Stalin' s Works (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1953-55)中的引文用Works表示,卷数放在其后。由R.B. Day 编辑的 ‘N.I. Bukharin, Selected Writings on the State and the Transition to Socialism' (Nottingham: Spokesman, 1982)中的引文用SW表示(这部著作包括布哈林在1915至1929年间完成的论文)。
1、 A. Gramsci, Selections From the Political Writings, 1910-20 (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1977) pp.34-7.
2、 L. Trotsky, The challenge of the Left Opposition (1926-27) (New York:Pathfinder Press, 1980) p. 375; L. Trotsky, Europe and America (Colombo: Lanka Samasamaja, 1951) p. 66.也可参见 L. Trotsky, The First Five Years of the Communist International (New York: Monad Press, 1972) vol.2, pp.4, 254.
3、 A. Maddison, Economic Growth in Japan and the USSR (London: Allen & Unwin, 1969), pp. 92, 95-6.A.
4、 M. H. Dobb. Soviet Economic Development Since 1917 (London: Routledge Kegan Paul, 1966) cbs. 4-9; A. Nove, An Economic History of the USSR (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972) chs. 3-6; M. Lewin, Political L1nderrurre, in Soviet Economic Debates (London: Pluto Press. 1975) ch. 4; P. R. Gregory and R. C. Stuart, Soviet Economic Structure and Performance (New York: Harper & Row, 1986) pp.51-96.
5、 E.J. Hobsbawm, ' The Fortunes of Marx' s and Engels' s Writings' in E. J. Hobsbawm (ed.) The History of Marxism (Hassocks: Harvester Press, l982), vol. 1. pp. 332-7.
6、 N. Spulber (ed.) Foundations of Soviet Strategies or Economic Growth: Selected Soviet Essays. 1924-1930 (Bloomington; Indiana University Press, 1964); N, Jasny, Soviet Economists of the 1920s (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972).
7、 B. Warren, Imperialism Pioneer of Capitalism (London: New Left Books,1980) pp. 84-109.
8、 M. Sawer, Marxism and the Question of the Asiatic Mode of Production (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1977).
9、 E. Mandel, Long Waves of capitalist Development (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980); E. Mandel. Late Capitalism (London: New Left Books, 1975); G. Garvey. ' Kondratieff' s Theory of Long Cycles', Review of Economic Studies. XXV, 1943, pp. 203-20.
10、 A. V. Chayanov, The Theory of the Peasant Economy (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1986; first published in 1924-5); T. Shanin, The Awkward Class(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972).
11、 比如参见 K. Marx, Selected Writings in Sociology and Social philosophy, T. B. Bottomore and M. Rubel (eds) (Harrnondsworth: Penguin, 1963) pp. 249-63; K. Marx in R. Freedman (ed.) Marx on Economics (Harm& Penguin, 1962) pp. 229-41.
12、 L. Trotsky, Our Political Tasks(London: New Park Publications. n.d.) pp. 72-9.
13、 L. Trotsky, The Challenge of the Left Opposition (1923-25) (New York: Pathfinder Press, 1975) p.390; see also SW, pp. 120-1.
14、 Trotsky, Challenge (1926-27) p. 259.
15、 R. V. Daniels, The Conscience of the Revolution (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1969)
16、 T. Cliff, Lenin (London: Pluto Press, 1978) vol.3. pp.179-94.
17、 《经济破坏和无产阶级同它的斗争》,《列宁全集》第30卷,人民出版社1985年版,第181-225页;《实施社会主义,还是揭露盗窃国库的行为》,第286-288页;《大难临头,出路何在?》,《列宁全集》第32卷,人民出版社1985年版,第181-225页;《列宁全集》第31卷,人民出版社1985年版,《国家与革命》,第1-116页;《论修改党纲》,《列宁全集》第32卷,人民出版社1985年版,第344-372页;《布尔什维克能保住国家政权吗?》,第282-331页。《在彼得格勒工兵代表苏维埃工人部的会议上关于彼得格勒工人经济状况和工人阶级任务的报告》,《列宁全集》第33卷,人民出版社1985年版,第143-145页;《〈论粮食税〉的几个提纲》,《列宁全集》第41卷,人民出版社1986年版,第374-383页;《论粮食税(新政策的意义及其条件)》,第192-233页。《新的时代和新形势的旧错误》,《列宁全集》第42卷,人民出版社1987年版,第107-116页;《新经济政策和政治教育委员会的任务》,第180-201页;《在莫斯科省第七次党代表会议上关于新经济政策的报告》,第216-239页;《共产国际第四次代表大会文献》,《列宁全集》第43卷,人民出版社1987年版,第272-288页;《论合作社》,第361-368页。Nove, Economic History,, pp. 52-4; Lewin, Political Undercurrents, pp. 74-7; G. Garvey, Origins of Lenin' s Views on the Role of Banks in the Socialist Transformation of Society', History of Political Economy, 4, 1972, pp. 252-64.
18、 N. Harding, Lenin' s Political Thought (London: Macmillan, 1981) vol. 2, pp. 168-231: M. Brinton, The Bolsheviks and Workers' Control, 1917-21 (London: Solidarity, 1970).
19、 L. Trotsky, Communist International, vol.2, pp. 188-9, 226-9, 265-6, 269.
20、 Nove, Economic History. pp. 54-6.
21、 N. I. Bukharin, Economics of the Transformation Period (New York: Bergman, 1971; first published in 1920);《俄共(布)纲领草案》,《列宁全集》第36卷,人民出版社1985年版,第76-114页。《致国防委员会各委员》,《列宁全集》第38卷,人民出版社1986年版,第76-114页;《在第七届全俄中央执行委员会第一次会议上关于全俄中央执行委员会和人民委员会工作的报告》,第98-118页。《给乌克兰苏维埃政府和南方面军司令部的电报》,《列宁全集》第39卷,人民出版社1986年版,第365页。《党内危机》,《列宁全集》第40卷,人民出版社1986年版,第231-243页。《同日本记者、《大阪朝日新闻》代表中平良的谈话》,《列宁全集》第39卷,人民出版社1986年版,第122-123页。 L. Trotsky. The Defence of Terrorism (London: Allen & Unwin, 1935) pp. 94-5; L. Trotsky, Communist International, vol. 1. pp. 23-7, 109, 120-1; Nove, Economic History, pp.46-82; R. B. Day, Lenon Trotsky and the Politics of Economic Isolation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973) ch. 2.
22、 Bukharin, Economics, pp. 118, 127ff, 151ff, 159-60.
23、 E. H. Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966) vol. 1, pp. 160-237; vol.2, pp. 151-268; P. Avrich, The Russian .Anarchists (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967).
24、 Bukharin, Economics, p. 9; N. I. Bukharin and E. Preobrazhensky, The ABC of Communism (Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1969; first published in 1919) pp. 61, 66, 83, 85, 95-6, 193, 208ff.
25、 Bukharin, Economics, pp. 71ff, 79, 90ff, 117ff.
26、 Ibid, pp. 78, 118, 124ff; Bukharin and Preobrazhensky. ABC, pp.41- 3, 61-2, 129, 136, 218-19.
27、 Bukharin, Economics. pp. 12ff, 23ff. 33ff, 42ff, 72; Bukharin and Preobrazhensky, 48C, pp. 138-84, 393.
28、 Bukharin, Economics, pp. 11, 132ff, 172-3; Bukharin and Preobrazhensky, ABC, pp. 332, 339.
29、 Bukharin. Economics, pp. 92-3, 96. 论述列宁与此类似的观点,参见A. Nove.' Lenin and the New Economic Policy' in B. W. Eissenstat (ed.) Lenin and Leninism(Lexington: Heath, 1971) pp. 155-71.
30、 Ibid, pp.83-4, 88ff; Bukharin and Preobrazhensky, ABC, pp.311, 315, 348-76
31、 Bukharin. Economics, pp.20, 33, 54, 58, 65, 69ff, 79, 88ff, 111-12, 119, 131; Bukharin and Preobrazhensky, ABC, pp. 45-6, 332.
32、 Bukharin, Economics, pp. 105-13, 148ff, 159-60, 164ff, 172-3.
33、 《无产阶级革命和叛徒考茨基(10月9日)》,《列宁全集》第35卷,人民出版社1985年版,第102-111页;《无产阶级革命和叛徒考茨基》,第229-327页。Trotsky, Terrorism.
34、 Trotsky, Communist International, vol. 2, pp. 188-90, 193, 224, 228, 266-7, 273-4; L. Trotsky, The History of the Russian Revolution (London: Pluto, 1977) p. 1242.
35、 E. A. Preobrazhensky, The Crisis of Soviet industrialisation (London: Macmillan, 1980, 由首次出版于1920年代的文章构成) 编辑 D. A. Filtzer, pp. 168ff, 175.
36、 《论粮食税(新政策的意义及其条件)》,《列宁全集》第41卷,人民出版社1986年版,第192-233页。 SW, pp. 99ff, 186ff; 259;Trotsky, Communist International, vol. 1. pp. 283-4; vol.2, p. 228ff; Challenge (1923-5), pp.63,82, 104-5, 108-9, 329; Preobrazhensky, Crisis, p. 168ff; E. Preobrazhensky, The New Economics (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965, first published in 1926) pp. 193ff, 215.
37、 Nove. Economic History, pp. 67-8; Cliff, Lenin, pp. 161-94; Carr, Bolshevik Revolution.
38、 《论粮食税(新政策的意义及其条件)》,《列宁全集》第41卷,人民出版社1986年版,第192-233页。
39、 《论无产阶级专政的小册子的提纲》,《列宁全集》第37卷,人民出版社1986年版,第253-262页。《俄共(布)第十次代表大会文献》,《列宁全集》第41卷,人民出版社1986年版,第1-114页;《在俄共(布)莫斯科市和莫斯科省支部书记及支部负责代表会议上关于粮食税的报告》,第238-152页;《〈论粮食税〉的几个提纲》,第374-383页;《论粮食税(新政策的意义及其条件)》,第192-233页。《共产国际第三次代表大会文献》,《列宁全集》第42卷,人民出版社1987年版,第1-64页;《新的时代和新形势的旧错误》,《列宁全集》第42卷,人民出版社1987年版,第107-116页;《十月革命四周年》,第169-177页;《新经济政策和政治教育委员会的任务》,第180-201页;《在莫斯科省第七次党代表会议上关于新经济政策的报告》,第216-239页;《论黄金在目前和在社会主义完全胜利后的作用》,第244-252页;《全俄苏维埃第九次代表大会文献》,第320-362页;《关于公会在新经济政策条件下的作用和任务的提纲》,第365-376页;《俄共(布)中央政治局关于新经济政策的指示草案》,第379-380页;《论苏维埃共和国所处的国际和国内形势(在全俄五金工人代表大会共产党党团会议上的讲话)》,《列宁全集》第43卷,人民出版社1987年版,第1-15页;《俄共(布)第十一次代表大会文献》,第67-133页;《共产国际第四次代表大会文献》,第272-288页;《在莫斯科苏维埃全会上的讲话》,第294-302页;《论合作社》,第361-368页。 SW, pp. 190-4; Nove, Economic History, p. 89.
40、 《我们怎样改组工农检察院》,《列宁全集》第43卷,人民出版社1987年版,第373-377页;《宁肯少些,但要好些》,第378-392页。 M. Lewin, Lenin' s Last Struggle (London: Pluto, 1975).
41、 《论合作社》,《列宁全集》第43卷,人民出版社1987年版,第361-368页。这时候,列宁再次表示出对杜冈-巴拉诺夫斯基著作的兴趣,该著作把合作社看作是在农民中发展社会主义的关键因素;参见Nove, ' Lenin and the New Economic Policy',p.166.
42、 SW, pp.99-294.
43、 SW, pp. 103-4.
44、 N. I. Bukharin, Historical Materialism: A System of Sociology (New York: Russell & Russell, 1965; written in 1920); S. Cohen, ' Marxist Theory and Bolshevik Policy: The Case of Bukharin' s Historical Materialism', Political Science Quarterly, 85, 1970, pp. 40-60; N. Kozlov, ' N. I. Bukharin: Reconsideration of a 《Neo-Narodnik litterateur》', Review of Radical Political Economics, 17, 1985, pp.28-50. Also see R. B. Day, ' Dialectical Method in the Political Writings of Lenin and Bukharin', Journal of Political Science, IX, 1976, pp. 244-60.
45、 SW, pp. 189ff. 260-1.也可参见 SW, pp. 331-51.
46、 SW, p. 151.
47、 SW, pp. 102, 115, 121, 142, 147, 184.
48、 Preobrazhensky, New Economic, p. 237; Trotsky, Communist International, vol.2, p. 271; Challenge (1926-7) pp. 328-30
49、 SW. pp. 116-21.
50、 N. I. Bukharin. Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972; first published in 1924) pp. 206-37.
51、 SW, pp.110ff, 117-19, 161, 194, 200ff, 234ff, 265; Bukharin, Economics, pp. 81ff, 90-6; Bukharin and Preobrahensky, ABC, pp. 122-3, 330, 359ff, 383; also see Chapter 13 above.
52、 SW, pp. 280ff, 294.
53、 SW, pp. 292ff.
54、 SW. pp. 267ff; S. Cohen, Bukharin and the Bolshevik Revolution (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980). pp. 141-2, 也可参见Harding, Lenin' s Political Thought. vol. 2, pp. 222ff, 253ff, 275ff.
55、 SW. p. 144; Bukharin, Economic, p. 202; Cohen, Bukharin. pp. 167-73, 252-8; S. Heitman, ' Between Lenin and Stalin: Nikolai Bukharin' in L. Labedz, (ed.) Revisionism (London: Allen and Unwin, 1962), pp. 77-90.
56、 Jasny, Soviet Economists.
57、 R B. Day, The ' Crisis and the 'Crash': Soviet Studies of the West (1917-1939)(London: New Left Books, 1981) pp. 87-94; Jasny, Soviet Economists, pp.158-63.
58、 M. H. Dobb, Russian Economic Development Since the Revolution (London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1929); R. Palme Dutt, Socialism and the living Wage (London: Communist Party of Great Britain, 1927).
59、 Day, The' Crisis', chs. 2-5.
60、 E. Varga, The Decline of capitalism: the Economics of the Decline of Capitalism After Stabilisation (London: Communist Party of Great Britain, 1928);是否如Day在《危机》中提出的那样瓦尔加是一个“新卢森堡主义者”,是值得怀疑的。因为在瓦尔加那里非资本主义领域只发挥了次要的作用。
61、 I. Lapidus and K. Ostrovityanov, An Outline of Political Economy (London: Martin Lawrence, 1929) pp. 371 9; Dull. Socialism, pp. 139-54, 171-87.
62、 Cohen, Bukharin. pp. 254-7; Day, Leon Trotsky, pp. 94-7, 103-4, 118-19,158.
63、 N. Bukharin, ' Die Widersprüche des Modernen Kapitalismus', Die Internationale, 7, 1924, pp. 560-3.
64、 I. Deutscher, Stalin (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966) pp. 296-342; E. H. Carr and R. W. Davies, Foundations of a Planned Economist (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974 and 1976); Day, Crisis; Cohen, Bukharin, pp. 233-4, 262-9, 275, 284,291ff, 304, 318-19; Day, Leon Trotsky, pp. 108-11, 124, 133, 166-7, 178; A. Erlich, The Soviet Industrialisation Debate, 1924-28 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1960) pp. 167-9
65、 托洛茨基接受了普列奥布拉任斯基的过渡理论,虽然1925年以后托洛茨基也强调与世界市场融合的重要性;参见下文第 VIII部分。不清楚的是托洛茨基对这一点的强调在多大程度上偏离了普列奥布拉任斯基自己的想法。R. B. Day, ' Trotsky and Preobrazhensky: The Troubled Unity of the Left Opposition' Studies in Comparative Communism, X, 1977, pp. 69-86, argues that it represented a real divide. Also see Day. Leon Trotsky, pp. 144-8, 181; Erlich, Soviet Industrialization, pp. 45-52, 141-5; Trotsky, Challenge(1926-27), pp. 56-60; I. Deutscher, The Prophet Unarmed (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1959) pp. 113-14, 234-9, 415-17. 421-4, and R. B. Day, ' Leon Trotsky on the Problems of the Smychka and Forced Collectivation', Critique, 13, 1981, pp. 55- 68.
66、 E. A. Preobrazhensky, From NEP to Socialism (London: New Park Publications, 1973, first published in 1922); Crisis. pp. 3ff. 129n.
67、 Preobrazhensky. Crisis, p.27; New Economics, pp. 102, 162; 3. R. Millar, ' A Note on Primitive Accumulation in Marx and Preohrazhensky', Soviet Studies, XXX, 1978, pp. 384-93.
68、 Trotsky, History, p. 72.
69、 Preobrazhensky, Crisis, pp. 62ff: New Economies, pp. 78. 103ff, 127. 232,238, 289: Day. Leon Trotsky, pp. 93-6; Erlich, Soviet Industrialization. pp. 13-14, 51.
70、 Preobrazhensky, New Economics, pp 17. 132, 218-23, 238ff.
71、 Ibid, pp. 84ff.
72、 Ibid, pp. 88-91; ' Millar, ' Note on Primitive Accumulation'.
73、 Ibid, p. 271.
74、 Ibid, pp.3-4, 24, 54, 57ff, 64. 70, 77ff, 110, 139, 142-7, 195, 208. 262; Preobrazhensky, Crisis, pp. 5, 62ff, 196.
75、 Preobrazhensky, New Economics, p. 73.
76、 Ibid, pp. 35-7, 267, 295.
77、 Preobrazhensky, Crisis, pp. 77ff.
78、 Preobrazhensky, New Economics, p. 92ff.
79、 Prcohrazhcnsky, Crisis, pp. 210-12, 229-30.
80、 Bukharin, Imperialism.
81、 Preobrazhensky, New Economics. pp. 255-7; Crisis, pp. 67-73, 222-4.
82、 1094 Preobrazhensky, Crisis. pp. 137, 162-3, 192, 195-7.
83、 Ibid, p. 33ff.
84、 Ibid, pp. 67, 137, 162-3.
85、 Ibid, pp. 69, 192, 194; New Economics, pp. 176ff, 281.
86、 SW, pp. 243-5, 292. 1926年后布哈林的确修改了他解决这个问题的政策主张,但并没有修改他自己的经济理论;参见Erlich, Soviet Industrialization. pp. 78-89, 102-4; Cohen, Bukharin. pp. 242-52, 290; Lewin, Political Undercurrents, pp. 19, 35, 49-51; M. Haynes, Bukharin and the Transition from Capitalism to Socialism (New York: Holmes & Meier, 1985), pp.111-12.
87、 SW, p. 160
88、 SW, pp. 125, 141, 16Xff: Cohen, Bukharin. pp. 160-212.
89、 Preobrazhcnsky, Crisis, pp. 48, 50, 109.
90、 Ibid, pp. 72ff.
91、 Ibid. pp. 77ff.
92、 SW, pp. 129ff.
93、 Preobrazhensky, Crisis,, pp. 43, 46, 66; New Economics, p. 117.
94、 Preobrazhensky, Crisis. pp. 224-7; New Economics, pp. 250ff.
95、 9SW. pp. 154ff.
96、 SW, pp. 196ff.
97、 Works, VI, pp. 374-420; Trotsky, Challenge (1923-25), p. 192; (1926-27) pp. 152ff, 179ff; Cohen, Bukharin, pp. 147-9.
98、 Works, VI. pp. 374-420.
99、 SW, pp. 212-17; Trotsky. History, pp.72, 419
100、 SW, pp. 110-13, 162; Bukharin, Historical Materialism: Economics, pp. 50, 56; Trotsky, Challenge (1923-25), p. 42; Haynes, Bukharin, pp. 85-7. 101. 102.
101、 SW, pp. 162, 200-8, 283; Cohen, Bukharin, pp. 143-74, 192-201; Lewin, Political Undercurrents, pp. 44-6.
102、 SW, p. 144.
103、 Trotsky, Communist International, vol. 1. pp. 57, 72-3. 272; vol. 2. pp. 246-50,165ff; Preobrazhensky, New Economics, pp. 20-1, 25, 79, 128, 133.
104、 SW, pp. 183-4, 297, 333ff.
105、 SW, pp. 157, 171.
106、 Bukharin, Imperialism, pp. 269-70; Trotsky, Challenge (1923-25) p.43;(1925-27) pp. 225ff, 368; History, pp. 908ff; Cohen, Bukharin, pp. 257-69.
107、 Works, VI, pp. 374-420.
108、 L. Trotsky, Problems of Everyday Life (New York: Monad Press. 1973:写于1920年代早期的一系列论文) pp. 273-180; Communist International, vol.1, pp.6, 21-3, 48, 108, 120, 176-81, 192ff, 206, 212, 229, 241ff, 255, 260,298; vol.2, pp.4, 61-3, 70, 77ff, 199-201, 306-7; challenge (1923-5) pp345, 348; (1926-27) pp. 131, 134, 161, 193, 218, 404; History, pp. 1025, 1219. 也可参见Preobrazhensky Crisis, pp 134-59, 2 17-18; New Economics, p.
109、 Trotsky, Communist International, vol. 1. p. 196; vol.2, pp. 317, 341, Europe and America, pp. 33, 67-8, 70-1; challenge (1923-25) p. 332; (1926- 27) p. 256.
110、 Ibid, pp.20-2; Trotsky, History, pp. 1194, 1219ff.
111、 Trotsky, Communist International, vol. 1, pp. 284-9, 305-6; vol. 2. pp. 269-70, 330; Challenge (1923-25) pp. 61, 119, 159, 342, 347ff, 353, 358ff, 366, 388;(1926-27) pp. 53, 156, 182ff, 334ff. 365.也可参见 Preobrazhensky, Economics, pp.41, 120-4, 134-6, 139ff, 158-60, 163. 165-6, 254n, 276, 289; Crisis, 20,41,43,48, 59,61ff, 71, 176, 195, 200-1, 203, 207; Day, Leon Trotsky chs6 and 7.
112、 Challenge (1923-25) p. 334.
113、 Trotsky, Communist International, vol. 1, p. 199; vol.2, p. 186; Challenge (1926-27) pp. 57ff, 145ff, 152ff, 179ff. 198, 261,270ff, 277ff, 374. 434,495; The Third International After Lenin (New York: Pathfinder Press, 1970; 写于1928年): Historical, pp. 1219-66; Day, Leon Trotsky, chs 6, 7, and 8.
114、 Trotsky, Communist International, vol. 2. p. 331; Challenge (1923-25) pp. 15, 17, 28-9, 31-2, 55, 60, 64, 70, 78, 84, 93, 157, 161, 168ff, 200ff; (1925-27) pp. 31-2, 59, 62ff, 74ff, 83ff, 93, 102, 127, 232, 340-1, 349ff, 401,411,441, 452.
115、 有关这个问题参见Trotsky, Communist International, vol. I, pp.225, 247, 254,284-7, 305-6; vol.2, pp. 17, 71-2; Challenge (1923-25), p. 344; (1926-27) p.385; Harding, Lenin' s Political Thought, vol.2, pp. 251-2; Bukharin and Preobrazhensky, ABC, pp. 49-50, 180ff.
116、 Trotsky, Challenge (1926-27) p. 464.
117、 《联共(布)第十五次代表大会》,《斯大林全集》第10卷,人民出版社1954年版,第229-330页;《论粮食收购和农业发展的前途》,《斯大林全集》第11卷,人民出版社1955年版,第3-10页;《收购运动的初步总结和今后党的任务》,第11-18页;《联共(布)中央全会(一九二八年七月四日至十二日)》,第123-170页;《关于联共(布)中央七月全会的总结(一九二八年七月十三日在联共(布)列宁格勒组织积极分子会议上的报告)》,第171-188页;《论国家工业化和联共(布)党内的右倾(一九二八年十一月十九日在联共(布)中央全会上的演说)》,第212-249页;《布哈林集团和我们党内的右倾(一九二九年一月底和二月初在联共(布)中央政治局和中央监察委员会主席团联席会议上的发言节录(简要记录))》,第274-279页。A. Erlich, ' Stalin' s Views on Economic Development' in E. J. Simmons (ed) Continuity and Change in Russian and Soviet Thought (New York: Russell & Russell,1955) pp.81-99; Soviet Industrialization, pp. 172-5; Cohen, Bukharin, pp. 270-336; Deutscher, Stalin,401ff.
118、 Trotsky, Challenge (1926-27) pp. 410, 413-14, 494,499.
119、 SW, pp. 127, 135, 164, 175,199, 301-51; Cohen, Bukharin, pp.142-4.
120、 Preobrazhensky, Crisis, pp.14f; New Economics, p.67; Elrich, Soviet Industrialisation, p.170.