[5]Parties to the UNFCCC,http://unfccc.int/parties_and_observers/ parties/items/2352.php.
[7]List of Annex I Parties to the UNFCCC,http://unfccc.int/parties_and_ observers/parties/annex_i/items/2774.php,last visited on September 24,2009.
[8]List of Non-Annex I Parties to the UNFCCC,http://unfccc.int/parties_ and_observers/parties/non_annex_i/items/2833.php,last visited on September 24,2009.
[9]UNFCCC Article 4(1).
[10]Common but differentiated responsibilities,UNFCCC Article 3(1).
[11]Requiring full consideration of the specific needs and special circumstances of developing countries and countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change,UNFCCCArticle 3(2).
[12]The precautionary principle calling formeasures not to be postponed on the basis of scientific uncertainty,UNFCCC Article 3(3).
[13]The principle of sustainable development,UNFCCCArticle 3(4).
[14]Cooperation to promote a supportive and open international economic system,UNFCCC Article 3(5).
[17]Jacqueline Peel,Climate Change Law:the Emergence of A New Legal Discipline,Melbourne University LawReview,Vol.32,No.3,2008,p.928.
[20]See Kevin A.Baumert,Participation of Developing Countries in the International Climate Change Regime:Lessons for the Future,George Washington International LawReview,Vol.38,No.2,2006,p.381.
[21]Kyoto Protocol to the Framework Convention on Climate Change,December 10,1997,http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/convkp/kpeng.pdf/.
[22]U.N.Doc.FCCC/CP/1995/7/Add.1,Decision 1/CP.1(1995),http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/cop1/07a01.pdf,last visited on July 23,2009.
[23]Kyoto Protocol:Status of Ratification,http://unfccc.int/files/essential_background/kyoto_protocol/application/pdf/kpstats.pdf,last visited on July 23,2009.
[24]See UNFCCC/CP/1997/L.7/Add.1,1997.
[27]The Kyoto Protocol requires fifty-five ratifications by countries accounting for 55%of the total Annex I carbon dioxide emissions as of 1990,Kyoto Protocol Article 24(1).
[28]See Michael I.Jeffery,Using Market-Based Incentives to Curtail Greenhouse Gas Emissions:Factors to Consider in the Design of the Clean Development Mechanism,Joint Implementation and Emission Trading,Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law,Vol.6,2001,No.2,pp.145-146.
[29]Michael Grubbatel,The Kyoto Protocol—A Guide and Assessment,Royal Institute of International Affairs and Earth Scan Publication Ltd.,1999,p.33.
[33]See Stewart Smith,IPCC Report Confirms EUCall for Deep Cuts in Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions,http://engineers.ihs.com/news/eu-en-greenhousegases-5-07.htm,last visited on May 16,2010.
[35]Ian H.Rowlands,The Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism: A Sustainability Assessment,Third World Quarterly,Vol.22,No.5,2001,p. 803.
[36]See Harro van Asselt,From UN-ity to Diversity?The UNFCCC,the Asia-Pacific Partnership,and the Future of International Lawon Climate Change,Carbon&Climate Law Review,Vol.1,No.1,2007,p.17.
[38]《公约缔约方会议第四次会议报告:布宜诺斯艾利斯行动计划》,1999年1月25日通过。See Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol,Buenos Aires,Arg.,Nov.2-14,1998,Report of the Conference of the Parties on its Fourth Session—Part Two:Action Taken by the Conference of the Parties at its Fourth Session,Decision 9/CP.4,U.N.Doc FCCC/CP/1998/16/Add—.1(Jan. 25,1999),http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/Chinese/cop4/cp0416a01c.pdf# page=4,last visited on September 29,2009.
[39]See Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol,The Hague,Neth.,Nov.13-25,2000,Report of the Conference of the Parties on the First Part of its Sixth Session—Part Two:Action Taken by the Conference of the Parties at the First Part of its Sixth Session,Decision 1/CP.6 Annex,Note by the President of the Conference of the Parties at its sixth session,dated 23 November 2000,Box C,U.N.Doc FCCC/CP/2000/5/Add.2(Apr.4,2001),last visited on September 29,2009.
[40]《中国代表团团长刘江部长在气候变化公约第六次缔约方会议上的发言》,see http://www.ipcc.cma.gov.cn/upload/unfccc/liujiang2004.pdf,last visited on September 27,2009.
[41]Kyoto Protocol Article 12(8).
[43]See Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol,Bonn,F.R.G.,Oct.25-Nov.5,1999,Report of the Conference of the Parties on its Fifth Session—Part Two:Action Taken by the Conference of the Partiesat its Fifth Session,Decision 13/CP.5,pmbl.,U.N.Doc FCCC/CP/1999/6/Add.1,last visited on September 28,2009.
[45]See United Nations,Governments Adopt Bonn Agreement on Kyoto Protocol Rules,ENV/DEV/594(July 23,2001),available at http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2001/envdev594.doc.htm,last visited on September 22,2009.
[47]Marrakesh Accords,Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC,Report of the Conference of the Parties on its Seventh Session,2001,UNFCCC/CP/2001/13/ Add.3,Decision 24/CP.7(2001),see http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/cop7/ 13a03.pdf#page=64,last visited on September 27,2009.
[48]See Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol,Marrakesh,Morocco,Oct.29-Nov.10,2001,Report of the Conference of the Parties on its Seventh Session—Part Two:Action Taken by the Conference of the Parties,Decision 11/ CP.7 Annex,UNFCCC/CP/2001/13/Add.1.
[49]Marrakesh Accords—Decision17/CP.7,Article 20.
[50]Marrakesh Accords—Decision17/CP.7 Annex,Article 1.
[51]Marrakesh Accords—Decision17/CP.7 Annex,Article 2-4.
[52]Marrakesh Accords—Decision17/CP.7 Annex,Article 5-19.
[53]Marrakesh Accords—Decision17/CP.7 Annex,Article 20-25.
[54]Marrakesh Accords—Decision 17/CP.7 Annex,Article 26-27.
[55]Marrakesh Accords—Decision 17/CP.7 Annex,Article 28-34.
[56]Marrakesh Accords—Decision 17/CP.7 Annex,Article 35-52.
[57]Marrakesh Accords—Decision 17/CP.7 Annex,Article 53-60.
[58]Marrakesh Accords—Decision 17/CP.7 Annex,Article 61-63.0
[59] Marrakesh Accords—Decision 17/CP.7 Annex,Article 64-66.
[60]Christopher Carr and Flavia Rosembuj,Flexible Mechanisms for Climate Change Compliance:Emission Offset Purchases under the Clean Development Mechanism,New York University Environmental Law Journal,Vol.16,No.1,2008,p.48.
[61]See Peter S.Menell ed.,Environment Law and Policy,New York Little Brown&Company Limited,1994,p.55.
[62]Kyoto Protocol Article10(3).
[69]Sam Headon,Whose Sustainable Development?Sustainable Development Under the Kyoto Protocol,the Cold Play Effect,and the CDM Gold Standard,Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy,Vol.20,No.2,2009,p.131.
[70]Sam Headon,Whose Sustainable Development?Sustainable Development Under the Kyoto Protocol,the Cold Play Effect,and the CDM Gold Standard,Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy,Vol.20,No.2,2009,p.131.
[72]Ian H.Rowlands,The Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism: A Sustainability Assessment,Third World Quarterly,2001,Vol.22,No.5,p.798.
[73]作为国际法领域的一项框架性原则,代际公平原则最早由Professor Edith Brown Weiss在其1989年出版的著作In Fairness to Future Generations: International Law,Common Patrimony,and Intergenerational Equity中予以详细阐释,她将当代人对资源的使用权利及其为后代充分保护储存资源的义务相融合,强调了代际公平的核心是当代人的权利和义务的统一。See Lynda M. Collins,Revisiting the Doctrine of Intergenerational Equity in Global Environmental Governance,Dalhousie Law Journal,Vol.30,No.1,2007,p.93.
[75]http://www.unep.org/Documents/Default.asp?DocumentID=78&ArticleID=1163,last visited on September 27,2009.
[77]See Lynda M.Collins,Revisiting the Doctrine of Intergenerational Equity in Global Environmental Governance,Dalhousie Law Journal,Vol.30,No.1,2007,p.131.
[78]UNFCCC Article 3(4).
[80]See Albert Mumma and David Hodas,Designing a Global Post-Kyoto Climate Change Protocol That Advances Human Development,Georgetown International Environmental Law Review,Vol.20,No.4,2008,pp.628-633.
[82]Duncan French,Developing States and International Environmental Law: the Importance of Differentiates Responsibilities,International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol.49,No.1,2000,p.5.
[83]See Duncan French,Developing States and International Environmental Law:the Importance of Differentiates Responsibilities,International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol.49,No.1,2000,p.45.
[85]UNFCCCArticle 4(1).
[86]See Philippe Cullet,Differential Treatment in Internatioanl Environmental Law,Ashgate Publishing Limited,2003,p.16.
[87]Philippe Cullet,Differential Treatment in Internatioanl Environmental Law,Ashgate Publishing Limited,2003,pp.57-69.
[88]Duncan French,Developing States and International Environmental Law: the Importance of Differentiates Responsibilities,International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol.49,No.1,2000,p.46.
[89]Jacqueline Peel,Climate Change Law:The Emergence of a New Legal Discipline,Melbourne University Law Review,Vol.32,No.3,2008,p.928.
[90]Christopher D Stone,Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in International Law,American Journal of International Law,Vol.98,No.2,2004,p.276.
[91]UNFCCCArticle 4(1).
[92]UNFCCCArticle 4(2).
[93]about Essential Background,http://unfccc.int/essential_background/items/2877.php.
[94]UNFCCCArticle 4(3).
[95]UNFCCCArticle 4(1)(a)&(b).
[96]Kyoto Protocol Article 11(2)(a).
[97]Kyoto Protocol Article 11(2)(b).