首页 百科知识 货币贬值的两种步骤


时间:2024-04-06 百科知识 版权反馈


1929年欧洲商业开始萧条以后,各国无法改善。到1931年,奥国信用银行(Credit Anstaldt)开始动摇,延及德国、法国,最后到了英国,不得不出于停止金币兑现之一途。9月19日(即东三省事件发生之第二日),英内阁决议停止1925年金本位条例第一条第二项之条文实施。该条文系规定英伦银行应以金块照定价(即1翁斯标准金等于3镑17先令10便士半)收兑纸币,但每次至少须400翁斯。9月21日巴力门(parliament)通过决议案,停止该项条文6个月,但受权政府得酌量情形,采取适当办法,并得延长施行期限。从此以后,英国贬值政策,听凭政府临机处置,议会不加硬性的规定。这叫做自由贬值政策。兹将内阁与巴力门决议原文录下以供参考。


“His Majesty's Government have decided,after consultation with the Bank of England,that it has become necessary to suspend for the time being the operation of Subsection(2)of Section 7 of the Gold Standard Act of 1925,which requires the Bank to sell gold at a fixed price....”


“It shall be lawful for the Treasury tomake,and fromtime to time vary,orders authorising the taking of suchmeasures in relation to the exchanges and otherwise as they may consider expedient for meeting difficulties arising in connection with the suspension of the Gold Standard.”[3]

1933年5月12日FarmRelief Act,TitleⅢ,

“The President is authorized—

“By proclamation to fix the weight of the gold dollar in grains ninetenth fine and also to fix the weight of the silver dollar in grains nine-tenth fine at a definite fixed ratio in relation to the gold dollar...and such gold dollar,the weight of which is so fixed,shall be the standard unit of value,and all forms ofmoney issued or coined by the United States shall bemaintained at a parity with this standard and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to maintain such parity,but in no event shall the weight of the gold dollar be fixed so as to reduce its present weight by more than 50 per centum.”[5]

