2.4 学术论文的写作与发表
Some Necessary And Sufficient Condition Of Multivariate
Random Variable Satisfy Normal Distribution
Junliang Wu
Math.Dept.Chongqing University
Abstract In this paper ,We extended some results of article[1] and obtain some sufficient and necessary condition which multivariate random variable satisfy normal distribution.
Key words Multivariate random variable ,Normal distribution, Sufficient and necessary condition
§1. Introduction
In article [1],Author given out some sufficient condition for multivariate random variable satisfy normal distribution. We fond those conditions not only are sufficient but also are necessary. Therefore, We given out some sufficient and necessary condition of multivariate random variable satisfy normal distribution and give out detailed prove for them .
§2. Lemmas
Lemma 1 [2](p5) Suppose multivariate random variable Y satisfy normal distribution, namely ,
Y be partinged into two parts, i.e.
Corresponding, μand ∑ be partinged into: