byte w Left Old; // Previous loop whisker values
byte w Right Old;
byte counter; // For counting alternate corners
int SNUM[3] ;
int INA = 4; //电机 A 正反转控制端
int PWMA = 5; //电机 A 调速端
int INB = 7; //电机 B 正反转控制端
int PWMB = 6; //电机 B 调速端
void motospd(int sp1,int sp2) //电机速度控制函数,括号内分别为左右电机速度值,
{ //范围-255~+255,正值为正转,负值为反转。
digital Write(INA, HIGH);
digital Write(INA, LOW);
digital Write(INB, HIGH);
digital Write(INB, LOW);
analog Write(PWMA,abs (sp1));
analog Write(PWMB,abs (sp2));
void setup() // Built-in initialization block
pin Mode(8, INPUT); //配置左传感器 IO 口为输入
pin Mode(14, INPUT); //配置中传感器 IO 口为输入
pin Mode(15, INPUT); //配置右传感器 IO 口为输入
pin Mode(INA,OUTPUT);
pin Mode(INB,OUTPUT); //配置电机驱动 IO 口为输出
tone(4, 3000, 1000); // Play tone for 1 second
delay(1000); // Delay to finish tone
w Left Old = 0; // Init. previous whisker states
w Right Old = 1;
counter = 0; // Initialize counter to 0
void loop() // Main loop auto-repeats
// Corner Escape
byte w Left = digital Read(15); // Copy right result to w Left
byte w Right = digital Read(8); // Copy left result to w Right
if(w Left != w Right) // One whisker pressed?
{ // Alternate from last time?
if ((w Left != w Left Old) && (w Right != w Right Old))
counter++; // Increase count by one
w Left Old = w Left; // Record current for next rep
w Right Old = w Right;
if(counter == 4) // Stuck in a corner?
w Left = 0; // Set up for U-turn
w Right = 0;
counter = 0; // Clear alternate corner count
else // Not alternate from last time
counter = 0; // Clear alternate corner count
// Whisker Navigation
if((w Left == 0) && (w Right == 0)) // If both whiskers contact
motospd(-100,-100); //后退
motospd(50,100); //左转
else if(w Left == 0) // If only left whisker contact
motospd(-100,-100); //后退
motospd(100,50); //右转
else if(w Right == 0) // If only right whisker contact
motospd(-100,-100); //后退
motospd(50,100); //左转
else // Otherwise, no whisker contact
motospd(100,100); //直行