposals for compliance. In the event that:
(a) the Employer determines that compliance is required, and
(b) the proposals for compliance constitute a variation,
then the Employer shall initiate a Variation in accordance with Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments].