特蕾莎•梅自从在去年脱欧公股的政治残局(political wreckage)中脱颖而出成为首相之后,就一直保持着典型的“英国风度”,极少向公众交流自己,比如最重要的:她相信什么。我们知道的只有她多次强调自己想要利落脱欧的欲望(stressing her desire for a clean break from the bloc)。但随着大选的临近(looming election),她开始在竞选活动中提倡一些非常中间派(strikingly centrist)的社会和经济政策,意图跨越政治分歧(political divide),向工党的传统支持者——这些在经济危机会收入被严重压榨(incomes were squeezed)的人探出友好之手。她表示将提升最低收入标准(minimum pay levels),确保因亲人生病需要离职照料的雇员可获得一年的不带薪假(unpaid leave)。工党对此十分生气,他们指责梅正在谎言欺骗选民,低估了劳动人民的智商。
The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, has accused her of taking working people “for fools,” while Mrs. May’s critics noted that the Conservatives have resisted European Union legislation protecting workers’ rights, arguing that such employment laws stifle the economy.
1.Working people 劳动人民;工人阶层
2.Critics 批评者
3.Resist 抗拒
4.Employment law 雇佣法;劳工法
5.Stifle 扼杀
The Labour leader has accused her of taking working people “for fools,”
(accuse sb of sth 指责某人做某事)
1.Mrs. May’s critics noted that
2. the Conservatives have resisted European Union legislation protecting workers’ rights,
3. arguing that such employment laws stifle the economy.
Argue 的动作发出者是conservatives !你找对了吗? 这是通过语境和语法来判断的;但是根据语义只能是保守党人,要是不知道就看看背景介绍。真的要好好看我写的背景介绍啊!!!
Italy has become the latest member state to be accused by the European commission – the EU’s executive body – of ignoring the installation of so-called defeat devices in cars, in a scandal that continues to reveal both the alleged illegal practices of major manufacturers and the weakness of national regulators.