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时间:2024-09-24 百科知识 版权反馈
【摘要】:PartⅠ Writing (30 minutes)Direction:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition entitled Education Pays basedon the statistics provided in the chart below (Weekly earnings of 2010)



Part                       Writing                      (30 minutes)




Direction:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition entitled Education Pays basedon the statistics provided in the chart below (Weekly earnings of 2010). Pleasewrite at least 120 words but no morethan 180 words.


Education: A WorthyInvestment

Weekly earnings in 2010($)







Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Education Pays









PartⅡ   ReadingComprehension (Skimming and Scanning)   (15minutes)

Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to goover the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices markedA), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with theinformation given in the passage.

Should Sugar Be Regulatedlike Alcohol and Tobacco?

     Sugar poses enough health risks that it should be considered acontrolled substance just like alcohol and tobacco, argue a team of researchersfrom the University of California, SanFrancisco (UCSF).

In an opinion piece called “The Toxic (毒性的)Truth About Sugar” published Feb.1 inNature, Robert Lustig, Laura Schmidt and Claire Brindis argue that it’s wrongto consider sugar just “empty calories.” They write: “There is nothing emptyabout these calories. A growing body of scientific evidence is showing that fructose (果糖)can trigger processes that lead to liver toxicity and a host of other chronicdiseases. A little is not a problem, but a lot kills — slowly.”

Almost everyone’s heard of — orpersonally experienced — the well-known sugar high, so perhaps the comparisonbetween sugar and alcohol or tobacco shouldn’t come as a surprise. But it’sdoubtful that Americans will look favorably upon regulating their favoritevice. We’re a nation that’s sweet on sugar: the average U.S. adultdowns 22 teaspoons of sugar a day, according to the American Heart Association,and surveys have found that teens swallow 34 teaspoons.

To counter our consumption, theauthors advocate taxing sugary foods and controlling sales to kids under 17.Already, 17% of U.S. children and teens are obese(肥胖), and across the world the sugar intake (摄入)has increased three times in the past 50 years. The increase has helped createa global obesity plague that contributes to 35 million annual deaths worldwidefrom noninfectious diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes. LindaMatzigkeit, a senior vice president at Children’s Healthcare, said “We have todo something about this or our country is in danger. It’s not good if yourstate has the second-highest obesity rate. Obese children turn into obeseadults.”

“There are good calories and badcalories, just as there are good fats and bad fats, good amino acids (氨基酸)and bad amino acids,” Lustig, director of the Weight Assessment for Teen andChild Health program at UCSF, said in a statement. “But sugar is toxic beyondits calories.”

The food industry tries to implythat “a calorie is a calorie is a calorie,” says Kelly Brownell, director ofthe Rudd Centerfor Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. “But this andother research suggests there is something different about sugar,” saysBrownell.

The UCSF report emphasizes the metabolic (新陈代谢) effects of sugar. Excess sugar can altermetabolism, raise blood pressure, affect the signaling of hormones and damagethe liver — outcomes that sound suspiciously similar to what can happen after aperson drinks too much alcohol. Schmidt, co-chair of UCSF’s Community Engagementand Health Policy program, noted on CNN: “When you think about it, thisactually makes a lot of sense. Alcohol, after all, is simply made from sugar.Where does vodka come from? Sugar.”

But there are also other areas ofimpact that researchers have investigated: the effect of sugar on the brain andhow liquid calories are interpreted differently by the body than solids.Research has suggested that sugar activates the same reward pathways in thebrain as traditional drugs of abuse like morphine or heroin. No one is claimingthe effect of sugar is quite that strong, but, says Brownell, “it helps confirmwhat people tell you sometimes, that they hunger for sugar and have withdrawalsymptoms when they stop eating it.”

There’s also somethingparticularly tricky about sugary drinks. “When calories come in liquids, thebody doesn’t feel as full,” says Brownell. “People are getting more of theircalories than ever before from sugared drinks.”

Other countries, including France , Greece and Denmark , impose soda taxes,and the concept is being considered in at least 20 U.S. cities and states. Lastsummer, Philadelphiacame close to passing a 2-cents-per-ounce soda tax. The Rudd Centerhas been a strong advocate of a more modest 1-cent-per-punce tax. But at leastone study, from 2010, has raised doubts that soda taxes would result insignificant weight loss: apparently people who are determined to eat — anddrink — unhealthily will find ways to do it. Teens — no surprise — are good atfinding ways to get the things they can’t have, so state policies banning allsugar-sweetened drinks from public schools and providing only water, milk or100% fruit juices haven’t had the intended effect of steering kids away fromdrinking sugared drinks: the average teen consumes about 300 calories per day —that’s nearly 15% of his daily calories — in sweetened drinks, and the food anddrink industry is only too happy to feed this need.

Ultimately, regulating sugar willprove particularly tricky because it goes beyond health concerns; sugar, for somany people, is love. A plate of cut-up vegetables just doesn’t pack the sameemotional a cupcake and not an apple as an after-school treat today. We don’tdo that regularly — it’s the first time this school year, actually — and that’swhat made it special. As a society, could we ever reach the point where we’dthink apples — not a cupcake — are something to get excited over? Says Brindis,one of the report’s authors and director of UCSF’s Philip R.Lee Institute forHealth Policy Studies: “We recognize that there are cultural and celebratoryaspects of sugar. Changing these patterns is very complicated.”

For inroads (进展) to be made, say the authors intheir statement, people have to be better educated about the hazards of sugarand agree that something’s got to change:

Many of the interventions (干预)that have reduced alcohol and tobacco consumption can be models for addressingthe sugar problem, such as imposing special sales taxes, controlling access,and tightening licensing requirements on vendingmachines (自动售货机) and snack-bars sell high sugar products inschools and workplaces.

“We’re not talking prohibition,”Schmidt said. “We’re not advocating a major imposition of the government intopeople’s lives. We’re talking about gentle ways to make sugar consumptionslightly less convenient, thereby moving people away from the concentrateddoes. What we want is to actually increase people’s choices by making foodsthat aren’t loaded with sugar comparatively easier and cheaper to get.”


注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。

1. Why dosome researchers think sugar should be considered “a controlled substance”?

  [A] It contains nothing but empty calories.

  [B] It is as harmful as morphine and heroin.

  [C] It works the same way as alcohol andtobacco in the human body.

  [D] Excessive intake of sugar results inliver toxicity and various diseases.


2. Whatmight be Americans’ attitude towards government regulation of sugarconsumption?

  [A] Enthusiastic.      [B] Indifferent.       [C] Disapproving.       [D]Supportive.


3. Whatis a consequence of excessive sugar intake worldwide?

  [A] It contributes to35 million noninfectiousdisease-related deaths a year.

  [B] It has increased the death toll nearlythree times in the past 50 years.

  [C] It contributes to the rise of prices ofsugar and sugary foods.

  [D] It has increased the global obesity rateto some 17 percent.


4. Thefood industry tries to relieve the public worry about sugar intake bysuggesting that      .

  [A] sugar is no more than a source of energy

  [B] sugar is not harmful like alcohol ortobacco

  [C] the hazard of sugar to the body isexaggerated

  [D] the consumption of sugar is easilycontrollable


5.According to Brownell, liquid sugar       .

  [A] is especially attractive to young children

  [B] is much easier and quicker to absorb thansolid sugar

  [C] effectively stimulates people’s appetite

  [D] increases your calorie intake withoutyour knowing it


6. Whatdoes the author think of the practice of imposing sugar taxes?

  [A] It will harm the food anddrink industry.    [B] It is unlikely to yield the intendedeffect.

  [C] It is likely to alterpeople’s eating habits.   [D] It can steer kids away fromsugar foods.


7.Regulating sugar will prove tricky because       .

  [A]people consume sugar in large quantities    [B] nothing has been found to replace sugar

  [C] sugar may convey a sense of love          [D] many foods will become tasteless


8. In order to reduce sugar consumption, educationshould be conducted to raise people’s awareness of its                                 .


9. To address the sugar problem, the author suggeststhat the licensing requirements on vending machines and snack-bars selling highsugar products be                              .


10. A gentle way to steer people away from sugar is tomake inexpensive, low-sugar foods       



PartⅢ              ListeningComprehension               (35 minutes)



Directions: Inthis section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. Atthe end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about whatwas said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. Aftereach question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the fourchoices marked A),B),C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then markthe corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through the center.




11. [A] Heneeds another week for the painting.   [B] The painting was completed just in time.

  [C] The building won’t open until next week.  [D] His artistic work has been well received.


12. [A] Go camping.                         [B] Rent a tent.

  [C] Decorate his house.                   [D] organize a party.


13. [A]She talked with Mr. Wright on the phone.  [B] She is about to call Mr. Wright’s secretary.

  [C] She will see Mr. Wright at lunch time.    [D] She failed toreach Mr. Wright.


14. [A] He is actually veryhardworking.        [B] He has difficulty finishing his project.

  [C] He needs to spend more time in the lab.   [D] Heseldom tells the truth about himself.


15. [A] Rules restrictingsmoking.              [B] Ways to quit smoking.

  [C] Smokers’ health problems.             [D]Hazards of passive smoking.


16. [A] He is out of town allmorning.           [B] He is tied up in family matters.

   [C] He has been writing a report.            [D] He has got meetings to attend.


17. [A] He is noteasy-going.                  [B] He is the speakers’ boss.

   [C] He is not at home this weekend.          [D] He seldom invites people to his home.


18. [A] Take a break.                         [B] Refuel his car.

   [C] Ask the way.                         [D] Have a cup of coffee.


Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passageyou have just heard.


19. [A] They are as good ashistorical films.      [B] They give youngsters a thrill .

   [C] They have greatly improved.            [D] They are better than comics on film.


20. [A] The effects were verygood.             [B] The acting was justso-so.

   [C] The plot was too complicated.           [D] The characters werelifelike.


21. [A] They triumphedultimately over evil in the battle.

   [B] They played the same role in War of the Worlds.

   [C] They are popular figures among youngpeople.

   [D] They are two leading characters in thefilm.


Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passageyou have just heard.


22. [A] It is scheduled onThursday night.        [B] It is supposed to lastnine weeks.

   [C] It takes place once a week.              [D] It usually starts at six.


23. [A] To make good use ofher spare time in the evening.

   [B] To meet the requirements of herin-service training.

   [C] To improve her driving skills as quicklyas possible.

   [D] To get some basic knowledge about carmaintenance.


24. [A] Participate in groupdiscussions.         [B] Take turns to make presentations.

   [C] Listen to the teacher’s explanation.       [D] Answer the teacher’s questions.


25. [A] Most of them are female.               [B] Some have a part-time job.

   [C] They plan to buy a new car.             [D] A few of them are old chaps.




Direction: In this section, you willhear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear somequestions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. Afteryou hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choicesmarked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheetwith a single line throughthe center.






Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passageyou have just heard.


26. [A] She isnot good at making friends.        [B] She is not well off.

   [C] She enjoys company.                   [D] She likes to goto concerts alone.


27. [A] Theirsimilar social status.              [B]Their interdependence.

   [C] Their common interest.                 [D] Their identicalcharacter.


28. [A] InvitePat to a live concert.              [B] Buy some gifts for Pat’s kids.

   [C] Help take care of Pat’s kids.             [D] Pay for Pat’s seasontickets.


29. [A] It candevelop between people with a big different in income.

   [B] It can be maintained among people ofdifferent age groups.

   [C] It cannot last long without similar familybackground.

   [D] It cannot be sustained when friends movefar apart.




Questions 30o 32are based on the passageyou have just heard.


30. [A]Priority of students’ academic achievements.

   [B] Equal education opportunities to allchildren.

   [C] Social equality between teachers andstudents.

   [D] Respect for students’ individuality.


31. [A]Efficient.                            [B] Complicated.

   [C] Lengthy.                            [D] Democratic.


32. [A] Tohelp them acquire hands-on experience.

   [B] To try to cut down its operationalexpenses.

   [C] To provide part-time jobs for needystudents.

   [D] To enable them to learn to takeresponsibility.




Questions 33to 35 are based on the passageyou have just heard.


33. [A] Thebest way to work through a finger maze.

   [B] Individual doing better in front of anaudience.

   [C] Researchers having contributed greatlyto psychology.

   [D] Improvements on the classification ofhuman behavior.

34. [A] Whenyou feel encouraged by the audience.

   [B] When you try to figure out a confusinggame.

   [C] When you already know how to dosomething.

   [D] When you compete with other people in agroup.


35. [A]Practicing constantly.                  [B] Working by oneself.

   [B] Learning by doing.                    [D] Using proven methods.


Section C

Directions:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passageis read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. Whenthe passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanksnumbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanksnumbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. Forthese blank, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or writedown the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read forthe third time, you should check what you have written.




     American today have different eatinghabits than they had in the past. There is a wide (36)  

       of food available. They havea broader (37)        of nutrition(营养), so theybuy more fresh fruit and (38)        than ever before. At the same time, Americans(39)          

increasing quantities of sweets and sodas.

     Statistics show that theway people live (40)        the way they eat. American lifestyles havechanged. There are now growing numbers of people who live alone, (41)        parents and children, and double-incomefamilies. These changing lifestyles are (42)        for the increasing number of people who must(43)        meals or sometimes simply go without them.Many Americans have less time than ever before to spend preparing food. (44)                

                                           . Moreover, Americans eat out nearly four times a week on average.

It is easy to study the amounts and kinds of food that peopleconsume. (45)              

                                                                  . This information not only tells us what people eating, but alsotells us about the changes in attitudes and tastes. (46)                                                                   

                      . Instead,chicken, turkey and fish have become more popular. Sales of these foods havegreatly increased in recent years.


Part       Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)       (25 minutes)




Direction: In this section,there is a passage with 10 blanks. You are required to select one word for eachblank from a list of choices given in a word blank following the passage. Readthe passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in theblank is identified by a letter. Please make the corresponding letter for eachitem on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the center. UUUYou may not use any of the words in the bank more thanonce.


Questions 47 to 56 are basedon the following passage.


    When Carly Fiorina became Hewlett-Packard’s first female chief executiveofficer, the existence of her househusband, Frank Fiorina, who had retiredearly from AT&T to support her career, was a mini-sensation (小轰动); now this arrangement isn’t  UUU  47  UUU at all. Seven of the 18 women who are  UUU  48  UUU CEOs, of Fortune 500 companies — including Xerox’s Ursula Burns andPepsiCo’s Indra Nooyi — have, or at some point have had, a stay-at-homehusband. So do scores of  UUU  49  UUU CEOs of smallercompanies and women in other senior executive jobs.

     Thisrole change is UUU  50  UUU more and more as womenedge past men at work. Women now

UUU  51  UUU a majority of jobs inthe U.S. ,including 51.4 percent of managerial and professional UUU  52  UUU, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. Sme 23 percent of wives nowearn more than their husband. And this earnings trend is more dramatic amongyounger people. Women 30 and under make more money, on UUU  53  UUU, than their male counterparts(年龄相当的人) inmany large cities in the U.S.

     During the recent UUU  54  UUU, three men lost their jobs for every woman. Many unemployed fathershave ended up caring for their children full-time while their wives are the UUU  55  UUUwage earners. The numberof men in the U.S. who UUU  56  UUU care of children underage five increased to 32 percent in 2010 from 19 percent in 1998, according toCensus figures.




A) appealing

 I) occupations

 B) average

 J) occurring

 C) conflict

 K) positions

 D) currently

 L) primary

 E) elementary

 M) recession

 F) ensure

 N) regularly

 G) female

 O) unusual

 H) fill




Directions:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by somequestions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choicesmarked A),B),C) and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark thecorresponding letter on Answersheet 2 with a single line through the center.




Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.


     I’ve worked in thefactories surrounding my hometown every summer since I graduated from high school,but making the transition (转变) between school and full-timeblue-collar work during the break never gets any easier. For a student like mewho considers any class before noon to be uncivilized, getting to a factory by6 o’clock each morning is torture. My friends never seem to understand why I’mso relieved to be back at school or that my summer vacation has been anythingbut a vacation.

     There’re few people asself-confident as a college student who has never been out in the real world. Peoplemy age always seem to overestimate the value of their time and knowledge. Infact, all the classes did not prepare me for my battles with the machine I ranin the plant, which would jam whenever I absent-mindedly put in a part backwardor upside down.

     The most stressful thingabout blue-collar life is knowing your job could disappear overnight. Issueslike downsizing (裁员) and overseas relocation had alwaysseemed distant to me until my co-workers told me that the until I was workingin would shut down within six months and move to Mexico, where people wouldwork for 60 cents and hour.

      After working 12-hourshifts in a factory, the other options have become only too clear. When I’mback at the university, skipping classes and turning in lazy re-writes seemstoo irresponsible after seeing what I would be doing without school. All theadvice and public-service announcements about the value of an education thatused to sound stale now ring true.

     These lessons I’mlearning, however valuable, are alwaystinged (带有) with senseof guilt. Many people pass their lives in the places I briefly work, spending30 years where I spend only two months at a time. “This job pays well, but it’shell on the body,” said one co-worker. “Study hard and keep reading,” sheadded.

     My experiences in the factories haveinspired me to make the most of my college years before I enter the real worldfor good.




57. How did the author look back on his summer days while atcollege?

   [A] They brought himnothing but torture.

   [B] They were no holidayfor him at all.

   [C] They were a relief fromhis hard work at school.

   [D] They offered him achance to know more people.


58. What does the author say about college students?

   [A] They expect too muchfrom the real world.

   [B] They have littleinterest in blue-collar life.

   [C] They think too highlyof themselves.

   [D] They are confident of theirfuture.


59. What, according to the author, is most frustrating forblue-collar workers?

   [A] They do not get decentpay.             [B] They do not have job security.

   [C] They have to work12-hour shifts.        [D]They have to move from place to place.


60. In what important way has the author’s work experience changedhim?

   [A] He learned to be morepractical.

   [B] He acquired a sense ofurgency.

   [C] He came to respectblue-collar workers.

   [D] He came to appreciatehis college education.


61. Why does the author feel somewhat guilty?

   [A] He realizes there is agreat divide between his life and that of blue-collar workers.

   [B] He looks down upon themechanical work at the assembly life.

   [C] He has not done much tohelp his co-workers at the factory.

   [D] He has stayed at schooljust for the purpose of escaping from the real world.




Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.


     Are people suffering formgadget (小器具) overload? Are they exhausted bythe consumer equivalent of the brain fatigue — information overload — that iscaused by constant updates of devices and online media?

     Underwriters Laboratoriesissued a report last week that found 48% of consumers “feel high-techmanufacturers bring new products to market faster than people need them.”

     There are two possibleexplanations. The first, obvious one is that the pace of innovation (创新) is too fast for consumers. The second, less obvious one is that,innovation is too slow. That is the new offerings companies are pushing out thedoor every six months or so are me-too products or ones with just a couple ofnew features. Marketing schedules, not product innovation, are driving the corporate (公司的) train. Manufacturers in Americanvalued “spend to market” more than in other countries, the report found.

     Sara Greenstein,Underwriters Laboratories’ chief strategy officer, offered her interpretationof the survey results, “Innovation is too fast only if corners are cut.”

     For the high-tech sector,there are a few other interesting finding. Consumers are less concerned aboutsafety in high-tech products than categories like fresh and processed food. Buttheir top safety concerns are emissions and wireless radio waves. Many people,it seems, are uneasy living in a thickening cloud of radio waves from mobilephone towers and the gadgets they communicate with.

     A finding that was a bitsurprising is that to consumers, the inner parts of high-tech devices doapparently matter. Some 55% of consumers, according to the report, said theyare “more” concerned about high-tech components come from than where theproduct was assembled.”

     The report doesn’t reallysay how that information would affect consumer buying decisions. It could becomplicated. Manufacturing companies on average rely on more than 35 contractsuppliers around the world to create a single product. That number would behigher for a smartphone or laptop.

     But maybe some sort ofsupply-chain labeling showing where parts come from in a product? “We’reworking on it,” Ms. Greenstein said.




62. What is the finding in Underwriters Laboratories’ report aboutmany consumers?

   [A] They are exhausted bythe information overload.

   [B] They are tired of theconstant updating of devices.

   [C] They feel products areupdated faster than needed.

   [D] They have difficultyfollowing high-tech innovations.


63. What does the author mean by “me-too products”?

   [A] Products with onsubstantial difference.   [B] Products tailoredto individual users.

   [C] Products everyone is eagerto possess.   [D] Products companies compete a make.


64. What do American businesses give priority to when marketingtheir products?

   [A] The constant updatingof their technology.

   [B] The speed of puttingthem on the market.

   [C] The quality of theirnew products.

   [D] The pace of productinnovation.


65. What is the consumers’ chief concern about high-tech products?

   [A] User-friendliness.                     [B] Product quality.

   [C] Place of assembly.                    [D] Radio emissions.


66. Why does the author suggest supply-chain labeling?

   [A] It guarantees the safeshipping of products.

   [B] It promotes thecompetitiveness of the supplier.

   [C] Consumers care aboutwhere components are made.

   [D] Consumers tend to buy productsthey are familiar with.


PartⅤ                         Cloze                      (15 minutes)


Directions:There are 20 blanksin the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fitsinto the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2with a single line through the center.




Try to imagine what it is like to livewithout electricity. It is boring, UUU  67  UUU one thing no television, on MP3 player, no video games. And you feel UUU  68  UUU and disconnected aswell no computer,no Internet, no mobile phone. You can read books, of course UUU 69  UUU atnight you won’t have light, other than the flicker(闪烁) offirewood. And about that firewood you or someone in your family had to UUU  70  UUU it during the day, taking you


away from more UUU  71  UUU work or schooling,


67. [A]  about

[B] with

   [C] as

[D] for

68. [A]  lonely

[B]  tedious

   [C] ignored

[D]  tough

69. [A]  so 

[B] but

[C] since

[D] if

70. [A]  transfer

[B]  select

   [C] assemble

[D]  gather

71. [A]  relative

[B]  massive


and in more parts of the world, exposingyou   72    UUUdanger. That same firewood is used to


cook dinner, UUU  73  UUU smoke that can turn the


air inside your home far more UUU  74  UUUthan that breathed in anindustrial city. You may lack access to modern drugs UUU  75  UUU the nearest


hospital does not have continuous UUU  76  UUUto keep the medicinerefrigerated. You


are UUU  77  UUU poor


and the lackof electricity helps to UUU  78  UUU that you’ll stay that way.

     Thatis life for the 1.3 billion people around that UUU  79  UUU who lack access to the


grid (电网). It is a UUU  80  UUU problem of thedeveloping world and the countryside more than 95% of UUU  81

Without electricity are either insub-Saharan Africa or developing Asia, and 84%live in rural areas. UUU 82  UUU ithasn’t gotten the


attention that UUU  83  UUU problems like HIV/AIDS and water shortage have

UUU  84  UUU in recent years, lackof power remains


a major UUU  85  UUU to any progress in the world’s development.

     “Lackingaccess to electricity UUU  86  UUU health, well-being and income,” says Fatih Birol, the chiefeconomist of the International Energy Agency. “It’s a problem the world has topay attention to.”


   [C] productive

[D]  extensive

72. [A]  to

[B] of

   [C] amid

[D]  under

73. [A]  seeking out

[B]  giving up

   [C] throwing off

[D]  carrying away

74. [A]  harmful

[B]  aggressive

   [C] visible

[D]  allergic

75. [A]  although

[B]  whereas

   [C] while

[D]  because

76.  [A]strength

[B]  power

   [C] source

[D]  force

77. [A]  desperately

[B]  oddly

   [C] marvelously

[D]  vastly

78. [A]  engage

[B]  insist

   [C] ensure

[D]  induce

79. [A]  continent

[B]  location

[C] territory

[D]  planet

80. [A]  solemn

[B]  severe

[C] compound

[D]  comparable

81. [A]  that

[B]  which

[C] those

[D] ones

82. [A]  Unless

[B]  Though

[C] Until

[D]  Before

83. [A]  global  

[B]  fashionable

[C] grand

[D]  famous

84.  [A]commanded  

[B]  withdrawn

[C] offered

[D]  received

85. [A]  solution  

[B]  target

[C] obstacle

[D]  retreat

86. [A]  interrupts  

[B]  affects

[C] halts

[D]  suspends





Part                      Translation                    (5 minutes)


Directions: Complete the sentences bytranslating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write yourtranslation on Answer Sheet 2.




87. David turned away and walked quicklydown the street,                               


88. It is man’s intellect                                  (才使他区别于其他高等动物).


89. I read the book last week, but now it is                                    (哪儿也找不到了).


90. Hardly had John finished his introductory remark                                 (他就被听众打断了).


91. If the reaction were to take place,                                        (巨大的能量就会被释放出来).

