首页 理论教育 农业专题传译练习


时间:2023-03-29 理论教育 版权反馈
【摘要】:(一)农业专题传译练习1.请完整听一遍短文Remarks on World Food DayLadies and gentlemen,World Food Day this year comes at a time of crisis.While the international community is focused on turmoi



Remarks on World Food Day

Ladies and gentlemen,

World Food Day this year comes at a time of crisis.While the international community is focused on turmoil in the global economy,I am extremely concerned that not enough is being done to help those who are suffering most:the poorest of the poor.

The structural problems that triggered this crisis have not been resolved yet.The current difficulties will only intensify if we fail to take resolute action now.

Food prices in parts of Haiti and Ethiopia are up to five hundred percent higher than normal.This means that a family that once was able to buy five bowls of rice is trying to survive with just one.The financial crisis could diminish purchasing power further still.

Even before the food crisis began,eight hundred million people were going to bed hungry at night.Now,a staggering nine hundred and twenty-three million people suffer from chronic hunger and under-nutrition.We see children who are stunted,pregnant women who are anaemic,and older people in frail health who simply cannot afford to buy the food they need.

The first Millennium Development Goal challenges us to halve hunger and poverty.To do that,we need a comprehensive approach to food security.Delivering emergency food aid and providing seeds and fertilizer remain essential.But we must also improve market access for millions of small-scale farmers.We must strengthen rural infrastructure,and create the conditions that will attract private investment.

I am convinced that we can do all of this,and save hundreds of millions of lives in the process.But in order to succeed,we need strong political will.

And we need it on a range of fronts.The food crisis is tied to high energy prices.And both are linked to the challenges of climate change and sustainable development.We have to confront these problems head-on.

Next month,at the Financing for Development Conference in Doha,Qatar,we will have an opportunity to make a real difference.Governments must make sure that the financial crisis does not undermine commitments to provide more aid and other financial resources for achieving the development goals and confronting new development challenges.

Over the past month,even in the midst of the financial turmoil,we have generated new momentum.At the General Assembly's High-level Events on Africa's Need and the Millennium DevelopmentGoals,awiderangeofpartners—Governments,nongovernmental organizations,philanthropists,academics,faith groups,businesses and others—joined forces.They used their ingenuity to come up with new ideas.They forged new partnerships,launched new initiatives,and committed new resources to accelerate development progress in specific and strategic ways.

We must maintain this momentum.Ultimately,when we ensure food security and support for those most in need,we lay the foundation for a future of peace and prosperity for all.

Thank you very much.



img20 World Food Day this year comes at a time of crisis.While the international community is focused on turmoil in the global economy,I am extremely concerned that not enough is being done to help those who are suffering most: the poorest of the poor.

img21 Food prices in parts of Haiti and Ethiopia are up to five hundred percent higher than normal.This means that a family that once was able to buy five bowls of rice is trying to survive with just one.The financial crisis could diminish purchasing power further still.

img22 The first Millennium Development Goal challenges us to halve hunger and poverty.To do that,we need a comprehensive approach to food security.Delivering emergency food aid and providing seeds and fertilizer remain essential.But we must also improve market access for millions of small-scale farmers.

img23 And we need it on a range of fronts.The food crisis is tied to high energy prices.And both are linked to the challenges of climate change and sustainable development.We have to confront these problems head-on.

img24 They used their ingenuity to come up with new ideas.They forged new partnerships,launched new initiatives,and committed new resources to accelerate development progress in specific and strategic ways.


img25 熟悉文本类型和相关句子结构,加强对源语文本的理解。该篇发言为纪念讲话,属演讲文本类型。其主旨突出(呼吁各国政府及各组织加强合作,采取行动,关注贫困现象,应对粮食危机),思路清晰,节奏明快(文本开始——粮食日的提出及对贫困人口的关注,文本发展——世界贫困现象的严重性及人们的努力会产生的效果,文本结尾——呼吁人们携手面对这一挑战),句子结构较为简单,语言简洁,易于理解。

img26 掌握与世界粮食日相关的知识与术语表达,如World Food Day(世界粮食日),food prices(粮价),chronic hunger(长期饥饿),under-nutrition(营养不良),stunted(发育不良),anaemic(贫血的),emergency food aid(食品救急),development goal(发展目标),comprehensive approach(综合措施),fertilizer(肥料),sustainable development(可持续发展),forged new partnerships(建立新的伙伴关系)等。

img27 传译时,语音应清晰,语调应自然,表达应流畅,应学会控制声音质量,不要过尖、过高或过于低沉。















