自19世纪末至战后初期,移居巴勒斯坦的犹太人主要来自欧洲诸国。以色列建国初期,犹太人移民大都是来自东欧纳粹集中营的大屠杀幸存者。是为以色列的欧裔犹太人(即德系犹太人),称作“阿什肯纳兹”。进入50年代,欧裔犹太人的移民数量逐渐下降,称作“塞法尔迪”的亚非裔犹太人移民数量呈明显上升的趋势。亚非裔犹太人主要来自穆斯林人数居多的阿拉伯世界、土耳其、伊朗、阿富汗以及南亚的印度。1939年,约170万犹太人生活在上述地区,占世界犹太人总数的11%。[804]1948—1950年,约5万犹太人自也门移居以色列。1950—1951年,超过12万犹太人自伊拉克移居以色列。[805]1954—1957年,移居以色列的犹太人主要来自北非的突尼斯和摩洛哥;至1958年,自突尼斯和摩洛哥移居以色列的犹太人达到16万。[806]60年代中期,分布在中东地区的犹太人大都移居以色列。[807] 1948年,亚非裔犹太人仅占以色列总人口的11%;[808] 1967年,亚非裔犹太人超过欧裔犹太人,占以色列犹太人总数的55%。[809]80年代,约70万犹太人自苏联移居以色列。[810]1990年苏联解体后,另有40万犹太人自前苏联境内移居以色列。[811]2000年,来自埃塞阿比亚的犹太人移民达到5万人。[812]
1948—1970年,以色列的国民生产总值年均增长10%,人均收入年均增长5%。国外资金的流入是以色列经济迅速增长的主要原因。1967年以前,海外犹太人向以色列提供的援助每年为2亿美元;1967—1973年,海外犹太人向以色列提供的援助达到每年7亿美元。[824]1952年9月,以色列与联邦德国政府在荷兰签署协议,联邦德国政府承诺在此后14年向以色列支付30亿马克(折合7.5亿美元)的赔偿。[825]美国是向以色列提供援助的主要西方国家。1967年以前,美国向以色列提供的援助每年为0. 5亿美元。1949—1965年,海外犹太人和美国政府提供的援助,以及联邦德国政府提供的经济赔偿,超过60亿美元。[826]1967—1986年,美国向以色列提供的援助共计30亿美元,其中12亿经济援助,18亿军事援助,美国政府的援助相当于海外犹太人援助的5倍。以色列经济发展的另一重要原因,在于持续的移民所提供的廉价劳动力和广泛的市场需求。1973年以后,犹太人移民逐渐减少,阿拉伯人成为新的廉价劳动力来源。1975年,约旦河西岸和加沙地带约四分之一的阿拉伯劳动力受雇于以色列的犹太人企业,主要从事建筑业。[827]
以色列政府在约旦河西岸和耶路撒冷东区兴建定居点的政策,导致巴勒斯坦人的反抗。1991年10月,美国、俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯、以色列、叙利亚和巴解组织的代表在马德里召开会议,初步确定以色列政府与巴解组织举行和谈的政治框架。1992年,以色列的工党政府与巴解组织的代表在伦敦和奥斯陆进行非官方的秘密接触,继而在华盛顿首先就加沙的地位问题举行正式和谈。[851]1993 年5月,以色列政府与巴解组织的代表在奥斯陆达成协议,双方同意此后5年作为过渡期,由巴解组织组建临时过渡政府,负责管理第三次中东战争后以色列军队占领的约旦河西岸和加沙地带,直至在约旦河西岸和加沙地带举行大选,暂时搁置耶路撒冷归属问题的争议。[852]同年9月,以色列总理拉宾与巴解组织领导人阿拉法特在美国的戴维营签署和平协议,以色列政府同意巴解组织在加沙地带和约旦河西岸城市杰里科组建自治政府,以色列政府与巴解组织正式相互承认对方的合法地位,是为加沙—杰里科自治协议,亦称奥斯陆协议。奥斯陆协议签署后,俄罗斯、中国和一些阿拉伯国家与以色列建立外交关系。1994年5月,拉宾与阿拉法特在埃及共同发表开罗宣言,以色列政府将分阶段向巴解组织移交约旦河西岸和加沙地带的行政权力,直至完成从约旦河西岸和加沙地带的撤军行动。同年7月,阿拉法特和巴解组织领导机构自突尼斯移至加沙地带,筹建巴勒斯坦自治政府。1995年10月,以色列军队撤出除希布伦外的约旦河西岸6座城市。[853]
[1]Lindsay,J.E.,Daily Life in the Medieval Islamic World,p.101.
[2]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,Cambridge 2002,p.12.
[3]Yapp,M.E.,The Making of the Modern Near East 1792-1923,p.139.
[4]Owen,R.,The Mid dle East in the World Economy 1800-1914,p.184.
[5]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,London 1994,p.434.
[6]Stansfield,G.R.V.,Iraq:People,History,Politics,Cambridge 2007,p.34.
[7]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,Boulder 1985,p.31.
[8]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.436.
[10]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.33.
[11]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.40.
[14]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.45,p.47.
[15]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.438.
[16]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.440.
[17]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.38-39.
[18]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.440.
[19]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.440.
[20]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.70.
[22]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.59.
[23]Elliot,M.,Independent Iraq:The Monarchy and British In fluence 1941-1958,London 1996,p.6.
[24]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.66.
[25]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.70.
[26]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.34.
[28]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,pp.71-73.
[30]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.31.
[31]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,pp.73-74.
[33]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.73.
[34]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the Firse World War,p.81,p.77.
[35]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.47.
[36]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.77.
[37]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.441.
[38]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.74.
[39]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.441,p.650.
[40]Sluglett,M.F.,Iraq Since 1958:From Revolution to Dictatorship,London 1990,p.7.
[41]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.40.
[43]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.443.
[44]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.71.
[45]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.73,p.79.
[46]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.443.
[47]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.445,p.443.
[48]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.82,p.83.
[49]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.72.
[50]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.445.
[51]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.74.
[54]Elliot,M.,Independent Iraq:The Monarchy and British In fluence 1941-1958,p.13.
[55]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,pp.448-449.
[56]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.469.
[57]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.112.
[59]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.449.
[60]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq 1900-1963,New York 1997,p.100.
[61]Elliot,M.,Independent Iraq:The Monarchy and British In fluence 1941-1958,p.21.
[62]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.97.
[63]Elliot,M.,Independent Iraq:The Monarchy and British In fluence 1941-1958,p.26.
[64]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq 1900-1963,pp.86-87.
[65]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.99.
[66]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq 1900-1963,p.94.
[67]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.115.
[68]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.116.
[69]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq,p.100.
[70]Elliot,M.,Independent Iraq:The Monarchy and British In f luence 1941-1958,p.19.
[71]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.100-101.
[72]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.120.
[73]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq,p.101.
[74]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.121.
[75]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq,p.103.
[76]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.123.
[77]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,pp.126-127.
[78]Elliot,M.,Independent Iraq:The Monarchy and British In fluence 1941-1958,p.19.
[79]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq,p.104.
[80]Elliot,M.,Independent Iraq:The Monarchy and British In fluence 1941-1958,p.28.
[81]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,pp.129-130.
[82]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.111.
[83]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq,p.105.
[84]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.132.
[85]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,pp.134-135.
[86]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.114.
[88]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.137.
[89]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.117-118.
[90]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.119.
[91]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq,p.107.
[92]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.123.
[93]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq,pp.107-108.
[94]Elliot,M.,Independent Iraq:The Monarchy and British In fluence 1941-1958,p.20.
[95]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.145.
[97]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.83.
[98]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.155.
[99]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.233.
[100]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.144.
[101]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.123
[102]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.158.
[103]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.161.
[104]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,pp.151-152.
[105]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.159-162.
[106]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.234.
[107]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.162-163.
[108]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.158.
[109]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.167-168.
[110]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.234.
[111]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.157.
[112]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq,p.121.
[113]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.165.
[114]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq,p.124.
[115]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.160.
[116]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.167.
[117]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.160.
[119]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.432.
[121]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.54,p.59.
[122]Elliot,M.,Independent Iraq:The Monarchy and British In fluence 1941-1958,p.6.
[123]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.67.
[125]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.79.
[126]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.177-178.
[129]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.166.
[131]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.180.
[132]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of A f rica and the Middle East,p.129.
[133]Sluglett,M.F.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.89.
[134]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.143.
[135]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq 1900-1963,p.92.
[136]Sluglett,M.F.,Iraq Since 1958,p.90.
[137]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.162.
[138]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.184.
[139]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.175,p.185.
[140]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.238.
[141]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.190.
[142]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.176.
[143]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.188-191.
[146]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.240.
[147]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.193.
[148]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.182.
[149]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.196,p.197.
[151]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.246.
[152]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,pp.187-188.
[154]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.207.
[155]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.241.
[156]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.190.
[157]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.209.
[158]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.191.
[159]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.212.
[161]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.193.
[162]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.214-216.
[163]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.209.
[164]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.214-215.
[165]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.199.
[166]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.222.
[167]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.246.
[168]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,pp.212-213.
[169]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.187.
[170]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.214.
[171]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.655.
[172]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.211.
[173]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.219.
[174]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East since the First World War,p.242.
[175]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.228-229.
[176]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of Af rica and the Middle East,p.126.
[177]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.232.
[178]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.184.
[179]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.226.
[180]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.226.
[181]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.241.
[182]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.185.
[183]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.246.
[184]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.208.
[185]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.238.
[186]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.227.
[187]Cardosa,A.V.,Iraq at the Crossroads,New York 2007,p.117.
[188]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.244-245.
[189]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,pp.220-221.
[190]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.293.
[191]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.233.
[193]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.236.
[194]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.271.
[195]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.239.
[196]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.658.
[197]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.235.
[199]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.293.
[200]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.233.
[202]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.236.
[203]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.271.
[204]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.239.
[205]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.658.
[206]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.235.
[207]Inati,S.C.,Iraq:Its History,People and Politics,New York 2003,p.221.
[208]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.660.
[209]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:from Revolution to Dictatorship,p.273.
[212]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,pp.252-253.
[214]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.253.
[217]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,pp.280-281.
[218]Simons,G.,Iraq:From Sumer to Post-Saddam,New York 2004,pp.83-84.
[219]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,pp.457-458.
[220]Cardosa,A.V.,Iraq at the Crossroads,p.21.
[221]Simons,G.,Iraq:From Sumer to Post-Saddam,p.35,p.52.
[222]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.661.
[223]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,pp.275-276.
[224]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.282-283.
[225]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.202.
[226]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,pp.203-204.
[227]Dekmejian,R.H.,Islam in Revolution:Fundamentalism in the Arab World,p.121.
[228]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,pp.198-199.
[229]Yapp,M. E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.247.
[230]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.236.
[231]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.204.
[235]Anderson,L.&Stansfield,G.,The Future of Iraq:Dictatorship,Democracy or Division,p.172.
[236]Tripp,C.,A Histroy of Iraq,pp.272-274.
[237]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.247.
[238]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.236.
[239]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.258,p.260.
[240]Owen,R.,The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914,pp.182-183,p.275.
[241]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.3.
[242]Hershlag,Z.Y.,Introduction to the Modern Economic History of the Middle East,p.266.
[243]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.130.
[244]Owen,R.,The Mid dle East in the World Economy 1800-1914,p.273.
[245]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq 1900-1963,p.36.
[246]Issawi,C.,An Economic History of the Middle East and North Af rica,p.31.
[247]Hershlag,Z.Y.,Introduction to the Modern Economic History of the Middle East,p.267.
[248]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq 1900-1963,p.51.
[249]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.131.
[250]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq 1900-1963,p.51.
[251]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.259.
[252]Yapp,M.E.,The Making of the Modern Near East 1792-1923,p.143.
[253]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,pp.31-32.
[254]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.136.
[255]Gerber.H.,The Social Origins of the Modern Middle East,p.95.
[256]Beinin,J.,Workers and Peasants in the Modern Middle East,p.120.
[257]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.34.
[258]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.432.
[259]Gerber.H.,The Social Origins of the Modern Mid dle East,p.95
[260]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.132.
[262]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq,p.121.
[263]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.170.
[264]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,Harvard 1999,p.164.
[265]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.171.
[266]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.155.
[267]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.165.
[268]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.240.
[269]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.167.
[270]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.278.
[271]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.236.
[272]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.241.
[273]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.167.
[274]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.241-242.
[275]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.236.
[276]Hopkins,N.S.&Ibrahim,S.E.,Arab Society:Class,Gender,Power and Development,Cairo 1997,p.368.
[277]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.169.
[278]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.260,p.171,p.259.
[279]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.443.
[280]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.71.
[281]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.248.
[282]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.128-129.
[284]Elliot,M.,Independent Iraq:The Monarchy and British In fluence 1941-1958,p.32.
[285]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.174.
[286]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.207.
[287]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.654.
[288]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.76.
[289]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq 1900-1963,p.72.
[290]Tripp,C.,A History of Iraq,p.128.
[291]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.162.
[292]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.252-253.
[293]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.260.
[294]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.237.
[295]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.166.
[296]Cardosa,A.V.,Iraq at the Crossroads,p.2.
[297]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq 1900-1963,p.60.
[299]Hershlag,Z.Y.,Introduction to the Modern Economic History of the Middle East,p.270.
[300]Haj,S.,The Making of Iraq 1900-1963,pp.63-64.
[301]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.132.
[302]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.250.
[303]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.221.
[304]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,pp.165-166.
[305]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.256-257.
[306]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.233.
[307]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.244.
[308]Long,D.E.&Reich,B.,The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Af rica,Boulder 1995,p.105.
[309]Hopkins,N.S.&Ibrahim,S.E.,Arab Society:Class,Gender,Power and Development,p.368.
[310]Owen,R.,The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914,p.273.
[311]Yapp,M.E.,The Making of the Modern Near East 1792-1923,p.144.
[312]Hershlag,Z.Y.,Introduction to the Modern Economic History of the Middle East,p.238.
[313]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.227,p.246.
[314]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.69.
[315]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.34.
[316]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.170.
[317]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.247.
[318]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.271.
[319]Sluglett,M.F.&Sluglett,P.,Iraq Since 1958:f rom Revolution to Dictatorship,p.246.
[320]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.232.
[321]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.271.
[322]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.168.
[323]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.76.
[324]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.138.
[326]Schaffer,D.,The History of Nations:Iraq,pp.160-161.
[327]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.76.
[328]Schaffer,D.,The History of Nations:Iraq,San Diego 2004,pp.162-163.
[329]Cardosa,A.V.,Iraq at the Crossroads,p.116.
[330]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,p.261.
[331]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.245.
[332]Marr,P.,The Modern History of Iraq,pp.263-264.
[333]Inati,S.C.,Iraq:Its History,People and Politics,p.228.
[334]Inati,S.C.,Iraq:Its History,People and Politics,pp.215-218,p.223.
[335]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986:Politics and Society,London 1988,p.1.
[336]Khater,A.F.,Sources in the History of the Modern Middle East,pp.201-202.
[337]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.434.
[338]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.86.
[340]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.403.
[341]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.438.
[342]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.94.
[343]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.471.
[344]Torrey,G.T.,Syrian Politics and the Military 1945-1958,Ohio 1964,pp.35-38.
[345]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.98.
[346]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.81.
[347]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.410.
[348]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.81.
[350]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.415.
[351]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.85.
[352]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.102.
[353]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.84.
[355]Ma’oz,M.&Yaniv,A.,Syria Under Assad:Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks,London 1986,p.23.
[356]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.83.
[357]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.414.
[358]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.32.
[359]Moubayed,S. M.,Damascus Between Democracy and Dictatorship,Maryland 2000,p.8,p.38,pp.18-19.
[360]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.40.
[361]Moubayed,S.M.,Damascus Between Democracy and Dictatorship,pp.35-36.
[362]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.412.
[363]Moubayed,S.M.,Damascus Between Democracy and Dictatorship,pp.53-56.
[364]Moubayed,S.M.,Damascus Between Democracy and Dictatorship,p.60,pp.74-75,pp.77-78,p.84,p.91.
[365]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,pp.35-36.
[366]Moubayed,S.M.,Damascus Between Democracy and Dictatorship,p.91.
[367]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.37.
[368]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.638.
[369]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.37.
[370]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.419.
[371]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.252.
[372]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.422.
[373]Yapp,M.E.,The Making of the Modern Near East 1792-1923,pp.201-202.
[374]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,New York 2001,p.2.
[375]Yapp,M.E.,The Making of the Modern Near East 1792-1923,p.203,p.209.
[376]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.88.
[377]Ma’oz,M.,Syria Under Assad,p.21.
[378]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.244.
[379]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.44.
[380]Antoun,R.T.&Quataert,D.,Syria:Society,Culture and Polity,New York 1991,p.33.
[381]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,London 2001,p.48.
[382]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.45.
[383]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.49.
[384]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.424.
[385]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.46.
[387]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.52.
[388]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.426.
[389]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.256.
[390]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.59.
[391]Ma’oz,M.,Syria Under Assad,p.25.
[392]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.55.
[393]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,New York 1995,p.136.
[394]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.249.
[395]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.41.
[396]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,p.9.
[397]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.66.
[398]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,p.27.
[399]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of Africa and the Middle East,p.283.
[400]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.426.
[401]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.261.
[402]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.168.
[403]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of A f rica and the Middle East,p.283.
[404]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,pp.169-170,p.167.
[405]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.460.
[406]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.78,p.84.
[407]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.141.
[408]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,pp.26-27.
[409]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.155.
[410]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,p.27.
[411]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.163.
[412]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution f rom Above,p.66.
[413]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.262.
[414]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.254.
[415]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.56.
[416]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.140.
[417]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.249.
[418] Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.427.
[419]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,p.26.
[420]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,pp.155-156.
[421]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.253.
[422]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.156,p.154.
[423]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,pp.80-82.
[424]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.155,p.173.
[426]Hinnebusch,R.A.,Authoritarian Power and State Formation in Ba’thist Sy ria,Westpoint 1990,p.29.
[427]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.148.
[428]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.256,p.262.
[429]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.253.
[430]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.70.
[431]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,p.20.
[432]Perthes,V.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.71.
[433]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.71.
[434]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,p.20.
[435]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.96,p.95.
[436]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.66.
[437]Dekmejian,R.H.,Islam in Revolution:Fundamentalism in the Arab World,p.106.
[438]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.94.
[439]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.263.
[440]Dekmejian,R.H.,Islam in Revolution:Fundamentalism in the Arab World,p.112.
[441]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.96,p.95.
[443]Dekmejian,R.H.,Islam in Revolution:Fundamentalism in the Arab World,p.109.
[444]Posusney,M. P.&Angrist,M. P.,Authoritarianism in the Middle East:Regimes and Resistance,Boulder 2005,p.50.
[445]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.137.
[446]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.249.
[447]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,pp.264-265.
[448]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.255.
[449]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.428.
[450]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.34.
[451]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.257.
[452]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.428.
[453]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.31.
[454]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.429.
[455]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,p.181,pp.183-184.
[456]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,p.200,p.184,p.196,p.202.
[458]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,p.187.
[459]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.108.
[460]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.253.
[462]Owen,R.,The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914,p.29.
[463]Yapp,M.E.,The Making of the Modern Near East 1792-1923,p.132.
[464]Owen,R.,The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914,p.156,p.250,p.260,p.247,p.29.
[465]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.416.
[466]Antoun,R.T.&Quataert,D.,Syria:Society,Culture and Polity,p.64.
[467]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.100.
[468]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.26.
[469]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986:Politics and Society,p.108,p.105.
[470]Ma’oz,M.,Syria Under Assad,p.38,p.48.
[471]Ma’oz,M.&Yaniv,A.,Syria Under Assad:Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks,pp.46-47.
[472]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.258.
[473]Ma’oz,M.&Yaniv,A.,Syria Under Assad:Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks,pp.49-50.
[474]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.21.
[475]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,pp.257-258.
[476]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria under Asad,p.81.
[477]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.120.
[478]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.81.
[479]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.106.
[480]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.82.
[481]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.115.
[482]Owen,R.,The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914,p.172.
[483]Hershlag,Z.Y.,Introduction to the Modern Economic History of the Middle East,p.268.
[484]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.26.
[485]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.153.
[486]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.55.
[487]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.40.
[488]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.259.
[489]Ma’oz,M.,Syria Under Assad,p.54.
[490]Ma’oz,M.&Yaniv,A.,Syria Under Assad:Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks,p.58.
[491]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.112.
[492]Ma’oz,M.,Syria Under Assad,p.51.
[493]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.25,p.30.
[494]Ma’oz,M.,Syria Under Assad,p.45,p.42.
[495]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.257.
[496]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.26.
[498]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.110.
[499]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.40.
[500]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.125.
[501]Niblock,T.&Murphy,E.,Economic and Political Liberalization in the Mid dle East,pp.181-182.
[502]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.128.
[503]Ma’oz,M.&Yaniv,A.,Syria Under Assad:Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks,p.43.
[504]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution f rom Above,p.130.
[505]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.461.
[506]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution f rom Above,p.134.
[507]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.61.
[508]Harik,I.and Sullivan,D.J.,Privatization and Liberalization in the Middle East,Indiana 1992,p.133.
[509]Niblock,T.&Murphy,E.,Economic and Political Liberalization in the Mid dle East,p.193.
[510]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,pp.60-61.
[511]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.255.
[512]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.134.
[513]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.60.
[514]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Syria in Transition,p.189.
[515]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution from Above,p.135.
[516]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.59.
[517]Zisser,E.,Asad’s Legacy:Sy ria in Transition,pp.189-193.
[518]Hershlag,Z.Y.,Introduction to the Modern Economic History of the Middle East,p.237.
[519]Grunwald,K.&Ronall,J.O.,Industrialization in the Mid dle East,p.27.
[520]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.260.
[521]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.23.
[522]Ma’oz,M.&Yaniv,A.,Syria Under Assad:Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks,p.37.
[523]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.255.
[524]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.405.
[525]Ma’oz,M.&Yaniv,A.,Syria Under Assad:Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks,p.37.
[526]Owen,R.,The Mid dle East in the World Economy 1800-1914,p.244.
[527]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.85.
[528]Ma’oz,M.&Yaniv,A.,Syria Under Assad:Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks,p.71.
[529]Saqqaf,A.Y.,The Middle East City:Ancient Traditions Con front a Modern World,New York 1987.
[530]Ma’oz,M.&Yaniv,A.,Syria Under Assad:Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks,p.72.
[531]Antoun,R.T.,Syria:Society,Culture and Polity,p.2.
[532]Ma’oz,M.&Yaniv,A.,Syria Under Assad:Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks,p.38.
[533]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.23.
[534]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.645.
[535]Ma’oz,M.&Yaniv,A.,Syria Under Assad:Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks,p.38.
[536]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution f rom Above,p.56.
[537]Issawi,C.,The Fertile Crescent 1800-1914:A Documentary Economic History,p.31.
[538]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.102.
[539]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.121.
[540]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.102.
[541]Ma’oz,M.,Syria Under Assad,p.41.
[542]Antoun,R.T.,Syria:Society,Culture and Polity,pp.36-37.
[543]Ma’oz,M.,Syria Under Assad,p.41.
[544]Perthes,V.,The Political Economy of Syria Under Asad,p.23.
[545]Hinnebusch,R.,Syria:Revolution f rom Above,pp.55-56.
[546]Antoun,R.T.,Syria:Society,Culture and Polity,p.37.
[547]Zamir,M.,The Formation of Modern Lebanon,London 1985,p.8.
[548]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,London 2007,p.3,pp.7-8,pp.9-10.
[549]Zamir,M.,The Formation of Modern Lebanon,pp.8-9.
[550]Miller,W.,The Ottoman Empire 1801-1913,p.305.
[551]Sharabi,H.B.,Government and Politics of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century,Connectucut 1987,p.106.
[552]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.104.
[553]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.365.
[554]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.105.
[555]Hitti,P.K.,A Short History of Lebanon,New York 1965,pp.220-221.
[556]Kanaan,C.B.,Lebanon 1860-1960:A Century of Myth and Politics,London 2007,pp.134-135.
[557]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,London 2007,pp.100-101.
[558]Gaspard,T.,A Political Economy of Lebanon 1948-2002,p.49.
[559]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.64.
[560]Kanaan,C.B.,Lebanon 1860-1960:A Century of Myth and Politics,London 2007,p.135.
[561]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.109.
[562]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.263.
[563]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.106.
[564]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.109.
[566]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.373.
[567]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,p.106.
[568]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.374,p.376.
[569]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.629.
[570]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.384.
[571]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,pp.112-113.
[572]Hopwood,D.,Syria 1945-1986,p.82.
[573]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.385.
[575]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,pp.128-130.
[577]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,pp.380-381.
[578]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.266.
[579]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,p.140.
[580]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,pp.144-145,p.155.
[581]Gaspard,T.,A Political Economy of Lebanon 1948-2002,p.235.
[582]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.264.
[583]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,pp.387-388.
[584]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.268.
[585]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.630.
[586]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,p.183.
[587]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,pp.269-270.
[588]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.269.
[589]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.390.
[590]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,pp.269-270.
[591]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.392.
[592]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.270.
[593]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.271.
[594]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.393.
[595]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.272.
[596]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.393.
[597]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,pp.220-221.
[599]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.272.
[600]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.396.
[601]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.273.
[603]Davidson,L.,Islamic Fundamentalism,p.66.
[604]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,p.178,p.181.
[605]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.275.
[606]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.394.
[607]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.275.
[608]Davidson,L.,Islamic Fundamentalism,p.66.
[609]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,p.229.
[610]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.275.
[611]Richards,A.&Waterbury,J.,A Political Economy of the Middle East,Boulder 1990,p.97.
[612]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,p.226.
[613]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.278.
[614]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.398.
[615]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.278,p.465.
[616]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,p.243.
[618]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.466.
[619]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.636.
[620]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.466.
[621]Ismeal,T.Y.,Middle East Politics Today:Government and Civil Society,p.281.
[622]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,p.8.
[623]Kedourie,E.&Haim,S.G.,Essays on the Economic History of the Middle East,London 1988,p.21.
[624]Owen,R.,The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914,p.157.
[625]Gaspard,T.,A Political Economy of Lebanon 1948-2002,p.45
[626]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,p.46.
[627]Owen,R.,The Middle East in the World Economy 1800-1914,p.155,p.157,p.249.
[628]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,p.46.
[629]Gaspard,T.,A Political Economy of Lebanon 1948-2002,pp.45-51.
[630]Gaspard,T.,A Political Economy of Lebanon 1948-2002,p.67.
[631]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.158.
[632]Gaspard,T.,A Political Economy of Lebanon 1948-2002,p.69,p.94.
[633]Gaspard,T.,A Political Economy of Lebanon 1948-2002,p.46.
[634]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.160.
[635]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.361.
[636]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.114.
[637]Taraboulsi,F.,A History of Modern Lebanon,pp.161-162.
[638]Gaspard,T.,A Political Economy of Lebanon 1948-2002,p.213.
[639]Salibi,K.S.,The Modern History of Jordan,London 1993,p.8.
[640]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,Cambridge 2004,pp.5-6,p.9,p.10,p.11.
[641]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,p.14,p.16.
[642]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.140,p.142.
[644]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.344.
[645]Wilson,R.,Politics and the Economy in Jordan,London 1991,p.186.
[646]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,p.36.
[647]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.143.
[648]Wilson,R.,Politics and the Economy in Jordan,pp.186-187.
[649]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.539.
[650]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.347.
[651]Wilson,R.,Politics and the Economy in Jordan,p.188.
[652]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.295.
[653]Salibi,K.S.,The Modern History of Jordan,p.177.
[654]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.296.
[655]Salibi,K.S.,The Modern History of Jordan,p.190.
[656]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,pp.352-353.
[657]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.296.
[659]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.295.
[660]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.349.
[661]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,pp.291-292.
[662]Bligh,A.,The Political Legacy of King Hussein,Sussex 2002,p.96.
[663]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.298.
[664]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,pp.130-132.
[665]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.357.
[666]Salibi,K.S.,The Modern History of Jordan,pp.268-269.
[667]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.357.
[668]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.353.
[669]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,pp.550-551.
[670]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.358.
[671]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,p.191.
[672]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.357.
[673]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.294.
[674]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,p.154.
[675]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,pp.169-170.
[676]Ryan,C.R.,Jordan in Transition:from Hussein to Abdullah,Boulder 2002,pp.20-21.
[677]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.294.
[678]Ghadbian,N.,Democratization and the Islamist Challenge in the Arab World,Boulder 1997,p.122.
[679]Ryan,C.R.,Jordan in Transition:from Hussein to Abdullah,p.22.
[680]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,pp.172-173.
[681]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,pp.174-175.
[682]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.358.
[683]Ryan,C.R.,Jordan in Transition:from Hussein to Abdullah,pp.27-28,p.26.
[684]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,p.189.
[685]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,London 1996,p.473.
[686]Ryan,C.R.,Jordan in Transition:from Hussein to Abdullah,p.28.
[687]Ryan,C.R.,Jordan in Transition:from Hussein to Abdullah,p.18,p.31,p.30,p.34,p.37.
[688]Bligh,A.,The Political Legacy of King Hussein,pp.208-209.
[689]Ryan,C.R.,Jordan in Transition:from Hussein to Abdullah,p.99.
[690]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,pp.5-6.
[691]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.62.
[692]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.140.
[693]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,p.85.
[694]Winckler,O.,Population Growth and Migration in Jordan 1950-1994,Sussex 1988,p.104,p.106,p.107.
[695]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.62.
[696]Hershlag,Z.Y.,Introduction to the Modern Economic History of the Middle East,pp.267-268.
[697]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.354.
[698]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,pp.112-113.
[699]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.189.
[700]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,pp.124-125.
[701]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p189.
[702]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.292.
[703]Ryan,C.R.,Jordan in Transition:f rom Hussein to Abdullah,p.49.
[704]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.191.
[705]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.187,p.189.
[706]Wilson,R.,Politics and the Economy in Jordan,p.65.
[707]Robins,P.,A History of Jordan,pp.144-145.
[709]Winckler,O.,Population Growth and Migration in Jordan 1950-1994,p.99,p.79,p.100.
[710]Ryan,C.R.,Jordan in Transition:f rom Hussein to Abdullah,p.40.
[711]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.293.
[713]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.354.
[714]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.293.
[715]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.567.
[716]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.293.
[717]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.191.
[718]Ryan,C.R.,Jordan in Transition:from Hussein to Abdullah,p.52.
[719]Joffé,E.G.H.,Jordan in Transition,London 2002,p.228,p.230.
[720]Ryan,C.R.,Jordan in Transition:from Hussein to Abdullah,p.56.
[721]Joffé,E.G.H.,Jordan in Transition,p.232.
[722]Ryan,C.R.,Jordan in Transition:from Hussein to Abdullah,p.117.
[723]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,New York 1996,p.18.
[724]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.116.
[725]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.282.
[726]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,pp.116-117.
[727]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,pp.19-20.
[728]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.282.
[730]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.4.
[732]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,pp.6-7,p.16.
[733]Goldschmidt,A.,A Concise History of the Middle East,Boulder 1991,p.242.
[734]Gelvin,J.L.,The Modern Middle East:A History,Oxford 2005,p.217,p.208.
[735]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,pp.65-66.
[736]Goldschmidt,A.,A Concise History of the Middle East,p.245.
[737]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,New York 2003,p.8,p.10,p.20,p.23,p.26.
[738]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.118.
[739]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.57.
[740]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.117.
[741]Cleveland,W.L.,A History of the Modern Middle East,p.255.
[742]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.120.
[743]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.155.
[744]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.451.
[745]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.190.
[746] Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.59.
[747]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.533.
[748]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.119.
[749]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.455.
[750]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.57.
[751]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.120,p.118.
[752]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,pp.121-122.
[756]Polk,W.R.,The Arab World Today,Harvard 1991,p.171.
[757]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.458,p.472.
[758]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.135.
[759]Chtterji,N.C.,A History of Modern Middle East,New Delhi 1987,p.75.
[760]Polk,W.R.,The Arab World Today,Harvard 1991,p.177,p.179,p.182.
[761]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.301.
[762]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.359.
[763]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.302.
[764]Gilbar,G.G.,Population Dilemmas in the Middle East,London 1997,p.12
[765]Kamrava,M.,The Modern Middle East:A Political History Since the First World War,p.225.
[766]Gelvin,J.L.,The Modern Middle East:A History,Oxford 2005,p.274.
[767]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.306.
[768]Polk,W.R.,The Arab World Today,p.242.
[769]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.305.
[771]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.218.
[772]Davidson,L.,Islamic Fundamentalism,p.69,p.70.
[773]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,pp.475-477.
[774]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of Africa and the Middle East,p.134.
[775]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.284.
[777]Medding,P.Y.,Mapai in Israel:Political Organization and Government in a New Society,London 1972,p.15.
[778]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.63,p.76,p.81.
[779]East,R.&Joseph,T.,Political Parties of A f rica and the Middle East,p.132.
[780]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.285.
[782]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.316.
[783]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.287.
[784]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.166.
[785]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.325.
[786]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.569,p.571.
[787]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.254.
[788]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.572.
[789]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.277.
[790]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,pp.377-378.
[791]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.289.
[792]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.572.
[793]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.395.
[794]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.75.
[795]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.178.
[796]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.403.
[797]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.72.
[798]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.415.
[799]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.280.
[800]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.544.
[801]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.516.
[802]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.280.
[804]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.397.
[805]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.72.
[806]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.415.
[807]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.280.
[808]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.328.
[809]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.538.
[810]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.225.
[811]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.328.
[812]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.230.
[814]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.281.
[815]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.540.
[816]Peretz,D.,The Middle East Today,p.329.
[817]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.409,p.517.
[818]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.543.
[819]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.517.
[821]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.528.
[822]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.284.
[823]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,pp.522-523.
[824]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.282.
[825]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.78.
[826]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.178.
[827]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.282.
[829]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,pp.412-413.
[830]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.284.
[831]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.543.
[832]Yapp,M.E.,The Near East Since the First World War,p.283.
[833]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,pp.184-185.
[834]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.570.
[835]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.517.
[836]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.564.
[837]Sachar,H.M.,A History of Isreal,p.383.
[838]Gilbar,G.G.,Population Dilemmas in the Middle East,p.18.
[839]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.73.
[840]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,pp.194-195.
[841]Owen,R.,A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century,p.196.
[842]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.171.
[843]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.566.
[845]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,pp.213-214,p.251.
[848]Gelvin,J.L.,The Modern Middle East:A History,Oxford 2005,p.273.
[849]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,p.566.
[850]Kamrava,M.,The Modern Middle East:A Political History Since the First World War,pp.235-236.
[851]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.240.
[852]Gelvin,J.L.,The Modern Middle East:History,p.275.
[853]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,p.249,p.252.
[854]Bregman,A.,A History of Isreal,pp.255-257.
[856]Ochsenwald,W.,The Middle East:A History,pp.578-579.