首页 百科知识 生产设备和材料的所有权


时间:2024-09-23 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:从下列二者中较早的时间起,在符合工程所在国法律规定范围内,每项生产设备和材料都应无扣押和其他阻碍的成为雇主的财产.(a)当上述生产设备、材料运至现场时;(b)当根据第8.10款[暂停时对生产设备和材料的支付]的规定,承包商有权得到按生产设备和材料价值的付款时.Each item of Plant and Materials


(a) 当上述生产设备、材料运至现场时;

(b) 当根据第8.10款[暂停时对生产设备和材料的支付]的规定,承包商有权得到按生产设备和材料价值的付款时.

Each item of Plant and Materials shall, to the extent consistent with the Laws of the Country, become the property of the Employer at whichever is the earlier of the following times, free from liens and other encumbrances:

(a) when it is delivered to the Site;

(b) when the Contractor is entitled to payment of the value of the Plant and Materials under Sub-Clause 8.10 [Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension].

