No. 1 Sichuan Cuisine 川菜
Specialties Include: (特别推荐)
pockmarked bean curd 麻婆豆腐
chicken cubes with peanuts 宫保鸡丁
pork shreds with fishy flavour 鱼香肉丝
translucent beef slices 水晶牛片
No.2 Guangdong cuisine 粤菜
Specialties include:
roasted sucking pig 烤乳猪
fricassee three kinds of snakes and cat
steamed turtle with chives sauce 虾夷葱酱汁清炖甲鱼
king snake with bamboo slices 蛇王炒鸡丝
No. 3 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系
dezhou grilled chicken 炙鸡
bird’s nest in a clear soup quick-boiled clam
lotus flower and shrimp 青辣椒镶虾
No. 4 Huaiyang Cuisine (also known as Weiyang Cuisine) 苏州菜
yincai vegetalbes cooked with chicken slices
crab meat & minced pork ball in casserole 清炖蟹
squid with crispy rice crust 桃花饭
No. 5 Zhengjiang Cuisine 浙江菜系
Dongpo’s brasied pork 东坡肉
Steamed Grass Carp in vinegar Gravy西湖醋鱼
shelled shrimps with dragon well tea 龙井虾仁
beggar’s chicken( a whole chicken roasted in a
caked mud) 叫花鸡
Braised bamboo shoot 油焖春笋
No. 6 Fujian cuisine 福建菜系
sea food and poultry in casserole 海鲜砂锅
steamed chicken ball with egg-white 叉烧芙蓉
fried prawn shaped as a pair of fish 桔汁加吉鱼
crisp pomfret with litchi 糖醋里脊
No.7 Hunan Cuisine 湖南菜系
dong’an chicken 东安子鸡
braised dried pork with eel slices 板栗红烧肉
steamed turtle 清蒸甲鱼
spring chicken with cayenne pepper
No. 8 Anhui Cuisine 安徽菜
huangshan stewed pigeon 黄山乳鸽
gourd duck 葫芦鸭子
fricassee pork sinew with egg white 芙蓉海参
crisp pork with pine nuts松子熏肉