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[2]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:ix.

[3]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:5.

[4]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:1.

[5]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:2.

[6]白鲁恂在《政治、人格与民族国家建设:寻求认同的缅甸人》的第二章中详细列举了转型社会的17项特征:(1)政治未与社会、个人关系领域发生明显分化;(2)政党往往持一种世界性的观念,自认为代表全部生活方式;(3)派系盛行;(4)政治效忠的概念令政治领导人具有高度的决策自由;(5)反对党和雄心勃勃的精英往往以革命者的行动露面;(6)缺乏统一的沟通体系,政治参与少有整合;(7)新的力量大量、迅速地承担政治角色;(8)代际之间存在尖锐的政治取向分歧;(9)在政治行动的合理目标与手段上缺乏共识;(10)热烈而广泛的政治讨论与政治决策没有关联;(11)高度的角色转换性;(12)具有特定功能的、明确组织起来的利益集团很少;(13)国家领导人必须面向未分化的公众;(14)领导人在国际问题上的立场比在国内问题上的立场更鲜明;(15)政治情感与表达的重要性胜于解决问题或公共决策;(16)魅力型领导盛行;(17)政治过程的运行多半未有政治掮客参与其中。Lucian W.Pye,Politics,Personality,and Nation Building:Burma's Search for Identity,New Haven:Yale University Press,1962:15-31.


[8]Lucian W.Pye,Traumatized Political Cultures:The After Effects of Totalitarianism in China and Russia,Japanese Journal of Political Science,2000,1(1):115.

[9]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:viii.

[10]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:54.

[11]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:55.

[12]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:56.

[13]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:36-37.

[14]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:49.

[15]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:49.

[16]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:57.

[17]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:ix.



[20]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:6.

[21]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:6.

[22]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:58.

[23]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:62.

[24]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:63.

[25]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:63.

[26]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:64.

[27]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:64.

[28]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:12.

[29]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:13.

[30]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:16.

[31]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:24-27.

[32]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:29.

[33]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:30.

[34]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:30.

[35]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:32.

[36]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:67.

[37]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:81.


[39]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:33.

[40]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:88.

[41]Lucian W.Pye,Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority,Cambridge,Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:63.

[42]Lucian W.Pye,Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority,Cambridge,Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:65.

[43]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:85.

[44]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:91.

[45]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:93.

[46]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:97.


[48]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:86.

[49]Lucian W.Pye,Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority,Cambridge,Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:34.

[50]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:97-98.

[51]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:86.

[52]需要特别指出的是,白鲁恂不止一次地强调:中国人性格中对权威的态度与西方人的权威主义人格不完全相符。他认为,中国人既是权威主义的,又是反权威主义的。其中原因在于中国人始终保持着对权威的道德判断,以及对弹性的欣赏等。参见Lucian W.Pye,The Dynamics of Chinese Politics,Cambridge,Mass.:Oelgeschlager,Gunn & Hain,Pub.Inc.,1981:187。

[53]白鲁恂认为,尽管社会化的最终目的是成为自律的典范,但自律终究不能完全做到,对外在权威的需要因而也总是存在着。由于个人的自律非常依赖外在权威,如果出现权威的缺如,必定会危及人格自身。Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:97.

[54]Lucian W.Pye,The Spirit of Chinese Politics:A Psychocultural Study of the Authority Crisis in Political Development,Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1992:98.

[55]Lucian W.Pye,Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority,Cambridge,Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:24.

[56]Lucian W.Pye,Asian Power and Politics:The Cultural Dimensions of Authority,Cambridge,Mass.:Belknap Press,1985:182.

