在20世纪50年代,Stanley Schachter开始进行了一系列重要的实验,试图理解增强人们与他人在一起的欲望的。Stanley Schachter(1959)开始假设人们寻求关系以消除恐惧感,.这样,如果成年人被随机分配到高恐惧体验组和低恐惧体验组的话,我们应该观察到这两组被试在寻求他人陪伴上有显著差异。
为检验这个假设, Schachter以女大学生为被试。当被试到达实验室后,首先接待她们的是身穿白色外套的实验员,她身边是各种各样的电子仪器。实验员介绍自己是神经与精神病系的Gregor Zilstein 博士,他解释说将要进行的实验是为了考察电击的效果。为了使被试感到更强的恐惧感,他准备了两种对电击的形容。
在唤起和测量恐惧后, 博士告诉被试,在准备好仪器之前有10分钟的间歇。他说被试可以在几间屋子里等候,那里有舒服的座椅和杂志。然后,Zilstein 博士说,有的人可能愿意自己等候,有的人愿意和其他参加实验的人一起等候。他要求每明被试指出自己是愿意一个人等,和他人一起等还是无所谓。正如研究者所假设的,在高恐惧的情况下,有63%的被试愿意和其他人一起等候,而在低恐惧的情况下,只有33%的被试愿意和其他人一起等。后来的许多研究证实在不同的情境下这个结论都成立。譬如,在一个研究中,比较了对于自己的婚姻感到不愉快和不确定的女性与感到愉快和自信的女性。如研究者假设的那样,那些感到不确定的女性显著地期望寻求与他人地关系。(Buunk ,Van Yperen, Taylor ,&Collins, 1991)
Does affiliation desires increase with anxiety?
In the late 1950s, Stanley Schachter attempted to answer this question by bringing female college students into the laboratory and creating a stressful event. In his initial study, Schachter (1959) introduced himself to the women as "Dr. Gregor Zilstein" of the Neurology and Psychiatry Department. He told them that they would receive a series of electrical shocks as part of an experiment on their physiological effects. In the "high-anxiety" condition, participants were told that the shocks would be quite painful but would cause no permanent damage. In the "low-anxiety" condition, they were led to believe that the shocks were virtually painless, no worse than a little tickle. In actuality, no shocks were ever delivered--the intent was merely to cause participants to believe that they soon would be receiving these shocks.
After hearing this information, the women were told there would be a ten-minute delay while the equipment was set up. They could spend this time waiting either in a room alone or in a, room with another participant in the study. Their stated preference was the dependent variable.
The results showed that the high anxiety people wanted to stay with others while waiting. Even when people were not allowed to talk with each other, even then others presence was preferred. Perhaps others serve as asocial distractionto anxious individuals, temporarily taking their minds off their anxiety. Schachter believed that the high- anxiety partcicipants wanted to wait with similarly threatened others not necessarily to talk to them, but rather, to compare the others' emotional reactions to the stressful event with their own.