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时间:2024-09-23 百科知识 版权反馈


But while most agree that addressing the problem is important, the idea of using the untested strategy has raised questions as to whether such an expensive program would be effective in addressing the larger issues in the teaching industry.


1.Address problem 处理问题

2.Untested 未经证实的

3.Effective 有效的

4.Teaching industry 教育行业

确定主干:the idea of using the untested strategy has raised questions

切分成分:1. while most agree that addressing the problem is important, 状语

                  2. as to whether such an expensive program would be effective in                         addressing the larger issues in the teaching industry.状语

参考译文:虽然多数人认可处理问题的重要性,但是采用未经证实的策略引发 了一些疑问,比如这么昂贵的项目是否能行之有效地解决教育行业更广泛的问题。


美国加利福尼亚州为应对优质师资缺乏的问题,提出第807号参议院法案,又称教师录用和留用法案。该法案旨在通过向新教师提供税收减免和向从业6年以上的资深教师(veteran teacher)全免个人所得税等经济奖励来鼓励更多的年轻人选择任教,同时留住优秀的教师(stay in the profession)。在美国的许多地方,教师这份职业因为薪资水平低而转业率极高(high burnout rate)。尤其是像旧金山市这样的地方,房价与教师薪资悬殊极大(the cost of housing is prohibitive for teachers on their salaries),所以教师缺口也到了十分危及的程度。虽然全美针对这个问题已经提出过不少的教育法案,比如给教学成绩好的教师和紧缺学科教学人才发放奖金和房补(bonus for effective teachers, subsidize housing cost, bonus for high-need subject),但加洲这个法案首次提出了针对性个税减免的想法。这个法案如果通过,保守估计将耗费加洲政府6.175亿美元,但支持法案的议员们表示教师是创造就业岗位的源头(teachers are the original job creators),所带来的经济利益和人才优势将是无法估量的。


The incident – and violent protests a month earlier that prompted University of California, Berkeley, officials to cancel a speech by now former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos – are causing some liberal arts schools to take a long look in the mirror: Are they really places where controversial views can be aired and debated civilly?

